1/24Footy Show presenter Sam Newman was in his element with an inflattable shark jumping castle. Picture: Tait Schmaal.
2/24Fan Chris Groznik, 52, from Sellicks Beach at the match. Picture: Tait Schmaal.
3/24Shane Crawford evades a tackle and kicks a goal. Picture: Tait Schmaal.
4/24Brownlow medallist Shane Crawford playing for Aldinga against O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale at Aldinga Oval. Picture: Tait Schmaal
5/24The Footy Show presenter Sam Newman sings the national anthem. Picture: Tait Schmaal
6/24Fans take in the action at Aldinga Oval. Picture: Tait Schmaal
7/24Fan. Jason Quill from Aldinga Beach at the match. Picture: Tait Schmaal
8/24Fan Sharyn Ingram from Adelaide at the match. Picture: Tait Schmaal
9/24Young fan Max Pelling at the match. Picture: Tait Schmaal
10/24Danielle Baddeley from Hallet Cove at the match. Picture: Tait Schmaal
11/24Rebekah Clayfield from the TV show When Love Comes To Town takes in the game. Picture: Tait Schmaal
12/24Scoreboard attendant Elijah Webb was happy about the game. Picture: Tait Schmaal
13/2424.5.2014. Brownlow Medallist Shane Crawford plays for hapless Aldinga, against almost-as-hapless O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale at Aldinga Oval. Alexandra Davids , 23, Seaview Downs. pic tait schmaal.
15/24Shane Crawford talks to Aldinga Sharks team mates before the match. Picture: Tait Schmaal
16/24Shane Crawford talks passes on a few tips to his team mates. Picture: Tait Schmaal
17/24The action seems to be somewhere up above. Picture: Tait Schmaal
18/24Shane Crawford is tackled. Picture: Tait Schmaal
19/24Shane Crawford about to tackle an O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale player at Aldinga Oval. Picture: Tait Schmaal
20/24Some fans found a high vantage position to take in the action. at Aldinga Oval. Picture: Tait Schmaal
21/2424.5.2014. Brownlow Medallist Shane Crawford plays for hapless Aldinga, against almost-as-hapless O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale at Aldinga Oval. pic tait schmaal.
22/2424.5.2014. Brownlow Medallist Shane Crawford plays for hapless Aldinga, against almost-as-hapless O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale at Aldinga Oval. Sam Newman with an inflattable shark jumping castle. pic tait schmaal.
23/2424.5.2014. Brownlow Medallist Shane Crawford plays for hapless Aldinga, against almost-as-hapless O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale at Aldinga Oval. pic tait schmaal.
24/2424.5.2014. Brownlow Medallist Shane Crawford plays for hapless Aldinga, against almost-as-hapless O'Sullivans Beach/Lonsdale at Aldinga Oval. Shane Crawford kicks a goal. pic tait schmaal.
Conservationists are battling to save animals at an Outback reserve from the effects of the worst drought in recent memory, and have received a funding boost to redouble their efforts.