
Oakden whistleblower tells aged care royal commission her persistence lifted lid on abuse

Speaking up about suspected abuse in aged-care facilities can be “one of the building blocks to save people in the future”, despite the daunting nature of voicing concerns, Oakden whistleblower Barb Spriggs says.

Oakden - A shameful chapter in South Australia's history

Speaking up about suspected abuse in aged-care facilities can be “one of the building blocks to save people in the future”, despite the daunting nature of voicing concerns, Oakden whistleblower Barb Spriggs says.

Mrs Spriggs told an information session about the aged care royal commission, hosted by the Council of the Ageing, that her persistence not only “lifted the lid” on the abuse of her husband Bob, but others who had no one to speak on their behalf.

Mrs Spriggs’ reports of the physical abuse and over-medication her husband suffered at Oakden resulted in the eventual closure of the facility.

But Mrs Spriggs said blowing the whistle had come at “great personal cost to me and my family”.

PERSISTENT: Oakden whistleblower Barb Spriggs and her son Clive.
PERSISTENT: Oakden whistleblower Barb Spriggs and her son Clive.

Her son Clive told The Advertiser this year that Mrs Spriggs had no option but to step away from public appearances to deal with her grief and health issues.

“I’m still finding it hard even today but I know that my speaking out made a difference and I am glad that I did so,” Mrs Spriggs said.

“No matter who you are … you have the right and the freedom in Australia to speak out and keep speaking out until you’re heard.

“It may not, as in my case, save the person you loved from poor care but it will be one of the building blocks that could save people in the future.”

The royal commission on Thursday announced a preliminary public hearing would be held in Adelaide on January 18 next year.

Witnesses will be called to give evidence to the commission from February next year.

The commission, which will sit until October, will provide a final report by April 2020.

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