
Morrison Government doesn’t have the guts to tell the truth on climate change

Nothing seems to scare a Liberal MP more than a green movement led by hell-preachers with fire in their eyes and ashes between their ears. The government’s cowardice is making us less safe and more stupid, writes Andrew Bolt.

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When will Morrison government ministers get the guts to tell the truth to green fanatics?

Their cowardice is making us less safe and more stupid.

Take the government’s fear of telling the truth about nuclear power. On Tuesday our Chief of Navy admitted that the 12 new submarines we’re getting France to build for $50 billion might eventually include ones driven by nuclear power.

Vice-Admiral Michael Noonan said “at this point in time, I believe that they will be conventional submarines”, driven by diesel engines.

But that could change “bearing in mind that by the time we deliver No 12 it will be 2055.”

See the madness here? We won’t have the last of these 12 submarines for another 36 years.

Has anyone asked China to wait for 36 years to give us a fighting chance?

One reason for that astonishing delay is that the French design the government picked is actually of nuclear-powered submarines which must now be completely redesigned as diesel because Australia is nuclear-phobic.

Never mind that nuclear-powered submarines tend to be faster, stay underwater longer and travel further.

Extinction Rebellion protestors eat coal at a ‘Last Supper’ in the moat of the NGV. Picture: David Caird
Extinction Rebellion protestors eat coal at a ‘Last Supper’ in the moat of the NGV. Picture: David Caird

Forget that, because Australians of the protesting kind are convinced that nuclear is satanic and hideously dangerous and our politicians don’t have the guts to tell them the truth.

Virtually no minister dares point out that nuclear power is safe, green and with low emissions and to ban it here is nuts.

None dares point out that the known death toll from the Chernobyl nuclear explosion in 1986 is not the 250,000 once claimed by the Australian Conservation Foundation but fewer than 100.

And none dares say, wait, Australians might actually be safer if our new subs were powered by nuclear engines — and maybe had nuclear weapons, too.

In fact, Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price freaked when asked to confirm that some of our new subs might be nuclear powered: “No, that’s not an option for the federal government.”

Why not?

But nothing seems to scare a Liberal MP more than a green movement led by hell-preachers with fire in their eyes and ashes between their ears.

Look at the paralysis of government ministers as child protesters now weep about the end of the world and wild-eyed adults block city roads to “save” us from this global warming extinction.

We have a zealot like retired Admiral Chris Barrie shrieking that we’ll face “food shortages” from global warming; but Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie won’t calm the panic by saying, no: world grain crops this decade have actually set records.

Extinction Rebellion protesters blockade the corner of Spring and Collins Streets before facing arrest. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Extinction Rebellion protesters blockade the corner of Spring and Collins Streets before facing arrest. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

We have the Conversation, a website backed by 34 of our universities, wailing that “climate change is bringing a new world of bushfire”; but Prime Minister Scott Morrison won’t point out that a NASA study shows that land burned by wildfires has instead dropped by a quarter in 18 years.

Worse, Morrison implies the exact opposite, claiming global warming is “one of many factors” behind recent bushfires here.

For a perfect example of this fear of speaking the truth, check out Water Minister David Littleproud. Last month he did make one small gesture of defiance to the warmist mob by pleading ignorance: “I don’t know if climate change is man made.”

Shock! Such heresy could not be left unrepented.

The media piled onto Littleproud, who was forced to grovel in parliament to the green gods: “I’m prepared to accept what our scientists are telling us.”

But even that ritual incantation was not enough for Fran Kelly, one of the ABC’s fiercest global warming preachers.

On the ABC’s Insiders last Sunday, Kelly demanded a more specific declaration of faith: “The Treasurer (Josh Frydenberg), who was with you this week, conceded the drought is linked to climate change …

Littleproud cowered: “So do I.”

Shame on both those ministers.

In fact, the claim they’d agree to repeat — “the drought is linked to climate change” — is exactly not what “our scientists are telling us”.



Professor Andy Pitman is no sceptic and heads the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Yet even Pitman concedes that “as far as the climate scientists know, there is no link between climate change and drought” and “no reason a priori why climate change should make the landscape more arid”.

But even our Water Minister does not dare tell the truth about the lack of water: that drought is not caused by global warming.

An irrational green faith is rampant and this government does not dare contradict it.

Worse, it’s on its knees, pretending to pray.

Originally published as Morrison Government doesn’t have the guts to tell the truth on climate change

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