
Bikini-model mum blows 0.17 with children in car

A bikini-model mother is staring down jail time after she drove her two young children and another woman while nearly four times the legal alcohol limit.

HIGH READING: Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.
HIGH READING: Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.

A BIKINI-model mother is staring down jail time after she drove her two young children and another woman while nearly four times the legal alcohol limit.

The strong smell of alcohol was noticed on Kristin May Schmidt's breath by a good Samaritan who helped her load a pram in the Stockland Caloundra carpark.

Concerned, the woman called police who pulled Schmidt over about 15 minutes later on nearby Regent St with her children, aged seven and two, in the back seats.

Schmidt blew a blood alcohol concentration of 0.17 and admitted to police she had drunk large glasses of wine and a can of Canadian Club spirits before she was caught driving about 5pm.

Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.
Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.

The 28-year-old pleaded guilty in the Caloundra Magistrates Court to driving under the influence on November 14.

The court heard Schmidt was on a five-year suspended prison sentence for trafficking, dealt with in the Supreme Court of Queensland in Brisbane in August last year.

Schmidt's licence was also disqualified for four months in 2014 after she was caught driving while nearly twice the legal limit, 0.96BAC.

Defence solicitor John McDonald told the court Schmidt was a "struggling" single parent to a child with autism, and the relationship with the father of her youngest child had recently broken down.

Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.
Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.

He told the court on the day Schmidt drunk drove, her most recent ex-partner had made "harassing" voice and Facetime calls, and accused her of being in a relationship with another man.

Magistrate Stephanie Tonkin said it was a "miracle" Schmidt did not seriously injure herself, her children, passenger or other road users given her judgment would have been "severely affected".

Schmidt has a Year 12 education, but was unemployed and boarding with her mother and stepfather, who supported her in court.

Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.
Caloundra woman Kristin May Schmidt, 28, drove her two young children and another woman while dangerously intoxicated.

Since she was caught, Schmidt had been in the care of a psychologist who Mr McDonald said gave a positive review of her progress.

A conviction was recorded and Schmidt was fined $1200 and disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver's licence for 11 months.

Magistrate Tonkin ordered Schmidt appear before the Supreme Court in Brisbane on a date to be notified in relation to her suspended prison sentence.

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