Oakden nursing home: Mental Health Minister stands firm as scandal erupts over mental patients
UPDATED: A joint committee relating to elderly abuse must force ‘cultural change’ to prevent the mistreatment of vulnerable people, MPs say.
- Colin James: Who’s to blame for Oakden nursing home scandal
- Oakden nursing home to be closed, incidents reported to police
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A CONGA line of former mental health ministers can’t remember being alerted to concerns over the Adelaide mental health service labelled a “hell hole” despite whistleblowers raising the alarm as early as 2001.
Mental Health Minister Leesa Vlahos on Friday stood by senior bureaucrats in the face of questions about why they did not act earlier to intervene in the “gross inappropriate conduct” at the Oakden Older Person’s Mental Health Service.
But SA Health chief executive Vickie Kaminski has warned of disciplinary action against more senior staff if allegations in the Chief Psychiatrist’s scathing report on the service were proven.
Last year State Parliament agreed to set up a special committee — called the Joint Committee on matters relating to Elder Abuse — dedicated to protecting vulnerable South Australians from abuse.
Speaking at Oakden Mental Health Facility on Saturday, Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent said it was time for that joint committee to force “cultural change”.
“We’ve seen a culture of cover up, we’ve seen lots of concerns being made and not being followed up substantially or adequately so we have an existing committee we think provides an adequate platform and necessary platform to look into those issues,” she said.
“So we’re calling today to make sure that committee will substantially look into the issues but at the same time keep that broad vision on the horizon for that broad culture change across the industry.
“While we hope what we’ve seen at Oakden is the worst, we certainly hope it doesn’t get any worse than that.
“(But) we’d be naive to believe these issues only happen at Oakden.”
Shadow Health Minister Stephen Wade said it was imperative the select committee identify what lead to the shocking behaviour at Oakden.
“Why weren’t management and ministers listening to the alarm bells as they rang for the last decade,” he said.
“We’re very concerned the state which is meant to be there to protect all citizens and particularly elderly South Australians could actually be the perpetrator of systemic decade-long elder absuse.”
The committee is also looking into complaints against Mitcham Residential Care Facility after Noleen Hausler’s revealed a covert video showing her then 89-year-old bedridden father Clarence being assaulted by a carer.
Eight staff have been stood down pending further investigation and 21 have been reported to the national health regulator for action.
It comes as another witness of the historic abuse at Oakden told The Advertiser that complaints to superiors failed to change the toxic culture of staff who regarded patients as “forgotten people” who “did not matter”.
Gumeracha enrolled nurse Cate Branscheid worked at the facility in 2001 before it incorporated aged care.
She raised concerns with the site manager but says they were ignored. Ms Brand and another nurse then made a complaint to the nurses board and documented the abuse they had witnessed.
“There was an attitude there that these were the forgotten people ... these people do not matter because they have mental health problems,” she said.
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency — which now handles nurse complaints — refused to comment on past complaints, citing “privacy reasons”.
The review of the Oakden facility by Chief Psychiatrist Dr Aaron Groves, released this week, found the service had “seclusion, restraint and rough handling practices ... transported from mid to late 20th century Glenside Hospital”.
Three incidents known to have occurred at the site in the past eight months have now been referred to police.
The report was initiated after the family of Bob Spriggs, 66, who was over-medicated and had unexplained bruises while staying at the home in 2016, blew the whistle.
Dr Groves discovered a culture of cover-up among staff and details unhygienic and unsafe conditions as well as excessive use of physical restraints, including jackets.
The Federal Department of Health backed the State Government’s plans to close the site.
In 2007, the facility’s Makk and McLeay wards failed 26 of the Commonwealth’s 44 health standards when sanctions were imposed on the site, which threatened its funding.
But the site passed the Federal Government’s audit in 2008 when not-for-profit aged care provider ACH Group became a partner at the site.
The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency on Friday defended its reaccreditation of the site in February last year because it was able to demonstrate it met all 44 expected outcomes.
A spokeswoman said that an unannounced review audit in February this year found some residents had been placed at serious risk which led to new sanctions.
Labor MLC Gail Gago was mental health minister when sanctions were first put in place in December 2007 but on Friday she said she only had the “vaguest of memories” of the site.
Former Adelaide MP Jane Lomax-Smith held the mental health portfolio after Ms Gago but she said she had “no recollection” about concerns being raised.
Former health minister John Hill, who was mental health minister between March 2010 and January 2013 said he could only remember issues around capital works funding.
“In my time the major concerns were around James Nash House,” he said.
A spokesman for Health Minister Jack Snelling, who held the portfolio until January last year, said: “No allegations or claims of elder abuse at Oakden were ever received by Minister Snelling or his office during the time that he was responsible for the Mental Health portfolio.”
Earlier, Opposition leader Steven Marshall has called for Minister Vlahos to resign, after she admitted her first visit to Oakden was in February this year.
Mr Marshall expressed heartfelt sympathies to the families of current patients, and deceased patients who were housed at Oakden.
“In some ways I hope they don’t read that report because it makes harrowing reading,” he said.
However, Ms Vlahos refused to bow to Mr Marshall’s calls to resign.
“I’m not stepping away from this issue, I am the one who stepped up and I am acting,’’ she said.
“I know that in the time since I have had this terrible dilemma brought to me that we have acted promptly and with the appropriate consideration for all the people on that site to improve their welfare.”
Ms Vlahos said the review by Dr Groves had been requested by Northern Adelaide Local Health Network chief executive Jackie Hanson in December after a family raised concerns with her.
When asked how many times Ms Hanson had been to the site, SA Health said she had “made a number of visits” but that there were more than 15 health sites across NALHA.
The report also revealed that Dr Groves had emailed senior Oakden staff in July last year about reducing the use of restraint and seclusion, to which he received no formal reply.
His 2015/16 annual report also noted the high incidence of restrictive practices in Older Adult Extended Care Services.
“While there were some times when episodes of restraint and seclusion were higher than expected in NALHN, I was given no indication of the wider systemic issues I uncovered in my report released this week,” he said.
Asked if any action was likely to be taken against Ms Hanson or Dr Groves for failing to take any action earlier over the facility’s treatment of its patients, Ms Vlahos said the pair had her full confidence.
“The Northern Adelaide health network is the one that brought this to my attention in December 2016 and, at this point, the chief psychiatrist Aaron Groves has not had any criticism of Jackie (Hanson) who is the CN of that network,” she said.
“The fact that anyone would even question his (Dr Groves) credibility of running an independent review, I found astonishing.”
The report also found there was a Human Resources practice of removing poorly performing nursing staff from elsewhere within the service and requiring them to work at Oakden as part of individual disciplinary procedures.
“It is completely inappropriate for any underperforming staff to be placed in specific areas and if these claims in the report are found to be substantiated, we will take immediate action,” Ms Kaminski said.
Neil Baron, who performed an independent evaluation on Oakden in 2008, called for the fingerpointing to stop and for both state and federal governments to take responsibility for the worst mental health service he had ever seen.
“One of the difficulties we had was when we tried to explain to people ‘it is a hell hole’ they wouldn’t believe us,” Mr Baron said.