
Incredible images of CQ fire zones from the air

Scenes of devastation and triumph from the emergency zone

Fire at Mount Larcom Ambrose area.
Fire at Mount Larcom Ambrose area.

HAVING grown up in Rockhampton, I expected to cover a few floods during my time at The Morning Bulletin.

Along the way, a few cyclones have also been thrown our way and summer bushfires are always expected.

But, like many people, this week has been beyond anything I've seen in Rockhampton.

There's been a building sense of foreboding as the temperatures have risen, building to an almost apocalyptic sense of dread on Wednesday.

By the time I came back from my lunch break, we were facing a disaster of potentially catastrophic proportions.

I'm sure I echo the sentiments of everyone when I say how grateful I am for everyone in the emergency services who faces these dangers head on for us and may be the only reason we avoided such a tragic outcome.

It was a surreal experience to be reporting on fires, the scale of which I had before only ever witnessed in news coverage of far away places.

However, the most shocking scenes we saw as we flew over the fire zones were those homes which came so close to the flames.

Take a look at our view from the sky, shot by Allan Reinikka.




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