
‘No words’: Coast mum dies from sudden heart condition

A Sunshine Coast mother has died after what she thought was a bout of sickness turned out to be something a lot worse.

Kathy Kucuk has tragically died after losing her battle with a rare heart condition, leaving behind her husband and 14-month-old daughter.
Kathy Kucuk has tragically died after losing her battle with a rare heart condition, leaving behind her husband and 14-month-old daughter.

A SUNSHINE Coast mother has died after what she thought was a bout of sickness turned out to be something a lot worse.

After going to hospital on November 15, Kathy Kucuk, a new mother and business owner from Noosa, was told she had a rare virus that was attacking her heart, causing inflammation and disrupting the pathways that signalled the heart to beat properly.

The condition, known as viral myocarditis, accounts for up to 20 per cent of sudden deaths in young adults.

Kathy was rushed to Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane and underwent five surgeries in just two days.

She was on life support for over a week before she lost her battle and died on Monday.

"No words could ever do your spirit justice. You were loved. You are loved. Forever and ever," sister-in-law Rachael Welch said.

With her husband and 14-month-old daughter left behind, a GoFundMe has started to support the family through the difficult time.

"Our beautiful Kathy was a healthy ... 34-year-old, young mother," Ms Welch said.

Close family and friends have been making their way to Brisbane from around Australia to support the family since Kathy was hospitalised.

Kathy and her husband are originally from Ireland and Turkey, and will have immediate family members who will need to fly to Australia.

"Not in a millions years would we have ever dared consider this would be the reality," Ms Welch said.

"It breaks us to know her baby daughter can't be with her mother."

The GoFundMe has raised more than $27,000 since it started.

To donate, visit

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