
Nude Olympics make some waves at Maslin Beach

ANCIENT Olympic events may have been run in the nude but they didn't include sack racing, unlike yesterday's event at Maslin Beach.

ANCIENT Olympic events may have been run in the nude but they didn't include sack racing, unlike yesterday's event at South Australia's Maslin Beach.

About 300 people of all shapes and sizes turned up to compete and enjoy a day in the sun and nude.

From the very young to the more mature, the main point of difference was tan lines.

With events ranging from the sack race, three-legged race and frisbee throwing to the best bum competition, everyone was out to have a good time.

Regular Maslin Beach goer Sharon Rich judged the best competition and said she was looking for "shape, firmness" and a good visual.

Mrs Rich said there were fewer children at the beach than there used to be.

"A lot of kids that grew up young naturalists are grown up now and they're having their own kids and they've got a bit self-conscious," she said.

"Generally nudists, they really don't care about your physical attributes ... we're not model material, we're all just normal people."

Mrs Rich said she and her husband had never seen anything inappropriate at Maslin Beach in Adelaide's southern suburbs in 30 years.

"Most nudists or naturalists are very open, generally they aren't threatening in any way," she said.

"When non-nudists come down, they realise we're not so strange after all."

Organiser David Pillar said the event helped people realise that nudists were "nice friendly people just out having fun".

"It helps to raise awareness that we're not the bad people we're sometimes made out to be," he said.

"When you get nudists together people don't worry about what you look like ... it's the person inside that matters."

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