
50 caught drink, drug driving on SA roads on Australia Day

ALMOST 50 motorists were caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol on South Australian roads on Australia Day.

ALMOST 50 motorists were caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol on South Australian roads on Australia Day.

Police set up driver testing sites across metropolitan Adelaide and in rural areas on Thursday as part of Operation Stop Drink/Drug Drive.

Officers detected 29 drunk drivers and 20 drug drivers.

The highest drink driving readings were recorded by a 38-year-old Thorngate man (0.211) and a 49-year-old Watervale man (0.217).

Meanwhile, a 19-year-old P-plater, from Kurralta Park, recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.159.

Expiation notices will be issued to the 20 drug drivers pending forensic analysis of their results.

Of those caught, a 24-year-old Blakeview man was arrested at Semphore for driving without a license and providing false details to police.

Inspector David Kyriacou, officer in charge of the Road Policing Section, said results were concerning.

“Police are extremely disappointed with the results of this operation as a large number of motorists chose to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, putting not only themselves at risk but also everyone else on the road,” he said.

“This risk-taking behaviour will not be tolerated and police will continue to work hard to take motorists showing no regard for the safety of themselves and others off the road.”

During Operation Stop Drink/Drive, police conducted 4807 alcohol tests and 176 drug screening tests; impounded 13 cars; issued 20 immediate loss of licenses and 13 defect notices as well as 31 fines and cautions.

Officers also handed out expiation notices to eight drivers for speeding past police conducting driver testing.

SA Police reminded motorists they needed to slow down to 25km/h when passing an emergency vehicle with flashing blue and red lights.

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