
Labor’s Tom Koutsantonis is SA’s naughtiest MP

A Labor frontbencher has earned the wrath of Speaker Vincent Tarzia significantly more than anyone else — in fact, they get booted from Parliament once every three sitting days. Any guesses?

Part One: Koutsantonis and Knoll face off in fiery SA Estimates hearing

Labor frontbencher Tom Koutsantonis is South Australia’s naughtiest MP, booted from State Parliament by Speaker Vincent Tarzia once in every three sitting days.

Mr Koutsantonis is clearly relishing his second stint in opposition during his 21-year parliamentary career, being ejected by Mr Tarzia 19 times across 2018’s 53 sitting days.

He’s the MP, by far, that is the most regularly thrown out of the Lower House, well ahead of Liberal backbencher Sam Duluk, who was ejected 10 times this year.

Twenty MPs were kicked out of Parliament a total of 85 times, with five of them booted more than five times each.

Opposition MPs make up four-fifths of the ejections, expelled 69 times to the 16 handed out to government MPs.

Labor’s Stephen Mullighan (eight ejections), Chris Picton and Leon Bignell (seven each) were also frequently punted by Mr Tarzia.

Mr Tarzia issued 461 warnings and 207 second warnings, both necessary before an MP is kicked out.

Mr Koutsantonis said Mr Tarzia was “doing his best” but occasionally had to boot him to “protect the Liberal Party from intense scrutiny”.

“If I was in the Government I’d want me expelled from Parliament too,” he said.

“They don’t like the idea of a formidable opposition. They don’t like the pressure from me and Stephen Mullighan and it’s a deliberate practice to kick me out.”

Bad boys, bad boys: Labor’s Tom Koutsantonis ...
Bad boys, bad boys: Labor’s Tom Koutsantonis ...
... and the Liberal’s Sam Duluk.
... and the Liberal’s Sam Duluk.

Mr Tarzia said Mr Koutsantonis was “very enthusiastic”.

“The standing orders of Parliament support respectful debate intended to achieve outcomes,” he said.

“Applying the rules serves as a reminder for MPs to focus on their common goal of community improvement.”

Mr Duluk said Mr Tarzia’s interpretation of the standing orders is “very strict but very fair”.

“And I always respect his rulings gracefully,” he said.

But Mr Koutsantonis said Mr Duluk’s constant ejections were because he and Mr Tarzia were jousting to enter the Cabinet.

“My guess is they’re both vying for the next Cabinet position,” he said.

“Vincent Tarzia is from the moderate faction and Sam Duluk is from the Right so it doesn’t surprise me one bit that Sam has been kicked out a lot.”

No MP was booted from the Upper House by President Andrew McLachlan, largely because its standing orders mean ejected MPs cannot return that day, and ejection requires the consensus of a majority of the 22 MLCs.

By contrast, Mr Tarzia alone decides who he throws out, and for how long.

Upper House crossbenchers have been approached about a proposal for Mr McLachlan to have the option to boot MPs for a shorter period. Treasurer Rob Lucas has guaranteed it will happen only if it has the support of all parties.

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