
Po's friendly and lively despite two years tied to a pole

It was clear to these Queensland inspectors that Po had spent a considerable amount of time walking around in circles - there was only bare earth where the neglected border collie had been tethered for two years. 

GOING NOWHERE: Po the border collie cross was found tethered to a clothes line and in poor health.
GOING NOWHERE: Po the border collie cross was found tethered to a clothes line and in poor health.

RSPCA inspectors found a friendly and lively dog named Po tied to a Hill's hoist in an Ipswich back yard.

There was only bare earth where the neglected border collie had been tethered for two years.

It was clear to inspectors that Po had spent a considerable amount of time walking around in circles.

Po's owner Blanch Vogler, 43, from Eastern Heights, was charged with two offences under the Animal Care and Protection Act.

Vogler, who did not appear in person, was found guilty in Ipswich Magistrates Court of failing to provide appropriate living conditions for her pet between December 1, 2017, and January 13, 2018; and failing to provide appropriate treatment for injury.

The RSPCA prosecutor sought a Prohibition Order be made against Vogler that she not have animals in her care for two years.

The court heard the mother of four had medical issues, received Centrelink benefits, and was being cared for by her mother.

On January 15 last year, an RSPCA inspector visited the Eastern Heights property to investigate after being told a dog had been kept tethered in the back yard for two years.

Po was frequently tangled by his tether. The dog was surrendered to the RSPCA and medically examined by a vet.

He was found to have a high temperature, and was suffering from infected ears and mild dental disease, though the vet also noted he had a lovely nature. Po was treated and has since been adopted into a new home.

Magistrate Robert Walker noted Vogler had failed to attend court in January and again this week.

"I commend the work of the RSPCA which deals with these confronting situations. It is rewarding when a good outcome is achieved," Mr Walker said.

Mr Walker fined Vogler $2500 and ordered that she pay vet expenses of $293.48, and the $99.55 cost of the summons.

He ordered that half of the fine must be paid to the RSPCA.

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