
Thug permanently injured from punching shop window

Drunk and fresh out of a fight, this Queensland teen released his anger by smashing a window of a business with his right fist. Minutes later, he'd collapsed and nearly bled to death.

Post office window smashed

DRUNK and fresh out of a fight, Alex Williams released his anger by smashing a window of a business with his right fist.

The 19-year-old made headlines in October for the volatile act on the Torquay Post Office, which was captured on CCTV.

His actions outraged the local business community, who expressed at being sick and tired having to clean up after young partygoers every weekend.

Alex Williams, 19, leaves Hervey Bay Magistrates Court. He was fined after pleading to one count of wilful damage.
Alex Williams, 19, leaves Hervey Bay Magistrates Court. He was fined after pleading to one count of wilful damage.

Williams was charged with wilful damage over event, which he has has pleaded guilty to in Hervey Bay Magistrates Court.

The young man wore a cast on his right hand at the court appearance for injuries sustained from lashing out at the window.

The court heard he nearly bled to death that night.

After the regrettable punch on the shop front, he left a trail of blood on the street, which dribbled from a deep laceration on his forearm, before collapsing on the ground.

Off-duty nurses, who were having drinks nearby, rushed to his aid after he collapsed on the ground and an ambulance was called.

Window smasher in court

He sustained a permanent loss of feeling in his pinkie, received about 30 stitches, and severed a tender in his wrist.

The Chronicle understands he was not at any licensed premises prior to the offence.

The apprentice boilermaker currently was not working as a result of his injuries.

He was convicted and fined $750. He was also ordered to pay $604.80 to fix the window.

When approached by the Chronicle outside court for comment, Williams expressed an apology to the Torquay Post Office.

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