
Andrew Bolt: Donald Trump slurs a sick projection of dictatorial Left elite

The media Left is panicking that Donald Trump could become US president again, so what can they accuse him of this time to make voters hate him?

Trump dominates Biden in humiliating recent polls

The media Left is losing its mind. Smell the panic: Donald Trump could become America’s president again.

Sure could. Trump is leading President Joe Biden in the polls and this week triumphed in the first state vote of Republicans to choose their candidate for the November election.

In fact, his winning margin in the Iowa caucus was twice the previous record, with Trump winning 51 per cent of vote.

That’s given Trump freak-outs in the media a real problem. What can they accuse him of this time to make voters hate him?

Smearing him as a Russian puppet and a racist, sexist, lying, thieving rapist didn’t work.

Even hitting Trump with 91 criminal charges – all laid by prosecutors and district attorneys of the Democrat party, accusing him of everything from trying to overturn the last election to bad bookkeeping – hasn’t stopped him.

It’s almost as if American voters are seeing Trump as the victim of a lying media and dangerously politicised judicial system that badly needs a smack.

Mainstream media outlets are pumping out nonsense about Donald Trump. Picture: Getty Images
Mainstream media outlets are pumping out nonsense about Donald Trump. Picture: Getty Images

So the next tactic is the most hysterical yet. It’s to accuse Trump of wanting to become a dictator, and mainstream media outlets are pumping this nonsense.

NBC ran this headline: “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House”.

The Washington Post went with: “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable”.

What a sick projection of a dictatorial Left elite.

What’s truly “dictatorial” are Democrat judges in Colorado and a Democrat secretary of state in Maine banning Republicans in their states from voting for Trump to be their candidate.

Then there’s the FBI using fake claims from a Democrat-financed dossier to falsely accuse Trump of colluding with Russia.

Oh, but Trump led an “insurrection” on January 6 three years ago, we’re told. Seriously? Yes, a mob burst into the US Capitol – just like unionists from the ACTU’s “Cavalcade to Canberra” smashed into our own Parliament House in 1996 to confront the Howard government, and with exactly the same (zero) chance of overturning democracy.

And Trump did not lead or call for that Capitol riot. If you want people who encourage riots, how about Vice-President Kamala Harris, who helped raise bail money for people arrested in the Black Lives Matter riots?

No wonder many American voters think Trump’s return is just what’s needed to put some over-mighty hypocrites and hysterics in their place.

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: Donald Trump slurs a sick projection of dictatorial Left elite

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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