

Foreign Minister Penny Wong denies UN vote rewards terrorism

Foreign Minister Penny Wong has denied a UN vote that advances the cause of a Palestinian state is a reward for Hamas’ terrorism.

UN General Assembly votes in favour of Palestine membership

Foreign Minister Penny Wong has denied Australia has rewarded Hamas terrorism by its vote in the United Nations overnight that granted Palestine greater recognition in the assembly.

Ms Wong said it was a move towards a ‘two-state solution’’ that would lead to greater security for both Israel and Palestine, which was the “opposite of what Hamas wants’’.

“Hamas does not want two states,’’ the foreign minister said in Adelaide on Saturday.

“Hamas is a terrorist organisation dedicated to the destruction of Israel and of the Jewish people.

“That is why they are condemned and they must be condemned.

“I’ve been clear there is no role for Hamas in a future Palestinian state. A Palestinian state cannot be in a position to threaten Israel’s security.’’

Foreign Minister Penny Wong says Australia voted “yes” to greater recognition of Palestine at the United Nations overnight as part of broader support for a two-state solution. Picture: Asanka Brendon Ratnayake-Pool
Foreign Minister Penny Wong says Australia voted “yes” to greater recognition of Palestine at the United Nations overnight as part of broader support for a two-state solution. Picture: Asanka Brendon Ratnayake-Pool

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly overnight to approve the motion that advanced the cause of Palestinian statehood.

While the US and Israel were among nine countries to vote against the resolution, 143 voted in favour and there were 25 abstentions.

Australia’s ambassador to the UN James Larsen supported what he described as the “aspiration for full Palestinian membership of the United Nations”.

He said the resolution was “not what we would propose” but that it offered “unwavering support for the two-state solution of Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security within recognised borders”.

“Like many other countries, our vote for this resolution is not bilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood,” Mr Larsen said.

“Nevertheless, Australia no longer accepts that recognition can only come at the end of the peace process.”

Leading Jewish community figure Norman Schueler slammed the decision and said Ms Wong and the Australian government had “rejected’’ Australia’s Jews and the world had forgotten the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7.

“How on earth can they vote for terrorists, because that is what they are doing,’’ Mr Schueler said.

“They are voting for terrorists to have a state.’’

“The world seems to forget they slaughtered children, pregnant women, ripped them open. It’s totally unspeakable and inhumane what they did.’’

Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Daniel Aghion said it was a “sad and shameful day for all Australians’’.

“It will do nothing to free the Israeli hostages or break the grip of Hamas and alleviate the plight of Gazan civilians,’’ he said.

Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham accused the government of misleading Australians, undermining decades of bipartisan foreign policy support for a negotiated two-state solution, and “advancing the wishes of terrorists”.

Labor’s support for the resolution sends a shameful message that violence and terrorism get results ahead of negotiation and diplomacy,” he said in a statement.

Foreign Minister Wong stressed the decision did not formally recognise Palestine as a state.

She said, however, the government’s view had changed from believing a two-state solution could only be implemented after a peace deal had been achieved.

“We are open to recognition during a peace process, not the necessarily and only at the end of the peace process,’’ she said.

The vote could spark moves in Washington DC to cut off funding to the UN, because under US law, UN organisations cannot be funded if they grant full membership to groups that do not have “internationally recognised attributes” of statehood.

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