
Climate Change forum in SA: How the state can turn crisis into opportunity and innovation

Hundreds of people gathered at the University of Adelaide on Monday night for an update on climate risks and opportunities, in a world teetering on the edge of enormous change.

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The increasing social and economic threats of climate change should be used to drive innovation and position South Australia as a world leader in tackling the problem.

That’s the view of University of Adelaide Professor Seth Westra, who last night joined other academics, politicians and business leaders to address a climate change forum in Adelaide.

Prof Westra, the university’s associate dean of research and innovation, said climate change created many questions that needed answering in the hope of finding solutions.

“How do we start making decisions when we know the direction of change, but don’t know how severe the change will be?” he said.

“How do we design our energy systems, water supply systems or agricultural systems to be resilient and robust in the face of potentially significant but highly uncertain changes?”

It sounds like a daunting task. But Prof Westra believes there is an opportunity for South Australia to create successful agricultural developments in the face of water scarcity, becoming the “bellwether” state for the rest of the world.

“We are already the driest state in the driest continent, we have among the highest needs to innovate,” he said.

“We are already the driest state in the driest continent, we have among the highest needs to innovate.” - Prof Seth Westra
“We are already the driest state in the driest continent, we have among the highest needs to innovate.” - Prof Seth Westra

“We have to be clever, we have to innovate our way through this challenge – and I think we can. Often innovation and invention comes in the face of having to overcome obstacles.”

Prof Westra said his presentation at Monday night’s Climate Update 2019 event at the University of Adelaide was a “little bit bleak”.

But he also wanted to be optimistic about how we can turn this crisis into an opportunity.

He said Sundrop Farms, near Port Augusta, was a good example of what can be achieved by using solar-powered desalination to overcome water scarcity.

“The costs of renewable energy will decrease eventually, opening up a whole range of opportunities for agriculture in water-scarce environments,” he said.

“South Australia’s agricultural productive land is very marginal, so a temperature increase combined with a big decline in rainfall would be catastrophic.

“Yet we are pioneers in many agricultural technologies, including breeding drought-tolerant wheat varieties to cope with harsh conditions.”

A temperature increase combined with a further decline in rainfall would be catastrophic for agriculture in rural South Australia.
A temperature increase combined with a further decline in rainfall would be catastrophic for agriculture in rural South Australia.

Australian National University’s Climate Change Institute director Professor Mark Howden said the threat from global warming was building momentum. “The climate system is changing, and changing very fast,” he told The Advertiser on Monday.

“Our understanding of the climate system is also changing, and changing very fast.

“But our responses are lagging behind, both in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in adapting to the changes we’ve already seen.”

Prof Howden argued that “each half a degree matters, each year matters, each choice matters” – and it’s not too late to make a change for the better.

He’s motivated by “the importance of getting it right for the next generations”.

“I don’t think it’s right that we give them a world in worse shape than the one we inherited,” he said.

It might be too late for that.

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There’s no doubt the world is warmer, by about one degree on average since pre-industrial levels so far.

The Paris Agreement calls for nations to unite behind a plan to keep warming within 1.5C because that will be bad enough. Two degrees is far worse, and warmer still is unthinkable.

Australia has committed to reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

It’s an economy-wide target, meaning that Australia must tackle emissions from all sectors including electricity, stationary energy, transport, agriculture, waste and land use.

“When we actually look at how we’re going, Australia’s emissions over a several-year period going back to about 2012 have gone up pretty consistently,” Prof Howden said.

“Whereas to actually achieve our Paris Agreement goals, we need to actually reverse that and start going down.

“At the moment there’s no indication we’re going to actually do that.

“There’s no evidence the policy portfolio in place is turning those emissions around to achieve the 26 to 28 per cent reduction, they’re still going up.”

On Monday the Climate Council released a joint statement co-signed by 28 individuals who have “collectively devoted 600 years to climate and energy issues”.

It explains how quarterly data, released by the Federal Government, shows Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution has been rising for four years in a row.

And that Australia’s emissions projections, again published by the Federal Government, show we are not on track to meet the 2030 emissions reduction target.

The Climate Council also says the 2030 target is inadequate.

Labor’s federal climate change and energy spokesman Mark Butler seized upon the statement to make a political point ahead of his opening address at Monday night’s forum.

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“The Morrison Government’s own data shows carbon pollution levels have been rising since the election of Tony Abbott as prime minister, and emissions will continue to rise all the way to 2030,” he said.

“Only Labor has a plan to invest in renewables and tackle climate change, with our 50 per cent renewables target by 2030 and emissions reduction target of 45 per cent by 2030.” He explained that while Australia doesn’t feature in the top 50 nations by population, we are one of the top 15 in terms of total greenhouse gas emissions.

“We are, per head of population, the most significant emitter of greenhouse gases in the OECD. We do matter in this global challenge,” Mr Butler said.

“Not only does Australia feature in the top 15 of aggregate greenhouse emissions, a recent Red Cross study showed Australia is in the top 10 nations in the world in terms of the cost of natural disasters – a cost which is starting to increase very substantially.”

Businesses and shareholders are also feeling the costs.

ASIC conducted a review last year into the steps businesses took to inform shareholders of their actions on climate change.

ASIC Commissioner Cathie Armour, who spoke at Monday night’s event, said disclosure practices were found to be “fragmented and inconsistent”.

“The existing law actually requires corporate directors and senior management to consider climate change risks and opportunities, and it also requires them to make disclosures,” she said.

“There are rights investors have that they can pursue if they made an investment based on a disclosure that was incorrect and it was key to their investment decision. They could also take action against the company.”

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