
Adelaide flu crisis — everything you need to know to avoid getting sick this winter

South Australia is on track for its worst flu season on record. Here are some practical tips to help guard you against getting sick this winter.

SA Health Flu Campaign

South Australia is on track for its worst flu season on record. Here’s everything you need to know about the flu, the practical steps you can take to avoid getting sick and where to turn if you need help or more information.*


Influenza cases year-to-date (to July 6, 2019).

There have been 19,964 influenza cases notified to SA Health’s Communicable Diseases Control Branch compared with 1547 at the same time last year.

18,628 cases (93%) have been influenza A.

There were 5930 influenza cases in total in 2018, and 28,486 in total in 2017.

There have been 82 influenza related deaths reported to CDCB in 2019.

All but five of these have been in those aged 65 years and over.

Of the reported influenza related deaths, 19 people died in April, 50 people died in May, six people died in June, and three people died in July.

There have been 86 influenza outbreaks in residential facilities this year reported to CDCB (80 in residential aged care and three in other residential facilities).


Five influenza-related deaths at this time last year.

14 influenza-related deaths for 2018.


19 influenza-related deaths year to date in 2017.

124 influenza-related deaths in total for 2017.


The flu virus is spread when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes small droplets that contain the virus into the air where they may be breathed in by people nearby. Infection may also be spread by contact with hands, tissues and other infected articles.

A poster from SA Health’s “flu stops with you” campaign.
A poster from SA Health’s “flu stops with you” campaign.


Symptoms include:

■ rapid onset of fever

■ headache

■ muscle aches

■ fatigue

■ sneezing

■ runny nose

■ sore throat

■ cough

■ nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea in children.

Most people recover within a week, although the cough and fatigue may last longer. Flu is much more serious than the common cold. It can lead to pneumonia (lung infection or inflammation) and other complications, and even death, particularly in:

■ people aged 65 years and over

■ pregnant women

■ young children

■ people with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease.


Pregnant women are more likely to have severe complications from the flu, especially in the second and third trimesters. While the flu virus does not cross the placenta and infect the baby while in the uterus, the high fever and any chest complications caused by flu can be potentially harmful to the baby. Because of these risks, a doctor may recommend antiviral medication for pregnant women with the flu.

There is no evidence that the antiviral medications used in Australia to treat flu are associated with adverse effects in pregnancy. Similarly, women may continue to breastfeed while taking antiviral medication. The best protection for the mother and baby is for the pregnant mother to have the flu vaccine, which is safe and funded at any stage of pregnancy.


Not all people with symptoms need to be tested for flu. The diagnosis may be suspected on clinical symptoms and examination (especially during the flu season) and may be confirmed by laboratory testing of mucus from the back of the nose or throat.


(time between becoming infected and developing symptoms)

Incubation is 1 - 4 days (average of 2 days).


(time during which an infected person can infect others)

Usually from 1 day before onset of symptoms until 7 days after the onset of symptoms. After 5 days the level of infectiousness is probably very low, however some people, especially children and people with weakened immune systems, might be able to infect others for a longer time.


Most people recover with rest, drinking plenty of fluids and use of paracetamol for the relief of pain and fever. Aspirin should not be given to children under 12 years of age unless specifically recommended by a doctor.

People with moderate or severe illness, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and those with chronic medical conditions may benefit from specific antiviral medication. This can reduce duration of symptoms by about 1 day and prevent some of the more serious complications of flu, but is only effective if commenced within 48 hours of illness onset.

Antiviral therapy may sometimes be used to prevent infection in close contacts of people with flu, such as vulnerable household contacts. A contact is any person who has been close enough to an infected person to be at risk of infection themselves.


Seek medical advice if:

■ shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

■ confusion

■ symptoms are getting worse

■ you are concerned about the symptoms

■ children are unable to keep fluids down because of vomiting

■ children show signs of dehydration (dizzy on standing, passing less urine than usual).


Protect yourself and those around you. If you have cold or flu symptoms, don’t be a hero – stay home and avoid exposing vulnerable people (like young children and older people) to illness.

If your child has cold or flu symptoms (e.g. coughing, sneezing, fever), they should be kept home from school or childcare.

For more information visit the Flu symptoms, treatment and prevention page.


Did you know hands spread 80% of common infectious diseases?

The influenza (flu) virus, and other potentially harmful airborne illnesses that flourish in winter remain present on hard surfaces for 24 to 48 hours and tissues for only 15 minutes. In winter, low air temperatures mean that droplets of the virus can remain airborne for far longer.

Being struck down with a cold, the flu or gastroenteritis is unpleasant and disruptive.

You can reduce the risk of getting sick or passing infections on to others by following these simple rules:

WASH your hands regularly

WIPE down frequently touched surfaces

COVER your coughs and sneezes

For more information visit the Wash, Wipe, Cover page.


Keep at least one metre between you and people who have flu-like symptoms.

The infectious period for flu time during which an infected person can infect others) is usually from 1 day before symptoms appear until 7 days after symptoms appear. After 5 days, the level of infectiousness is probably very low, however some people, especially children and people with weakened immune systems, might be able to infect others for a longer time.


Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a highly infectious viral illness caused by influenza A or B viruses. It affects the nose and throat and may also affect the lungs.

Influenza is much more serious than the common cold. It can lead to pneumonia and other complications, and can be fatal. For more information see Flu symptoms, treatment and prevention.

In 2017 in South Australia 124 people died of flu-related complications and over 28 000 suffered from confirmed cases of the illness.

People aged 65 years and over, pregnant women, young children (6 months to less than 5 years of age), people with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease, and Aboriginal Australians (6 months of age and over) are particularly vulnerable. These groups are all able to access free influenza vaccinations in South Australia. Protect yourself and your family – get vaccinated. For more information visit the SA Health Flu Information page.

Influenza vaccines reduce the risk of getting influenza, and reduce the severity of influenza. As immunity from vaccination decreases over time, and the influenza virus is constantly changing, the vaccines are altered each year to provide protection against currently circulating strains of the virus, therefore vaccination is required every year.


To receive the annual flu vaccine contact your doctor, local council, community health centre or Aboriginal health centre to arrange an appointment. Flu vaccines for those greater than 16 years of age who are not eligible for free vaccines can also be accessed through approved pharmacies.


More winter wellness tips

■ If you have cold or flu symptoms, don’t be a hero – stay home and avoid exposing vulnerable people to illness.

■ Maintain a balanced diet – get your recommended two and five serves of fruit and vegetables every day.

■ Stay hydrated (opens in a new window) – drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day and ensure you increase this when exercising.

■ Get at least ten minutes of physical activity every day.

■ Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

■Encourage your colleagues and friends to be safe this winter – download SA Health’s Winter Wellness resources here.

*Information courtesy of SA Health.

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