
Adelaide vegetarian says hidden bug inside his Hungry Jack’s burger deserves an apology, or at least a response to June email

AN Adelaide man grabbing a quick snack at the airport says a wriggling bug in a Hungry Jack’s burger left his stomach churning ... but what really annoyed him was the fast-food giant’s response to his complaint.

Burger that literally gives you nightmares

BALI belly is a risk for many travellers, but an Adelaide man says a squirming bug in a Hungry Jack’s burger left his stomach turning well before takeoff.

Vegetarian Mitch Ford claims he spied the live bug after ordering a Veggie Whopper deal from Adelaide Airport’s Hungry Jack’s outlet.

Mr Ford, 24, was preparing to fly to Bali with friends when he says he realised his meal was moving more than a burger should.

“I was halfway through and had a look and saw something moving, and this little bug was still kicking in the middle of the burger,” Mr Ford said.

Mitch Ford says his veggie whopper, from the Adelaide Airport Hungry Jack’s, contained a live bug.
Mitch Ford says his veggie whopper, from the Adelaide Airport Hungry Jack’s, contained a live bug.

After taking the burger back to the counter, Mr Ford said the female staff member did not seem shocked or particularly apologetic.

“She just quickly threw it in the bin and asked if I wanted a refund for the burger or the entire meal, so she gave me a refund for the meal,” he said.

The alleged incident in June prompted Mr Ford to email Hungry Jack’s management upon his return from Bali.

Mr Ford said he expected some form of apology or acknowledgment from Hungry Jack’s — but more than four months later he says their response has been similar to the sound of crickets.

“The email was just explaining exactly what happened and I have had no reply, I probably thought they might apologise or something like that or say they were going to investigate it a bit further,” he said.

Mr Ford said the lack of any response from the company had prompted him to contact The Advertiser after remaining silent for months.

“Maybe they have a lot of emails or maybe they were trying to sweep it under the carpet, I’m not sure, but I was at Melbourne Airport last week and it reminded me so I thought ‘stuff it’,” he said.

Mr Ford said the near-miss has not made him wary of hidden extras inside takeaway meals and doesn’t check each burger before tucking in.

“I probably should but I don’t, I think it is a bit of a one-in-a-million chance,” he said.

“I’m not sure how it got in there, if it was in the waiting bay part where the burgers go or what but it was still alive.”

Hungry Jack’s has been contacted for comment.

Thai Food Market Sells Edible Bugs to Tourists. Credit - darrenb3 via Storyful

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