
Country Fire Service declares ‘catastrophic’ bushfire risk for Mt Lofty Ranges, Upper South East and Lower South East

SOUTH Australia is preparing for the worst bushfire conditions since the fatal Pinery blaze in 2015 - as the Mt Lofty Ranges and state’s South-East have been declared catastrophic zones. REPLAY: CFS PRESS CONFERENCE

Extreme fire danger for parts of South Australia

THE Country Fire Service is preparing for the worst bushfire conditions since the fatal Pinery blaze in 2015 — as the Mount Lofty Ranges and state’s South-East are declared catastrophic zones.

It is the first time in the 2017-18 fire season that multiple regions are assessed to be at risk of a “catastrophic” fire.

Total fire bans will be in place across South Australia from midnight on Friday, with temperatures are expected to soar past 40C on Saturday.

The Mid North and Yorke Peninsula regions have the second-highest danger level with the potential for “extreme” bushfires.

Emergency Services Minister Chris Picton said the state was facing a “very serious bushfire threat” on Saturday.

“At the moment it’s looking as though the weather events for tomorrow could be some of the worst weather for bushfire conditions since the Pinery bushfire,” he told media this afternoon. “This is being taken very seriously.”

The CFS has called in further resources from interstate, with two fixed-wing bombers arriving in Adelaide on Friday afternoon from New South Wales and a large helicopter from Victoria to be kept on standby in Mt Gambier.

EVERYDAY HEROES: CFS volunteers Victoria Bowman, Ted Watkins and Rianne Bowman from Brukunga on the fire pad at the CFS state training centre. PICTURE: Simon Cross
EVERYDAY HEROES: CFS volunteers Victoria Bowman, Ted Watkins and Rianne Bowman from Brukunga on the fire pad at the CFS state training centre. PICTURE: Simon Cross

CFS chief officer Greg Nettleton said Saturday’s forecast was a recipe for disaster — high temperatures, low humidity, strong winds and a high fuel load.

“It’s all there,” he said.

Live updates: South Australia police, fire, weather, public transport and emergency services

“We’re asking people to be very vigilant of what they do, especially out in the open.

“The one thing in our favour is that there’s no dry lightning forecast, so any fire would be caused by human activity.”

The Bureau of Meteorology, along with the CFS and MFS, will hold a press conference on Friday at 3pm to address safety concerns for Saturday’s fire danger ratings.


Temperatures will peak at 37C on Friday before soaring to a high of 41C on Saturday according to the weather bureau.

North to north-easterly winds of up to 35km/h are expected in the morning before the wind shifts to a south to south-westerly and increases to about 40km/h in the middle of the day.

On Friday, Mr Picton also announced the State Government would be creating a new CFS base in the Mid-North and would be contracting seven new aircraft for future bushfire seasons.

The additional aircraft — including two fixed-wing bombers, four helicopters and a high-speed intelligence aircraft — will take the SA fleet to 24.

“The new base and aircraft around the Clare Valley region will enable CFS aerial support to respond within minutes to fire outbreaks in the Mid-North,” he said.

“This has been based on advice from the CFS as to the area with the greatest need for additional resources.”

He said the cost to taxpayers would not be known until the tender process had been completed.

SA Power Networks says it will be monitoring weather conditions tomorrow and the potential impact on electricity supply.

Additional crews have been placed on standby if needed.

SA Power Networks is advising people to keep their mobile phones charged and a battery powered radio on hand, just in case.


■ Where fire ban districts have a forecast fire danger rating of Catastrophic, well prepared, well constructed and defended homes may not be safe during a fire. To ensure your survival you should leave tonight or early tomorrow morning.

■ Where fire ban districts have a forecast fire danger rating of Extreme, only well prepared, well constructed and actively defended houses are likely to offer safety during a fire.

■ Where fire ban districts have a forecast fire danger rating of Severe, well prepared and actively defended houses can offer safety during a fire.

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