Douglas Smith: Whatever you call it, Australia Day is our most divisive day
WHY does Australia continue to celebrate its most divisive day? Fremantle has moved its celebrations to January 28, renaming it ‘One Day’ — and I take my hat off to them, writes Douglas Smith.
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WHY does Australia continue to celebrate its most divisive day? The City of Fremantle has changed the date of its celebrations to January 28, renaming it ‘One Day’.
I take my hat off to them for taking the initiative in moving this country forward. It is time the rest of the nation followed suit.
Australia Day, Invasion Day, Survival Day. Whatever you call it, January 26 is either seen as a day for non-indigenous Australians to celebrate the founding of Australia or for Aboriginal people to mourn dispossession and slaughter.
Australia is probably the only western nation in the world that continues to celebrate its foundation on a day which marks the beginning of an invasion by colonists who attempted to eradicate a country’s true inhabitants.
Aboriginal people and non-indigenous Australians now celebrate the day separately. Across the nation, Aboriginal people hold Survival Day celebrations while the rest of the country officially celebrates Australia Day.
Take this week as an example of this divisiveness, when Senator Pauline Hanson said “there’s no definition to what an Aboriginal person is”.
Well, Ms Hanson, here is one definition. For me January 26 is a day that I, as an Aboriginal person, feel only comfortable celebrating with other Aboriginal people or non-indigenous people who understand what the day means to me and my people.
It is a day for us to mourn our ancestors and celebrate our survival.
If anyone thinks Australia Day is for everyone, put yourself in an Aboriginal person’s shoes. Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable celebrating a day that marks the beginning of your country being taken away through invasion and genocide.
Yes, they are grim words, but they are the harsh realities which have scarred generations of Aboriginal people.
When Aboriginals are told to “get over it” and move on because it happened over 200 years ago, it is like Aboriginal people telling white Australians to forget about the Anzacs and how they died fighting for their country. That’s what happened to my people. They died fighting for survival on their homelands.
Since it was first recognised as Australia Day in 1935, January 26 has been nothing but a divisive stain on the moral fabric of this country. How can we expect to move forward as a nation if we are still living in the 1930s or 1700s for that matter?
This divide will exist until we can all agree on changing the date to a day that will see everyone come together to celebrate a common purpose.
Every year around January 26, too many people take to social media to express their thoughts on the day. All I see is a revolving door of people arguing back and forth.
What will non-indigenous people really miss out on if the date is changed to two or three days later or to an even more significant date for that matter?
The National Australia Day Council says its mission is to ensure Australia Day is inclusive of all Australians. It wants everyone feels part of the occasion and that all perspectives on Australia Day are respected. It needs to start delivering that outcome.
As for January 26 being recognised as our national day, the council says it can do nothing about changing the date. It was chosen by the Government and remains a matter for the Goverment.
Maybe one day, if Australia becomes a republic, that date could become the day when Australians of all backgrounds celebrate our new-found independence, creating a new and more inclusive Australia Day for all.
I want to celebrate this country and all the positives about it just as much as the next person. But I will never feel socially included in celebrating our nation’s modern birth until we can come together on a day that truly represents all ethnicities and cultures.
Douglas Smith is an intern journalist with The Advertiser