
Former ministerial driver Barry Jeisman faced a ’serious injustice’ when stood down over David Ridgway’s blank time sheets affair, respected public sector elder says

A ministerial driver forced out over the blank time sheets affair – which this week cost minister David Ridgway his job – was the victim of a “serious injustice” and lost his family home, a former senior bureaucrat claims.

Three SA ministers resign from cabinet (7 News Adelaide)

A former ministerial driver was the victim of a “serious injustice” and bullied out of his job over the blank time sheets affair, a highly-distinguished public sector elder has warned.

The Advertiser can reveal that former Olympic Dam taskforce boss and ex-SA Commissioner for Public Employment Paul Case has written to Premier Steven Marshall voicing significant concern over the treatment of now-retired ministerial chauffeur Barry Jeisman.

He says the investigation and legal action, which has now been resolved with an out-of-court settlement to Mr Jeisman, could have been avoided and have cost the parties millions.

The Jeismans also lost their family home of 36 years during the ordeal, which included a demotion and legal battles.

The inquiry included interviews with a government investigations officer from the Attorney-General’s department. It is also alleged private investigators surveilled Mr Jeisman’s home.

On Saturday, it was revealed that former trade minister David Ridgway signed blank time sheets for Mr Jeisman before going on an overseas trip in 2016, and allowed him to ferry around other Liberal MPs while he was out of the country.

Liberal MP David Ridgway speaks to the media after revelations he signed blank timesheets for his former driver, Barry Jeisman. Picture: Naomi Jellicoe
Liberal MP David Ridgway speaks to the media after revelations he signed blank timesheets for his former driver, Barry Jeisman. Picture: Naomi Jellicoe

That incident sparked an investigation, and the driver was removed from duties in 2018 after the department deemed he engaged in “misconduct capable of bringing himself and the public service into disrepute”.

Claims against Mr Jeisman were that he billed for driving done while Mr Ridgway was out of the country, and that he started work at 5.30am to wash the car and earn more overtime.

Mr Case, who former premier Mike Rann described as “the embodiment of public service in its very best interpretation’’, wrote to Mr Marshall about Mr Jeisman on July 7 this year.

“I am writing to you to detail what I believe to be a serious injustice to a longstanding SA public service employee,” Mr Case writes.

“Barry Jeisman was forced to resign from the public service as part of a settlement in early July 2020, following a series of events that can best be described as unprofessional, bullying and disgraceful over a period of several years.

“The combined costs to all parties of these flawed proceedings will well exceed several million dollars all of which was unnecessary and unjustified.

“These events have cost them their family home of 36 years, their whole of life insurance policies ... and the sale of Mr Jeisman’s deceased father’s historic motor vehicle to cover massive legal bills.”

Mr Jeisman has now settled with the Government out of court for an confidential sum, heading off action in the SA Employment Tribunal where we was to argue the disciplinary action against him was “unjust” as it had been approved by people including ministers.

Mr Ridgway resigned on Sunday along with fellow former ministers Stephan Knoll and Tim Whestone, after they had been engulfed by the country members travel controversy.

Mr Ridgway had admitted to telling other Liberal MPs they could be driven by Mr Jeisman.

In an affidavit to the SA Employment Tribunal, Mr Ridgway described Mr Jeisman as “trustworthy, honest and courteous” anda man of utmost integrity.

“no other public sector employee should be put through such an ordeal”

Mr Case writes that the initial allegations were “relatively minor and would have been easily resolvable with some good human resource management practice and some specific guidance”. “Mr Jeisman should never have been suspended from his role as a chauffeur and should still be employed in that role today,” he writes.

“Accusations made against him were capable of early resolution if any of his managers had been prepared to have discussions.

“I have taken the time to outline the matters for your consideration and attention to ensure that no other public sector employee should be put through such an ordeal in the future.”

Court documents filed as part of a dispute between Mr Jeisman and the Government state he earned between $136,907 and $165,864 from 2014 to 2017, significantly above the base wage.

Treasurer Rob Lucas on Monday said the driver dispute had started under the reign of the former Labor government, and ex-department of premier and cabinet boss Don Russell.

Mr Lucas said an independent external consultant had been brought in, since the Liberals came to power, to review the driver dispute and confirmed the department’s findings.

He said there was no need for another inquiry or additional compensation.

“No, absolutely not,” Mr Lucas said. “With any disciplinary process which went on over a long period of time, you always have a look at lessons which might be able to be learned.

“When we had an independent review done, to see whether it had been fair and reasonable, the independent person supported the position of disciplinary action.

“We were prepared to have someone come in with a fresh set of eyes.”

In 2013, another former SA ministerial chauffeur who was stood down for using her minister’s car to collect cans and bottles for charity won a compensation claim for mental anguish.

The former Workers Compensation Tribunal found Rebecca Rammell was the subject of an “overzealous reaction” by superiors after picking up several bags of cans and bottles in 2010.

Judge Peter Hannon found she was “bewildered and intensely humiliated at what she perceived to be the injustice of the actions and the attack on her credibility”.

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