
New Royal Adelaide Hospital contractors plead not guilty to workplace safety breaches over 2014 crush death of worker

CONTRACTORS at the new Royal Adelaide Hospital site have told a court they will fight charges arising from worker’s crushing death, angering and frustrating the man’s grieving partner.

CFMEU state secretary Aaron Cartlege, left, and Pam Gurner-Hall, right, outside the Industrial Court. Picture: Roger Wyman.
CFMEU state secretary Aaron Cartlege, left, and Pam Gurner-Hall, right, outside the Industrial Court. Picture: Roger Wyman.

CONTRACTORS at the new Royal Adelaide Hospital site have told a court they will fight charges arising from worker’s crushing death, angering and frustrating the man’s partner.

On Thursday, counsel for Hansen Yuncken Leighton Contractors and subcontractor SRG Building (Southern) appeared in the Industrial Court.

On their clients’ behalf, they pleaded not guilty to multiple health and safety breaches surrounding the November 2014 death of Jorge Castillo-Riffo.

The case will now proceed to a two-week trial in February next year — a situation that has further frustrated Mr Castillo-Riffo’s partner, Pam Gurner-Hall.

Outside court, she told The Advertiser she was “honestly surprised” the company was prepared to fight the allegations.

“In all honesty, they’re paying more for their barristers and QCs than they would in a fine and that, to me, is frustrating and insulting,” she said.

“For Jorge there is no justice in this ... clarity, transparency and accountability is as good as we’re going to get.

“Jorge is ‘just’ the catalyst for this ... his story will not be properly told in this case ... where’s the justice in this?

“If someone can point out some sort of justice for Jorge in this, I would be really happy because I’m not seeing it.”

Mr Castillo-Riffo, left, and Ms Gurner-Hall, right. Image: Supplied.
Mr Castillo-Riffo, left, and Ms Gurner-Hall, right. Image: Supplied.

The workplace prosecution was launched after Mr Castillo-Riffo, 54, was crushed and died while working on a scissor lift.

SafeWork SA alleges multiple breaches under health and safety laws, including failing to provide a safe work environment, equipment and satisfactory management safety systems.

In February, 15 months after Mr Castillo-Riffo’s death, father-of-two Steve Wyatt, 63, died at the site after a similar incident involving a scissor lift.

On Thursday, Liesl Chapman SC, for Hansen Yuncken Leighton Contractors, said her client was pleading not guilty to all charges and was ready to proceed to trial.

David Edwardson QC, for SRG Building (Southern), agreed.

Ms Gurner-Hall, who was sitting in the public gallery, became visibly distressed when Industrial Magistrate Michael Ardlie discussed a trial date in May of next year.

However, following discussions with counsel, the matter was listed for a 10-day trial commencing on February 13.

Outside court, Ms Gurner-Hall said she wanted Mr Castillo-Riffo’s death to be the subject of a coronial inquest, but that could not occur until after the trial.

She said that, every time she drove past the new RAH site, “my heart rate goes up”.

“On every big construction site there is always some risk, but when you escalate that risk that’s when you have serious trouble,” she said.

CFMEU state secretary Aaron Cartledge said the not guilty pleas were “disappointing”.

“We now have a trial, and we hope all the evidence comes out, but it’s disappointing that management has taken this stance,” he said.

“This holds up crucial discussions about how we can fix the industry.”

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