
Koala contraception and kangaroo hunting plans suspended after SA bushfires

The summer’s devastating bushfires have prompted the State Government to suspend two schemes aimed at keeping rising koala and kangaroo numbers in check.

Before and after: The results of Australia's devastating bushfires

A program to curb escalating koala numbers – and another allowing hunters to target kangaroos on Kangaroo Island – have been suspended following this summer’s blazes.

The State Government says it has stopped both programs until it determines the full extent of the infernos, which have wiped out tens of thousands of animals.

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“The exact number of native animals impacted by bushfires on Kangaroo Island and Cudlee Creek is difficult to quantify and yet to be confirmed through modelling estimates and on-ground surveys,” acting National Parks and Wildlife Service SA executive director Brenton Grear said.

“We believe that a significant portion of koalas on Kangaroo Island have perished.

“As the entire Kangaroo Island koala population grew from 18 individuals introduced in the 1920s, we are confident that the population can recover from these devastating events.”

Kangaroo Island was home to about 50,000 koala before the fires.

Thousands of animals have either been killed or lost their habitat in the Kangaroo Island Fires. A lone Kangaroo on Playford Highway. Picture: AAP/Emma Brasier
Thousands of animals have either been killed or lost their habitat in the Kangaroo Island Fires. A lone Kangaroo on Playford Highway. Picture: AAP/Emma Brasier

In 2018/19, about 420 of the marsupials were implanted with contraceptives, and the State State Government was still planning this year’s contraceptive program when the fires hit.

The island was home to 66,000 KI western grey kangaroos before the fires, and 87,000 tammar wallabies.

Both were this month added to the list of species commercial shooters could target for the meat market.

Exceptional Kangaroo Island managing director Craig Wickham, who runs wildlife-based tours in the region, supported a review of both programs once “the dust settles” following the blazes.

He said they must be reconsidered along with the potential for overbrowsing of the remaining habitat.

“It’s quite likely that there’s additional pressure on the margins because animals did escape the fires,” Mr Wickham said.

He has travelled to the US for a four-week trip to speak to tourism operators about how much the island has to offer, amid a huge economic hit brought on by widespread cancellations.


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“We don’t want to see a slow burn of economic loss after the quick burn of the fire,” Mr Wickham said.

“There’s 2500sq m of Kangaroo Island that’s untouched.

“There’s people in areas unaffected that are suffering because people think the whole place is ablaze. But I’m quite positive that it’s going to bounce back – the local support has been unbelievable.”

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