
The Advertiser Editorial, June 18, 2018: Time for new deal to drive city’s future

SOUTH Australians have united to campaign long and hard for lucrative projects at Osborne’s naval shipyard.

Valdman’s view for June 18
Valdman’s view for June 18

SOUTH Australians have united to campaign long and hard for lucrative projects at Osborne’s naval shipyard.

More than a decade ago, The Advertiser spearheaded a successful campaign for air warfare destroyers to be constructed there, arguing this best served the national interest.

Likewise, The Advertiser championed an Adelaide build for the nation’s $50 billion future submarine fleet, even when there were moves from the nation’s highest office to build them in Japan.

Backed by leaders from across the political spectrum, our state was successful in securing the project to construct 12 submarines, along with another program to build nine frigates.

Preparations have already started to create the necessary infrastructure and start training skilled workers for the multi-generational shipbuilding effort.

But the challenge now is to ensure the benefits of these transformational projects spread well beyond the shipyard and across the suburbs and towns of South Australia.

With this in mind, The Advertiser today strongly endorses moves to forge a City Deal, like those already developed for Townsville, Launceston and Western Sydney.

These aim to bring together the three levels of government, the community and private enterprise to create partnerships to accelerate growth and job creation, stimulate urban renewal and drive economic reforms.

Adelaide’s CBD and suburbs, in particular, are uniquely placed to be able to deliver on these measures and benefit from the targeted spending a City Deal would unlock.

PwC research unveiled by The Advertiser today convincingly shows a City Deal should be spread widely, across industry sectors, but focused on the unique defence opportunity. As PwC argues, this can transform Adelaide’s housing, transport and infrastructure to support the growing industry and influx of workers.

The time is ripe for a substantial new City Deal to build on Adelaide’s strengths and forge lasting prosperity.

Time for answers

ALMOST six years have passed since the entirely preventable murder of Lewis McPherson, and yet SA Police remain silent about their repeated failure to stop his drug-addled killer.

In February last year, the Coroner’s Court found police knew Liam Humbles was armed but were inadequate in following up on that worrying information.

Commissioner Grant Stevens said he would conduct a policy review with the aim of revealing changes within six months.

Wednesday will mark the 18-month anniversary of that pledge which remains, to date, unfulfilled. It is beyond concerning to think police are responding to a tragic, fatal lack of follow-up by failing to address criticism adequately, and in a timely manner.

That is not only exasperating, it further traumatises Lewis’ still-grieving family and friends.

They have lived with the burden of his loss every day for six years and will feel no sense of closure unless and until police failings are addressed and corrected.

It is unconscionable for those charged with our protection to act in so callous a manner toward victims.

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