
Liberal MP Terry Stephens to vote against State Government’s Mining Bill

An Upper House Liberal MP will vote against the mining Bill, the first time in nearly 20 years he’s crossed the floor.

"Unprecedented": Liberals cross the floor in SA mining vote

Veteran Liberal MP Terry Stephens is set to cross the floor for the first time in his nearly two-decade career over the State Government’s controversial mining Bill.

Following in the footsteps of four Liberal backbenchers who in July defied the State Government, Mr Stephens told parliament he did not support the Bill.

Farmers say the Bill gives them too few protections against mining companies accessing their land.

It moved to the Upper House after passing the Lower House in July.

Mr Stephens, who is earmarked to take over the role of President of the Legislative Council early next year, said “it is with a reasonably heavy heart” that he intends to vote against the Liberal Party for the first time in 17½ years.

“While being a lucrative and significant contributor to our economy, mining is finite,” Mr Stephens said.

Liberal backbenchers Steve Murray, Dan Cregan, Nick McBride and Fraser Ellis, join Independent MPs Troy Bell and Geoff Brock in July. Picture: Tom Huntley
Liberal backbenchers Steve Murray, Dan Cregan, Nick McBride and Fraser Ellis, join Independent MPs Troy Bell and Geoff Brock in July. Picture: Tom Huntley
Terry Stephens
Terry Stephens

“We cannot allow agriculture to suffer in the long term for short-term gain. In order to safeguard South Australia’s farmland, while also exploiting the wealth of resources we have beneath our feet, a balance must be maintained.

“I do not believe that this Bill goes far enough to protect our farmers and South Australia’s farmland.”

Mr Stephens said he had consulted with the agricultural and mining sectors about the particulars within the Bill since 2017, when legislation was introduced by the previous government.

“Farming groups understand the importance that mining plays in our state’s fortunes; however, they believe mining practices can be done in a way which safeguards the land so vital to their industry,” he said.


Last November: Four Lib MPs cross the floor on Mining Bill
April: Mining Bill ‘dead and buried’
June: Government to push ahead with controversial Mining Bill
July: Farmers to rally against Bill
July: Liberal MPs vote against State Government’s Mining Bill again

“On the other side of the table, the idea of amending sections of this bill has been further compounded with an independent review of the Mining Act being called for by the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy.

“When both sides see ample space for compromise, I do not see how I can support a bill which ignores it.”

Mining Minister Dan Van Holst Pellekaan downplayed Mr Stephens’ concerns.

“The Liberal Party respects the right of every member to vote with his or her conscience on every matter …,” he said.

In July Mr Stephens and Dennis Hood told The Advertiser they would also cross the floor to oppose the Bill in the Upper House.

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