

Master political stuntman Nick Xenophon launches his biggest gamble

A MASTERFUL political showman, Nick Xenophon is hoping to spring his greatest political party trick by leading a third political force to drive deep and lasting change in South Australia.

Nick Xenophon is a masterful political showman.
Nick Xenophon is a masterful political showman.

A MASTERFUL political showman, Nick Xenophon is hoping to spring his greatest political party trick by leading a third political force to drive deep and lasting change in South Australia.

The nation’s foremost independent politician, Senator Xenophon is relying on his extraordinary popular support transferring to candidates in about 20 seats, at sufficient levels to secure his SA Best party the balance of power after next March’s state election.

Their prospects are bolstered by an international groundswell away from major parties to populist, pragmatic candidates. Senator Xenophon has staked out this turf and, for the past 20 years, South Australians have continued to vote for him, in both state and federal parliaments.

His stunning decision to leave federal parliament, where he has won a reputation as a wily deal-maker, is a high-stakes gamble with potentially huge consequences either way.

If his ambition is realised, Senator Xenophon will hold the whip hand when policy is shaped during the campaign, as major parties start dealing for SA Best’s crucial support. In the likely event of a hung parliament, Senator Xenophon would turn kingmaker, starting talks with the party which had secured the most seats, matched his policy principles and waged a fair campaign.

Maintaining independence by eschewing Cabinet positions, he would then hold the government to ransom by threatening to cut support if his pursuit of openness and accountability is not followed. But there is no guarantee that lofty opinion poll numbers will be maintained, once candidates come under scrutiny.

Mayo MP Rebekha Sharkie arguably only won for the Nick Xenophon Team last year because of Liberal Jamie Briggs’ self-imposed woes.

Senator Stirling Griff is a highly capable organiser but leading a Canberra team when not even in federal parliament presents enormous challenges.

Then there is the risk Senator Xenophon will be seen as cutting and running before the High Court ditches him. Either way, state politics just got extremely interesting.

VIDEO: Watch Xenophon’s shock announcement at

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