
Anything to declare? Search a database of the interests of every South Australian member of parliament

It’s their information — but it’s your right to know. How to use The Advertiser’s handy MP gifts and spending tracker.

Anything to declare? Explore what gifts and expenses your MP has declared.
Anything to declare? Explore what gifts and expenses your MP has declared.

It’s their information — but it’s your right to know.

Under law, and in the interests of transparency, members of State and Federal Parliament are required to lodge statements declaring their financial, professional and political interests, the receipt of gifts and hospitality — and any other interests that could give rise to a conflict of interest with an MP’s public duties.

To help you explore the data, and as part of our Your Right To Know campaign, The Advertiser has built a interactive tool to let you explore the interests declared by every South Australian MP since their election to office. It is exclusively available to digital subscribers.

*This tool was first published in October 2018 but was updated on January 15, 2019 with the latest available information.

What does the tool let me see?

The tool lets you see the gifts, hospitality, income, employment, land holdings, shares, investments, directorships and memberships of political, trade and professional associations declared by every South Australian member of parliament — both state and federal and both upper and lower house.

Who owns what. MP expenses register.
Who owns what. MP expenses register.

How do I use the tool?

Use the handy filters at the top of the page to customise your search so you see:

► All MPs, state and federal

► Just state or just federal MPs

► MPs by political party

► MPs by upper or lower house

What do the coloured dots mean?

You can also use the content filters to see which MPs have declared interests in a particular category. That’s the bar with the coloured dots under every MP’s picture. The filled dots mean an MP has declared an interest in a particular category, the hollow dots mean they have not declared anything against those categories. The content filter helps you sort them all quickly.

What if I want to see all the interests my MP has declared?

Easy. Just click on the MP’s picture to expand a panel, where you can see all the interests declared by that MP, in all the available categories.

What information is not included in the tool?

The tool is designed to give you the most up-to-date snapshot of an MP’s interests. Accordingly it does not show interests that an MP may have declared when they were elected, but which they have since deleted in updates to their return — for example, if an MP bought shares in BHP in 2016 but sold them in 2017, this will not appear on in our version of the tool.

If this is public information, why are you only making it available to subscribers?

Although this information is all on the public record, it is time-consuming and complicated to source. It has taken a team of Advertiser journalists weeks of work to accumulate and crosscheck the data. The financial contribution of our digital subscribers allows our newsroom to invest the time and resources to bring you this sort of important public interest journalism.

Enough talk — go and explore the information here!

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