
Catholic pedophile Ronald William Hopkins 'to die in jai'l

A FORMER Catholic school teacher and serial paedophile could now die in jail after a further 15 months was added to his non-parole period.

A FORMER Catholic school teacher and serial paedophile could now die in jail after the District Court imposed a further 15 months on his non-parole period.

Ronald William Hopkins, 75, was today sentenced for sexually abusing two male students while he was a teacher in the 1980s.

Hopkins, who has incurable cancer, is currently serving a 10-year sentence for abusing five other male students around the same period.

The latest offences came to the attention of police last year.

Today Judge Steven Millsteed extended his sentence by two years and added a further 15 months to his non-parole period.

In sentencing he described Hopkin's actions as "despicable'.

"Your offending was serious and despicable and involves a grave breach of trust," he said.

Judge Millsteed said Hopkin's selfish actions came at the expensive of his victims - both of who attended the same school as four of his five previous victims.

Hopkins had pleaded guilty to two charges of indecent assault, one count of unlawful sexual intercourse act and inciting a child to commit an indecent act.

In 2006, Hopkins was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment - with a seven-year non-parole period - for five counts of unlawful sexual intercourse, five counts of indecent assault and one count of gross indecency.

Had he committed no further offences, the earliest he could be released was May next year.

He now faces release in August 2013.

Hopkins has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and told his illness is incurable.

Previously the court had heard his lawyers ask the court that he spend his last years with his family.

That was rejected today by his extended sentence.

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