
Dial-a-bus services could help outer Adelaide suburbs which are missing out on frequent public transport

MORE than half the residents of Adelaide’s outer suburbs don’t live within walking distance of frequent public transport services and the problem could intensify as the city’s population approaches 1.7 million.

Adelaide tram explained

MORE than half the residents of Adelaide’s outer suburbs don’t live within walking distance of frequent public transport services and the problem could intensify as the city’s population approaches 1.7 million.

A new report says “dial-a-buses” similar to services which operate in Murray Bridge and the Barossa could be one of the solutions to improving public transport in the outer suburbs of capital cities.

The report was prepared by Infrastructure Australia, which provides independent advice to the federal and state governments. Residents in the outer suburbs were less likely to live within 15 minutes walk of frequent public transport services and faced longer commutes to work than people in the inner-band.

Infrastructure Australia policy and research executive director Peter Colacino said services which allowed residents to phone for a bus when they needed to go somewhere could help boost public transport gaps in the outer-suburbs.

A map showing travel times across Adelaide suburbs and hills.
A map showing travel times across Adelaide suburbs and hills.

“South Australia has been a quiet achiever in this space with the dial-a-ride services in regional areas,’’ Mr Colacino said “I love the idea of taking the experience there and trialling it in the suburbs.’’

Ride-share services, driverless vehicles and better public transport interchanges could also help make travel easier.

About one-third of Greater Adelaide’s residents live in outer-band suburbs. The population is expected to climb from 1.3 million to 1.7 million by 2041. One fifth of outer Adelaide residents travel more than 30km to work, compared to only 1 per cent of people in the inner suburbs.

Mr Colacino said more employment hubs should be located outside the CBD hubs of capital cities.

“We think that is something that governments should plan and prioritise,’’ he said.

Connected vehicle technology which uses the internet to provide drivers with detailed information on traffic conditions could also speed up travel times for people travelling from the outers suburbs.

Technology to provide drivers with detailed information on traffic conditions could speed up travel times.
Technology to provide drivers with detailed information on traffic conditions could speed up travel times.

State Transport and Infrastructure Minister Stephan Knoll said the new SA Public Transport Authority would look at how more people could be moved efficiently and cost-effectively. “We’ve already said that nothing is off the table as this new Government explores how to deliver better, more cost effective and customer focused public transport services for South Australians,’’ Mr Knoll said.

Public transport is cheaper to provide in more densely populated inner-suburban areas than on the edges of cities. Passenger fares only met about 21 per cent of the cost of public transport services in Adelaide, the Infrastructure Australia report found.

In Hong Kong, passenger fares meet 186 per cent of the cost of providing public transport services.

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