

Former senator Rex Patrick begins campaign to be Adelaide Lord Mayor

A former senator has begun his campaign for election as Lord Mayor of Adelaide. He’s spoken out about his plan for the city.

Rex Patrick calls out ‘corruption’ in race to retain marginal seats

Former South Australian senator Rex Patrick has confirmed he will put his hat in the draw and run for lord mayor in the Adelaide City Council’s November election.

Mr Patrick first flagged his interest in the position last month, hours after his term in the senate ended.

Mr Patrick, who lives in Adelaide’s East End, said he was approached by someone “concerned about the city” within parliament about his suitability for the position, he told The Advertiser.

Former senator Rex Patrick lives in east Adelaide. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards
Former senator Rex Patrick lives in east Adelaide. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards

Mr Patrick, a former submariner, confirmed on Monday his campaign to be elected lord mayor would begin immediately.

His three-point plan involves a fully integrated 10 and 20-year city plan, creating a functioning council with accountability to residents and business, and focusing on liveability in the city.

“Right now we’ve got a council that is engaged in what I would call majority politics, and that is, there’s a group of people who … are engaged in winner takes all,” Mr Patrick told The Advertiser.

“I think that has to change, we have to try and work in the views of all the councillors, maybe having compromise in some areas but everyone deserves to be listened to. Everyone deserves the respect that comes with having been elected.”

He said it was important there was scrutiny on city developments.

“I think there could be much greater transparency associated with council. I have transparency in my DNA, there’s a number of things I’d like to do in terms of proposals coming forward to council, and making sure developers understand they have to be open and transparent in their proposals,” he said.

Mr Patrick said he has had many conversations with people within the council including councillors Alexander Hyde, Phillip Martin and Anne Moran.

“I’ve met a lot of people, and most people have been quite receptive to my interactions,” he said.

Phillip Martin had announced he would run for mayor in August last year, but on Monday withdrew his candidacy.

“Rex has a plan for our city, the commitment to creating a collaborative council and the skills to deliver,” Mr Martin said.

“I will now contest the election as a candidate for North Ward councillor in the knowledge that the city now has the chance to elect a lord mayor who’ll bring stability and vision to that office.”

Councillor Phillip Martin, pictured during a meeting of the Adelaide City Council, has withdrawn his candidacy for lord mayor. Picture: Brenton Edwards
Councillor Phillip Martin, pictured during a meeting of the Adelaide City Council, has withdrawn his candidacy for lord mayor. Picture: Brenton Edwards

Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor had not confirmed whether she would run in the next election.

“Of course I think that it’s an absolute privilege to be the Lord Mayor of a capital city so I’m very pleased that people see it in the high regard to which it should be held,” she told ABC Radio Adelaide on Monday.

“I was interested as to what Rex Patrick has put forward, which is the city plan which you will see is on our agenda tonight … so I’m pleased that he’s supporting the work that we’re already doing.”

SA Best MLC Frank Pangallo said Mr Patrick would bring “sorely needed leadership, stability and a fresh direction for the city”.

“The Adelaide City Council has for years been mired in toxic factionalism, petty bickering and divisive personalities which have really held back its progress,” he said.

“The ACC’s image has suffered as a result and this needs to be reversed and confidence restored to its primary functions and performance,” he said.

“Rex ticks a lot of boxes for this important role. He comes with no political baggage; he lives in the city and understands business – big and small – because of his own background in defence and also as a successful business operator himself; has campaigned strongly in federal parliament for transparency and accountability.

“He has excellent leadership credentials and communication skills that will rebuild the fractured and dysfunctional mess we’ve observed in city hall.”

Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor during Adelaide City Council meeting at Adelaide Town Hal in April last year. Picture: Brenton Edwards
Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor during Adelaide City Council meeting at Adelaide Town Hal in April last year. Picture: Brenton Edwards

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