
Coronavirus Adelaide: Live Q&A with SA’s chief public health officer Dr Nicola Spurrier

SA’s chief public health officer Dr Nicola Spurrier answered your questions on the coronavirus crisis in a 30-minute live video chat with The Advertiser – watch the replay now.

Chat live with SA’s Chief Medical Officer Nicola Spurrier. Photo: Mike Burton/ AAP.
Chat live with SA’s Chief Medical Officer Nicola Spurrier. Photo: Mike Burton/ AAP.

Dr Nicola Spurrier is spearheading SA Health’s response to the unprecedented coronavirus crisis and she answered your questions in a live chat with The Advertiser’s Andrew Hough at lunchtime on Friday.

Watch the replay here, or go to this link to watch it on Facebook.

Watch a LIVE Q&A with SA's Chief Medical Officer Dr Nicola Spurrier, hosted by The Advertiser's Andrew Hough.

Posted by The Advertiser on Thursday, 26 March 2020

Dr Spurrier was answering questions left earlier by readers in the comment box below.

She was unable to provide personal health advice or comment on the specifics of individual cases.

Read the transcript of the interview here:

Hough: Good morning and welcome to The Advertiser’s live Q&A with SA’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr Nicola Spurrier.

Dr Spurrier good morning and thank you for joining us and answering out questions, we know you are a very busy women but we very much appreciate your valuable time.

Dr Spurrier: No problems. Lovely to be here.

Hough: What we are going to do is a series of questions from our readers which I will ask to you and you can answer as best you can. We have had a flood of reader questions so I don’t think that we are going to be able to get through all of them today, but we will certainly do our best.

So I will start with our first question which is from Jo McCarthy.

Dr Spurrier do you believe we should be in lock down now regardless of the opinions of politicians? From a health perspective do you believe we should do this? We are staying home as much as we can, only doing grocery as needed but that causes me so much anxiety being in public.

What’s your thoughts on that?

Dr Spurrier: It’s a really good question, sort of a million dollar question really, and just in terms of the politicians I would just like to say that our politicians have been very open to listening to the advice of the medical experts.

Of course we are in a brave new world, we’ve not had something like this before and so you can imagine that it is an extremely difficult question.

The reason this it is very difficult is because the virus is not going to go away, we have already got it in Australia as do all of the countries in the world, so it is a matter of how we manage it.

The thing about doing a total lockdown, while it would have obvious benefits in terms of controlling the virus, it has enormous implications for the way our society works and many of the things that impact our health are actually those things that are in the rest of society like having an income, being employed, being able to do those sorts of things.

So if you look at the impact of having a shut down on the mental health of our community, on their ability to be able to cope in that sort of circumstance it would be such a huge thing.

The thing about a shutdown is it depends on if that will be going on for a couple of weeks or whether in fact we would be having that for a period of 6 to 12 months.

What the (AHPPC Australian Health Protection Principal Committee), have been looking at questions this on a daily basis and we have been weighing up all of those things, and weighing up what we could do as a society in Australia that would be sustainable for a 6 to 12 month period.

However as people are aware that the number of cases has been rising, certainly in South Australia. Its useful to take our data and have a really good look at it, because we have been testing more than any other state in Australia and probably amongst the highest anywhere in the world, and we have been testing more broadly. So we have a reasonably good handle on our amount of community spread.

So the question of when, first of all, if you are going to do a total shut down, when do you do that shut down? I would be agreeing that we wouldn’t want to wait for a total shutdown when we are in a situation such as being faced by the UK and I guess the thing is, when do we make that call? It is not something that we have put off the table, it is something that we are seriously looking at, and not just the question of shut down however, but the length of time that would be imposed for.

It would give us the opportunity to have more control over the situation and then there would be the question of working out how would we lift it.

The important thing for people to understand is that the virus is here, it’s not going to go away, what we are doing with the social distancing and closing business is basically giving us enough time to make sure our system is absolutely in place to deal with the increasing number of cases and the people that we are expecting to need our intensive care units.

Sorry that was quite long winded but the sort of question that there is no simple answer and I think there was an excellent article by Annabel Crabb that I read on the ABC which really explained the situation and those sorts of tough questions, if people are able to access it I would recommend it.

Hough: We are a broad church head here Dr Spurrier we are happy to mention anyone.

Another question from Nicolas: we often hear references made to no community transmission occurring or community transmission not being widespread. How is this confirmed when the criteria for COVID-19 testing was initially only for persons who had returned from overseas or close contact and how are we able to say there is community transmission or no community transmission when we aren’t testing in the community?

Dr Spurrier: We have been testing in the community since this all started some months ago, and what SA Pathology has done is every time someone has gone in to the doctor and the doctor has thought they have a respiratory illness, and this was a couple of months ago, when that swab was taken, and our laboratory had the capacity to do COVID-19 from the very start, they have running a COVID-19 along with other respiratory pathogens.

That is one of the reasons we have very high rates of testing in our community and SA Pathology has continued to do that. The reagent that we have been concerned about that has been in shortage is an extraction agent and it doesn’t really matter, it’s basically at that step of extracting it from the swab and it doesn’t matter then if we run the respiratory with the COVID-19.

That gives me a level of comfort about the amount of community transmission, but I want to reiterate at this point that what has happened in the previous two weeks, we will only start to see now in terms of our number of cases. So if we think back two weeks, this is when AHPPC was providing advice to the government about the social distancing and reducing the number of large gatherings, was just after we had our weekend of the Fringe, you might recall.

So how the society has behaved, our community has behaved in the last two weeks is going to be reflected in the next two weeks in terms of our number of cases. I just want to make that clear.

Hough: Dr Spurrier just a follow up question from myself, can you explain to our readers how the definition of how community transmission is made and how that differs from close contact or overseas travel.

Dr Spurrier: So community transmission is when we have a positive case that we can’t find where they got it from. The team that does this, they take a very detailed history, the same that you would give if you went to see your doctor. You would be asked a series of very detailed questions about where you have been and who you have had contact with.

Because we now have the database of everyone else in South Australia with COVID-19, it’s up to the team to try and make links with this other cases.

What we have found by doing that is that the majority of cases have come from overseas and we know that the rates are higher in a huge number of countries now. Interstate travel have been the ones that have been troubling us.

Not at all to criticise Victoria but they haven’t been able to do the level of testing we have been able to do here and we have had people from interstate now, they are technically community transmission, because there is no link from where they have been in Victoria or New South Wales. But for us we can tell that for us it is a known high risk group and we have been offering testing for interstate travellers fairly recently, and that is what I have been saying in the media, if you have had interstate travel and you have symptoms please come forward we want to test you.

Community transmission is when we cannot ascertain where someone has picked it up.

Hough: That then leads to a question from Blind Fred where he talks about the new cases that you talk about every day and you mention that a number of them come from cruise ships. His questions is why didn’t every single case get described in full; were there any from schools, hairdressers, shops, takeaway shops, public servants. Why can’t we get a full list of the new cases each day and the location of their infection?

Dr Spurrier: So we are also bound by privacy rules in South Australia. We are a health department. The same as if you went to a doctor you wouldn’t be expecting to have details that could in someway identify you. The sort of information that we are providing is when it is going to be of help from a public heath perspective in terms of making sure the population is as safe as possible.

However I would really like to be able to provide more detailed information. We have a fairly small database that has been fine up until now, when we have not had such a huge pandemic, but I want to be able to do is pull data from that and provide as much as possible to South Australians and we are working on that.

For example I would like to be able to report each day how many people have recovered from COVID-19 but it has been a matter of trying to work out how to pull that out of the health systems.

The Commonwealth have a series of heat maps and I have talked about that in the media. I have just had an update on that they should be up and ready to go Monday or Tuesday next week.

It’s actually very important for the public to have as much information as possible, and I Blind Freddy I am with you on this. The more information I can get out to you as a member of the public I will endeavour to do so.

Hough: As a general comment Dr Spurrier, for us in the media you have been doing an excellent job, as has your team in providing information in a timely fashion. We thank you very much for that.

That leads to the next question from Robert which is about a story that was in the newspaper this morning about these American tourists. Tell us how the American tourists whilst in quarantine gave your network the slip, moved around SA, travelled interstate and then boarded a plane and flew home. It says ‘well done, I think not’.

Obviously we welcome our readers questions, but Dr Spurrier what’s your response to that?

Dr Spurrier: I can give you a little bit more information about that. That was very unfortunate and we felt very irresponsible.

Those people had come from the US and had travelled from the eastern states and then a couple of them began to feel unwell. They went and got tested, but before we even had the test results, so that was even before my team were aware, they had left South Australia.

I was told by one of my team members this morning that we alerted the New South Wales people that they had actually come to New South Wales, but they ended up boarding a flight and getting out.

Basically we didn’t have the results and they had already left South Australia.

I can’t understand what would go through peoples head to do that. It has obviously put more people at risk because of that behaviour. I would certainly hope that people in South Australia would not do that sort of thing, that we are much better than that and above that sort of behaviour.

I am really confident that South Australian’s wouldn’t have done it.

Hough: Next question is from William, Dr Spurrier. Will doctors and nurses from other hospitals including country ones be redeployed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital and will other hospitals be taking coronavirus patients?

Dr Spurrier: What we are doing is, we are in the process of retraining some of our staff but also pulling in, asking for volunteers to come from our nursing in particular areas, to be trained or retrained, if they have previously worked in intensive care.

So definitely we will be looking at that.

Actually one of our issues at the moment is our country areas and our metropolitan areas in terms of our GPs are helping out. This is because we have a lot of locum doctors basically providing medical service to much of country South Australia and we are concerned about having doctors coming from other states where the testing regime is not as high and there potentially being a case in some of those rural towns.

Danny Burns who is our liaison GP has managed to get GPs to respond to that call and so at the moment it’s more the metro is supporting the country, but we will be shifting people around as we need to.

Hough: Question from Rebecca, Dr Spurrier. How does a hairdresser maintain social distancing while cutting a clients hair?

Dr Spurrier: That is a really good question. There are a lot of things that we can do if you get back to our first principles.

Basically to prevent COVID-19 from being transmitted you have to stop any contact with another person’s saliva or nasal fluids.

So if you go into a hairdresser, we want to have that social distancing and we only want a small number of people in that hairdressing salon.

When the hairdresser is doing the work what I would recommend is that you ring ahead, say you are going to wash your hair beforehand, so that means you are not going to be at the basin with the hairdresser, and that whilst they are doing the cutting they stand behind, and maybe you can reduce the amount of conversation you have as well.

You will then often get an optional blow dry, well I would be out of there without the blow dry. I would be in there for the treatment I needed and then out of there again.

Hough: Question from Garry. Hi Dr Spurrier, I run medical clinics and one of them provides significant service to international students. We need urgent help with doctor resources and PPE (personal protection equipment), who do we contact to get support?

Dr Spurrier: The way that the Commonwealth has been directing supplies for general practices is through our primary health networks. To help facilitate the co-operation between all these fairly complex organisational structures we now have the primary health network sitting with us in our department alongside our GPs.

My suggestion is you contact the primary health network and I would assume that you would get a response from them.

Hough: Thank you Dr Spurrier. The next question is from Sharon. If a work colleague is diagnosed with coronavirus, what is the recommendation for their close work colleagues?

Dr Spurrier: What happens is the diagnosis is made from the laboratory, sent to our communicable disease branch, the disease surveillance team.

It’s the responsibility of the GP who took the swab to follow up with the patient but because we want to make sure that there is no lag time, we will also contact the person who was testing positive and then we would take that debrief interview with that person. On the basis of that we would determine who was a close contact or not using the criteria.

Just to reassure people that we are quite a small team but we have quite a number of specialised doctors called public health physicians, they have done additional training like you would as a surgeon to be able to make these sorts of determinations. It’s not just somebody from an admin perspective saying we are following these guidelines.

A very detailed decision is made about who would be considered a close contact in that circumstance and then we would be getting the information of all of those people, in terms of contact details, and contacting them.

If we can’t get the details quickly we might do a public call out, and that is what we have done with airlines for example, if you have been on this flight for example, and we have not been able to get the information directly.

Basically if that has happened in the workplace that is the procedure. Workplaces also need to know about cleaning and we do have an infection control team that can also assist with that.

One of the things that I think will be helpful now for people in SA is that we have a 1800 number that is just for SA, and we have a way of working out which calls should go through to which area of our department. We were using the national health line but they have become completely overwhelmed. It was necessary for us to step up and have our own line, which I am a lot happier about.

Hough: Dr Spurrier if I could just jump in with a follow up question to that, are you happy, you have spoken about getting flight details out, are you happy with the information that you are getting about manifests, both is a timely fashion and the amount of information that you are getting.

Dr Spurrier: That has been difficult for us to be perfectly frank, but I know that the national incident room has been doing their very best. It is a very complex system. It’s a system that has always stood us in good faith, but to tell you the truth, now with the reduction in flights we are not dealing with it on the same scale.

I was given the heads up about a New Zealand flight coming in this morning. Now there will not be that many people on it, but presumably they will be returning Australian residence, but there may be some tourists as well. But I was able to get a call through my team to SAPOL and to biosecurity at the airport to ensure that we are able to meet that flight and process people, because every single person on that flight will now be in 14 days of quarantine.

Hough: Someone has asked what is the 1800 number to ring for any of our readers who may be concerned?

Dr Spurrier: It’s 1800 253 787.

The important thing with that, if you’ve got general questions and you’re thinking you might not be a case, if you’ve got general questions about COVID 19, you might be referred to the website but certainly please ring, we’re very keen to get feedback on that.

Certainly we are very keen for people who have symptoms and feel they need to get tested to ring through. The team on the line will be able to provide you with your nearest COVID-19 testing clinic.

Hough: Our next question is from Kat, she’s a teacher in a high school and she says I’m curious why we’re waiting another week to close schools. What’s your view about closing schools?

Dr Spurrier: I know this has become rather divisive in our community about whether to close or not to close.

The evidence that we have and I just wanted to reassure people listening in, because this is such an important question, I asked for an independent review of the literature, through a centre of excellence and innovation commission and they have liaised with SAHMRI, so our research institution, basically the findings of that evidence review are entirely consistent with the information that AHPPC have been given.

Basically its mixed, there’s not great evidence that early stage of a pandemic that closing our schools is necessary or indeed effective but this is, we’ve never had COVID-19 and the basis of this is looking at flu epidemics.

What I’ve been absolutely stoked with is the relationship we have with the Education Department in South Australia. Because the thing is, if you close schools for a prolonged period of time, 6 to 12 months, you’re interfering with a young child’s education, or an older child’s education for that matter and the impact of young people of not being able to have that structure in terms of their cognitive, physical and emotional development is really significant.

So there are many other things that I would say we shouldn’t be doing as a society before making a blanket rule on school closures.

Hough: We have a question from David and Annette. Overseas some countries and jurisdictions have more ICU beds and ventilators per capita and they’ve been overwhelmed, we’re talking Italy and the UK and others. How many ICU beds do we have in South Australia and how many ventilators do we have compared to the other states?

Dr Spurrier: So what we’ve been asked to do across all jurisdictions is to use modelling data that has been provided to us by some very clever mathematicians. So that is what was have done in South Australia.

We are considered to have a baseline of about 100 ICU beds so we’ve been asked can we double that? Well yes we can double that and in fact we can go higher than that.

That’s all well and good but at the same time we need to be dampening down the curb as much as we can because if we have everybody in this pandemic needing an ICU bed within a four week period, we would be in big trouble.

So it has to go hand-in-hand with all of the public health, the public tracing, the social distancing and the like, to be able to manage that in terms of our capacity.

So the way we’ve been able to look at our ICU capacity is to look at every other place in a hospital that you could use as an ICU room, so the recovery suites for example, operating suites, anywhere that you can have a ventilator and we’ve also been increasing the number of ventilators.

People might also be interested to know that there are some quite interesting inventions or innovative ways of looking at ventilators and we’ve put our hand up in South Australia to be able to trial that as well.

So while I can’t say I am ever 100 per cent confident in everything, I think that we actually are doing pretty well in South Australia with our ICU bed capacity as long as we can dampen that curve down, so that it doesn’t mean that there would be fewer people necessarily need that bed in ICU but it would means that it would happen over a longer period of time. We would then be able to provide that care to a larger number of people.

Hough: The next question is from David. First he says thank you for all that you are doing, and we get a lot of feedback to the newspaper that you and your team are doing a wonderful job. David lives in a country town and he would like to know how many affected people are in his area. Can this information please be provided.

Dr Spurrier: Yeah so that’ll be exactly what the heat maps are showing and I was hoping we would have them from the Commonwealth towards the end of this week, but I have just been told that it’ll be early next week.

Some of the smaller states haven’t wanted to go down to that level but I would actually like to provide the public with that sort of data because I think it’s very important, so you’ll be able to see, it won’t be the exact number but you will be able to see on a heat map the approximate number of cases we’ve had from different areas.

Hough: Question from Emily, thanks Dr Spurrier for the wonderful job you are doing, one: can the virus drift in the air into my backyard and infect my family and two: should I disinfect everything that comes into the house including fruit, veg, boxes, plastics, books etc.

Dr Spurrier: So the virus can’t drift in the air, it’s a droplet infection, so you do need to be a 1.5m or closer for 15 minutes with someone who has the infection. So you’re absolutely fine to go into your backyard, it can’t go drifting around.

Now in terms of things coming into your household, I recommend everyone generally should be washing fruit and vegetable just as a hygiene precaution at any rate, regardless of COVID-19.

Because this is a new virus, we don’t have an exact number of hours that the virus can stay live on surfaces but it’s basically hard surfaces that you could wipe down. I think it’s probably more important to be using hand hygiene and also to be wiping down touch points in your house so things like your door handles, light switches, things that a lot of people are touching on a regular basis.

Hough: Vivien asks with the limited movement encouraged, can my husband and I still travel to our beach house which is about an hour away from our home?

Dr Spurrier: What we’re trying to do is stop gatherings of people who wouldn’t normally gather together, so if you’re going in your private car down to your beach house, I don’t see that there’s any risk whatsoever, but when you’re down in your beach house, what I’d much prefer you to do is stay in your beach house, if you do need to go to the shops, go for a limited period of time and not be bringing other large groups of people into your household.

Hough: Amanda asks, hats off to you Dr Spurrier, you are doing a wonderful job leading our state. My question relates to auto-immune disease eg type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, MS and COVID-19. What do we know, is this group considered high risk and what is your advice to anyone with such a disease?

Dr Spurrier: Anybody who is immunosuppressed, whether that’s a disease or because they’re on medication, are certainly at higher risk and so if you are in this group, I hope you’ve already been to your GP some weeks ago to make sure your health is under control, and it’s really very important for you to stay as isolated as you possibly can from other people.

I can’t overemphasise that point.

Many of the hospitals and GPs are now able to do telemedicine and in fact, I work some of my time, but have had to unfortunately drop this at this point, but do paediatric clinics at Flinders Medical Centre. Flinders Medical Centre Pediatrics is now offering telemedicine appointments for patients and that means that those people who are in those high risk groups, because they’ve got chronic disease, are still able to get the care they need and the advice they need but in a safer way at this time. So I recommend that people do avail themselves to those opportunities.

Hough: Question from Peter, there was a small group of five of them who spent eight days out in the bush. None of group previously had any exposure to any potential risk. We are individually isolated since returning to Adelaide, but he asks is it acceptable to catch up with each other as a group for some interaction?

And I’ll also add to that, what can people do to maintain their social bubbles, so to speak at this point in time?

Dr Spurrier: I don’t know your particular circumstance, but if you’ve been told that you need to quarantine, then you do need to need to do that quarantining and that means in your own individual households and I know that’s a big ask but please do it and if you find after the 14 days you’re all well and good, then catch up then.

We are so lucky in this day and age because we’ve got the digital medium and there’s so many ways you can interact.

As the media already know, one of my kids had to be in quarantine, I’m very pleased it’s his final day today, but we have been able to keep in contact on a regular basis and we can do that by Facetime and I know that many young people are so inventive, they work out many ways of doing gaming online, being able to do university classes together online. My older son is a university student and they’ve been doing tutorial groups together and submitting pieces of work together so I would just say if you’re quarantined, keep yourself isolated during that period but make the most of digital technology.

Hough: I’m just paraphrasing this one from Warren who says his wife and him are fit and healthy 70 year old grandparents. They may be called in to look after their grandchildren because their children and husband are both teachers, is it wise or is there a risky age group that are more susceptible to this virus?

Dr Spurrier: No, children, generally with this virus, which is very unusual because most viruses the young are more at risk, seem to have very mild symptoms.

However they still can transmit the virus, so I can absolutely appreciate these grandparents thinking it is potential for these grandchildren to possibly bring the infection home.

It’s all on an individual basis and there are things that our young children can do to minimise the transfer of saliva and nasal secretions and we need to be teaching our young children, and this is in fact what our schools have really got on board with, teaching our children to stay apart, teaching them to wash their hands, if they’ve got a runny nose.

Certainly if one of the kids are ill, don’t have them around the grandparents but there are many things we can do.

Honestly, young children are very good at learning new things and I would be making sure you teach them all of those things.

Hough: We’ve got our final question, what is the incubation period before the person shows symptoms?

Dr Spurrier: There’s a range, we’ve had very short incubation periods in some situations and then longer incubation periods, we’re basically saying it’s 14 days.

Some countries have reduced that and it’s all based on the data that we’ve got from China.

Eventually once we’ve got all our data analysed in Australia, we may be able to refine that but we’re basically saying 14 days and there’s good evidence, there’s enough evidence to also recommend that the 24 hours before somebody becomes symptomatic is also an infectious period.

Hough: Is there anything you would like to say to our readers that we might not have touched on during this Q&A?

Dr Spurrier: I’d really like to thank everyone in South Australia for being so stoic in these really difficult times.

When I have left my building and have seen all of the shops shut and the businesses, I really do feel for everybody who have experienced in some way, shape or form, all of the limitations we have had to put in place.

Just be really kind to each other, be patient and if you can follow our instructions around both the hygiene, the social distancing, trying to reduce the amount of travel you’re doing and if you’re in quarantine, following all those instructions, we’ll be really grateful.

In terms of following up contacts of cases, if you’re ever filling in a form, can you please write your phone number clearly and an email address clearly or give us two phone numbers because we spend an enormous amount of time trying to work out people’s handwriting and trying to chase up those phone numbers.

That’s all from me today, I hope you have a good weekend but can you please try to minimise that amount of social gathering that you do, stay out of the shops if you can and stay healthy and well.

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