
NT Election 2024: Guide to Casuarina, Karama, Nightcliff, Johnston, Sanderson and Wanguri

With a wave of independents looming on the left, and the CLP promising change from the right, this election could see a significant shake up in the formerly safe Labor seats.

Your guide to the northern suburbs at the 2024 NT general election.
Your guide to the northern suburbs at the 2024 NT general election.

The northern suburbs of Darwin are generally seen as Labor heartland, having helped secure the party’s dominance in Territory politics over the past two decades.

But with a wave of independents looming on the left, and the CLP promising change from the right, this election could see a significant shake up in the formerly safe Labor seats.

Karama is considered a strong chance of tipping to the CLP due to escalating crime and social housing problems in the area.

While incumbent MLA Ngaree Ah Kit saw a strong swing towards her at the last election, Karama remained Labor’s most marginal seat in the northern suburbs at 9.8 per cent.

Wanguri is another seat to watch – the CLP given a chance to make inroads in the electorate after former Deputy Chief Minister Nicole Manison announced she would not recontest this election.

Nightcliff was the safest seat in the NT in 2020, and former Chief Minister Natasha Fyles’ popularity as a local member is expected to carry her through to another term – albeit with a significant shave off the 24.3 margin enjoyed last year.

Darwin’s northern suburbs are considered Labor heartland – but there could be some surprising swings at this year’s election. Picture: Che Chorley
Darwin’s northern suburbs are considered Labor heartland – but there could be some surprising swings at this year’s election. Picture: Che Chorley

The northern suburbs host a concentration of NT Greens and independent candidates; Johnston’s Justine Davis standing out for a particularly strong groundswell of support behind her campaign.

Nathan Franklin, a Charles Darwin University political expert, predicted that despite independents’ popularity, major parties would still dominate at the ballot box.

“The independents are a bit naive on a couple of fronts,” Dr Franklin said.

“Compared with the Teal movements in inner city Melbourne and Sydney, we haven’t got those wealth centres and social movements here – everything’s more local.

“The other problem with independents is they don’t cut preference deals … Justine Davis has given it a good crack, she’ll probably get a decent portion of the votes, but unless independents have done good deals with those preferences, they almost have no hope at all.”

The NT remains the only jurisdiction in Australia never to have elected a Greens or Teal politician.

The NT News asked each candidate to identify the top three issues facing their electorate, and what they planned to do about them. Here’s what they had to say.

JUMP TO: Casuarina | Johnston | Karama | Nightcliff | Sanderson | Wanguri


The division of Casuarina lies on the northern coastline of Darwin. It includes the suburbs of Brinkin, Casuarina, Lee Point, Lyons, Nakara, and Tiwi (including the hospital precinct), as well as a small portion of Alawa and Muirhead.

Khoda Patel (CLP)

CLP candidate for Casuarina Khoda Patel. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Casuarina Khoda Patel. Picture: Supplied.


As a business owner in Casuarina Shopping Centre, I experience first-hand the severe impact crime has on our daily lives. My staff have faced attacks, my customers must carefully choose when to shop, and we often close earlier due to rising anti-social behaviour. This is why I am running for the CLP team — the team with a comprehensive plan to reduce crime.

We believe in strengthening laws to reflect community expectations, which will not only improve safety but also give our police the support they need to do their jobs effectively. Unlike Labor, we are committed to addressing the root causes of crime. We will ensure that young people who are on the wrong path receive early intervention, are taught essential life skills, and are shown a better way forward.

Labor’s approach, a youth hub in the middle of our suburbs where kids play video games only to be sent back onto the streets at night, is not the solution. Their own consultation report reveals that our community does not support this hub. What these kids need are mentors and guidance, not just a place to hang out temporarily.

Protecting our environment and lifestyle

Casuarina boasts an incredible natural environment that must be preserved for future generations. Labor’s failure to tackle issues like gamba grass is just one example of how their inaction is harming our environment. Instead of wasting money on unnecessary projects like shadeless shade structures, the CLP will direct funds where they are truly needed. We will prioritise the management of gamba grass at Casuarina Reserve and work with Aboriginal rangers to manage our Territory’s parks and waterways.

Additionally, we will support residents who have invested in solar energy by doubling the feed-in tariff during peak times. This initiative will not only reduce energy bills but also contribute to creating a greener future for our children.

Martin Jackson (Independent)

Independent candidate for Casuarina Martin Jackson. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for Casuarina Martin Jackson. Picture: Supplied.

Stop Labor and the Liberals from bulldozing Lee Point and fracking our wonderful Territory. Be safe in our community. We need to work together with the electorate and with the experts to make these things better and make the NT a safer, cooler place to live. All candidates promise the world. Our politicians try but are blinkered by party politics, business donations and lobbyists. We must work together – the politicians, the voters and the experts to make the smart decisions for a better life in the Territory for all of us. Let us now: Stop fracking; Save Lee Point; Be safe in our community; Improve housing and health care for all; Help children thrive; Create great youth centres; Open more drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres; Open more safe places for those experiencing domestic violence and work to reduce the causes; Embrace renewable energy; Make the air and water cleaner; Create more and safer sustainable jobs; Make our roads safer and get more EV recharging stations; Legislate for NT Human Rights and Voluntary Assisted Dying.

Lauren Moss (Labor)

Labor candidate for Casuarina Lauren Moss. Picture: Contributed
Labor candidate for Casuarina Lauren Moss. Picture: Contributed

In Casuarina I am focused on fostering partnerships that increase community safety, help with the cost of living, and give kids the best opportunities to learn and lead happy, healthy lives.

Eva Lawler’s common sense plan to lower crime is delivering an extra $570m into Police, which means 200 more sworn officers and an additional 25 emergency call takers. We are continuing to invest in additional Transit Safety Officers and security at Casuarina bus interchange.

We have delivered a record $1bn agreement to fully fund our public schools with the Australian government, have increased the Back to School Voucher value per child, and are committed if re-elected to doubling the hours of preschool in up to 25 Territory preschools. This is on top of previous infrastructure investments in our schools, including the $1.8m STEAM Centre providing great learning opportunities for our young people at Dripstone Middle School.

We are investing with the Australian government in the Youth and Community Hub to provide much needed, accessible youth activities and support, and if re-elected will shade the half court at Garamanak Park, building on our previous investments in community infrastructure.

The new Mental Health Inpatient Unit at the hospital is underway, and builds on important investments over many years. When elected we committed to building a multi story carpark and solving the chaotic parking system under the CLP – a project that was very quickly delivered in government.

We have expanded the Casuarina Coastal Reserve and it now has national park status, delivered the shared path to Lee Point, and Budget 2024 provides $3m towards improving sporting facilities at Tracy Village.

It would be a privilege to continue to deliver positive projects and solutions for Casuarina as part of Eva Lawler’s team because she understands the importance of delivering for families.

Pamela ‘Res’ McCalman (NT Greens)

Greens candidate for Casuarina Res McCalman. Picture: Supplied/NT Greens.
Greens candidate for Casuarina Res McCalman. Picture: Supplied/NT Greens.

Binybara Lee Point and nature

People in Casuarina are lucky to live so close to Binybara Lee Point. There’s plenty of cleared land where we should build good housing. Instead, Labor pushed ahead with clearing some of the last old growth vegetation in Darwin and wrecked precious habitat for endangered species. Labor didn’t listen to Larrakia Traditional Custodians, and community members, who asked for the development to be relocated. We need new nature laws that protect unique places like Binybara. For that, we need a Green voice in parliament, pushing both major parties to look out for nature.

A new youth hub in Casuarina

CLP politicians are opposing a new youth centre in Casuarina, which aims to provide a safe, inclusive place for young people to engage in healthy activities and access the services they need. Investing in the wellbeing of young people is essential for community safety. To legitimise their position, the CLP has cited their own petition of 90 people – which only included two Casuarina residents. I worry that this signals a lack of integrity in their approach. The Greens support the development of a youth centre to help address the shortage of specialised youth services.

Renting in Darwin

More and more people are struggling to make ends meet. Despite being a midwife and researcher with steady employment, as a renter I have experienced the stress of finding an affordable home in Darwin. It’s not just me: 41 per cent of people in the seat of Casuarina are renters. To give renters a break, we support a two-year rent freeze and a rental increase cap after this. The Greens are the only party in this election that supports fixing the NT’s terrible rental protections, which means ending no-cause evictions and bringing in an independent board to fairly manage bonds.”


The division of Johnston is situated in the northern part of Darwin and includes the suburbs of Jingili, Millner and Moil, as well as portions of Alawa and Coconut Grove.

Joel Bowden (Labor)

Labor candidate for Johnston Joel Bowden. Picture: Supplied.
Labor candidate for Johnston Joel Bowden. Picture: Supplied.

I’m focused on fighting for Johnston and delivering on the issues that matter to locals – and that’s why I’m focused on lowering crime, supporting residents with the cost of living and delivering much needed local infrastructure to the community.

My commitments to Johnston include a new basketball court at Jingili Water Gardens, $2.4m for changerooms for the Mindil Aces Soccer Club at Bagot Park and $500,000 for Alawa Primary School for more after school care services.

I’m backing Eva Lawler and her common sense plan to lower crime and improve community safety. This plan includes a record investment in the NT Police Force – $570m extra over five years – which will deliver 200 more sworn officers, 70 support staff to help police on frontline duties, 25 additional call centre staff, 26 vehicles, upgraded forensics capabilities and a dedicated $125m police infrastructure fund. Critically, we are addressing the long-term causes of crime by investing in education, health and housing across the Territory – giving our young people hope for the future and directing them away from bad choices and into a job by providing them with skills and training. Labor is getting the Territory work ready with $109m for vocational education and training.

A re-elected Lawler Labor government will double the free preschool hours for four-year olds – taking it from 15 to 30 – which will save young families living in the Territory at least $5000 a year. It will also give Territory kids the best start in life as 90 per cent of a child’s brain develops by the time they are five. All government schools across the Territory will be fully funded in a landmark agreement between the Territory and Commonwealth governments.

We also invest in keeping power bills lower, with the average Territory household’s power bill subsidised by about $1500 by the Lawler Labor government and the federal government.

Justine Davis (Independent)

Independent candidate for the Northern Territory seat of Johnston Justine Davis. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for the Northern Territory seat of Johnston Justine Davis. Picture: Supplied.

Community safety

People want effective, urgent action on crime with proven solutions, not knee-jerk reactions. I’ve seen first-hand smarter ways to keep Territorians safe and help young people get their lives back on track. I’ll move beyond divisive politics and work with all elected representatives, businesses, and communities. We need to stop crime before it happens, improve the justice system, and implement victim-centred programs that repair harm and hold offenders accountable. This includes using proven diversion, detention, and post-release models, supporting police, ALOs and community safety workers, addressing the domestic violence crisis, and investing in effective, culturally responsive justice approaches.

Sustainable economy

People are worried about the cost of living and want a strong economy without sacrificing what we love about the Territory. They don’t buy the major parties’ claim that we can’t have both. I’ll focus on fighting to grow our local economy — supporting small businesses, expanding tourism, and ensuring major projects prioritise local jobs and the Territory. Big industry growth must not come at the expense of our land, water, or way of life. I’ll also advocate for a targeted review of the NT’s cost of living issues to find ways the government can help reduce the crippling everyday costs many families face.


Territorians are fed up with NT politics and feel politicians don’t listen or act in the interests of the community. I’ll work for a more accountable, transparent and community-driven political system, pushing to make parliament into a place of genuine collaboration that gets the job done. I’ll ask the tough questions and hold the government accountable for shady deals and backroom decisions, fighting for transparency through lobbyist registers, public diaries, donation tracking, and monitoring election commitments. I’ll push for stronger processes in parliament to ensure the community has a say on laws and policies before they’re implemented.

Gary Strachan (CLP)

CLP candidate for Johnston Gary Strachan. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Johnston Gary Strachan. Picture: Supplied.

Turning kids lives around

As a qualified criminal lawyer, and having worked for NT Legal Aid, I’ve seen first-hand the need for both youth diversion, skills and job strategies to break the cycle of criminality. I’ve also run a successful hairdressing salon. Combining my passions is what led me to open ‘Deadly Hair Dude’, a not for profit hairdressing program.

Travelling to communities across the Territory I teach young Aboriginal Territorians the skills to become a hairdresser for their peers. I’ve worked with young people across 44 Indigenous communities and in youth detention facilities helping break the cycle of crime and giving kids a better pathway forward. It is only the CLP team who understand what needs to be done to address the root causes of crime and I want to use my experience to achieve the outcomes we need for a better future.

Community safety

Addressing the root causes of crime is vital, but so too is having the laws we need in place to stop the serious violent offending that has residents feeling terrified in their homes and workplaces. It was in Jingili that 20-year-old Declan Laverty went to work and didn’t return home, after being killed by an offender on bail. Strengthening bail laws and sending a message to those who assault anyone at work with stronger, appropriate consequences means we can prevent another family having to go through the excruciating pain of losing a loved one.

Cost of living

Crime and the escalating cost of living and doing business in the Territory is making it harder and harder for families. The CLP’s plan to reduce crime and lower cost of living includes freezing rego, making your driver’s licence free for a year and expanding services at pharmacies to save you time and money visiting the GP. We’re also doubling the solar feed-in tariff in peak times to bring down energy bills and help promote a healthy environment and energy transition.

Billie Barton (NT Greens)

Greens candidate for Johnston Billie Barton. Picture: Supplied/Andy Rowan.
Greens candidate for Johnston Billie Barton. Picture: Supplied/Andy Rowan.

Community safety

Our current community safety approach isn’t working, and Labor and the CLP only want to do more of the same. If just being “tough on crime” was enough to solve this issue, the NT would be the safest place in the country. We can’t punish people out of poverty, hunger, homelessness and trauma. The Greens are the only party advocating for addressing people’s immediate needs to keep them from resorting to crime. We urgently need youth drop-in centres 24/7, we need more crisis beds, and we need to be funding alcohol and drug rehab services.

Cost of living

I know what it’s like to think you might not ever be able to afford to buy your own home. I’ve got a massive HECS debt from my engineering degree and I’m renting with housemates right now. The Greens support rent freezes for the 41 per cent of Johnston who rent, followed by rent increase caps like the ones that are already keeping rents low in the ACT, where the Greens are part of government. We’re also going to look at regulating food prices, the same way we do for gas, and put a stop to price gouging from the major supermarkets.

Climate change and heat

We’re surrounded by incredible nature here in Darwin and we urgently need better nature laws so that we can protect it. We’re on our way to a climate catastrophe, we can’t afford to have the major parties taking corporate donations from fossil fuel companies anymore. Already, when I play football in 90 per cent humidity on a 35 degree day, I wonder how much longer it’s possible for people to play sport in the Territory. We need to protect what’s precious, and part of that is a transition off gas and towards renewables so we can have a future in the Territory.


The division of Karama is in the northern part of Darwin and includes the suburbs of Karama and Malak, as well as a portion of Berrimah and Marrara.

Andy Rowan (NT Greens)

Greens candidate for Karama Andy Rowan. Picture: Supplied.
Greens candidate for Karama Andy Rowan. Picture: Supplied.

Crime and community safety

I work as a youth worker in Karama and I know the challenges that our community faces. Disadvantaged youth need safe spaces and programs to engage with, and everyone needs to feel safe in the place they call home. It’s frustrating to see the both major parties promising more of the same, when we know it’s not working. The Greens support evidence-based and preventive measures, like 24/7 drop-in centres, safe youth spaces, fully funding domestic and family violence services, and keeping essential drug and alcohol rehab services open. We need voices in Territory politics that will fight for a better approach to safety.


Everyone has the right to a safe place to live. In the Territory, we have the highest rates of homelessness in the country. Public housing waitlists are too long, and conditions need to be better. The Greens will push for more funding for social and affordable housing. We also need to stop unregulated rent increases and no-cause evictions so that people renting their homes can build their lives here for the long run. The people of Karama deserve better.

Cost of living

The increasing cost of food, rent and electricity seems to have no limit. As a renter I know how hard it is when rent increases remain uncapped, supermarket chains price gouge their customers, and bills get more expensive every time. The Greens support a ban on price gouging, the introduction of rent freezes, and a transition to reliable renewable energy. Everyone knows the Greens support solar over fossil fuels, and these days solar is also cheaper. We need to move past the approach from the two major parties of being too close to big gas companies, and provide more locals jobs in solar and batteries.

Brian O’Gallagher (CLP)

CLP candidate for Karama Brian O’Gallagher. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Karama Brian O’Gallagher. Picture: Supplied.


Everyday when I doorknock, I visit people behind large locked gates, prisoners in their own homes, they tell me they are thinking of packing up and leaving the place they once loved. We will give police the powers they need to do their job, and locally we have committed to a police presence here in Karama. We will strengthen the laws to make sure there are appropriate consequences to stop repeat offending. Importantly our plan provides a comprehensive strategy to address root causes and break the cycle of crime. We will work with Indigenous mentors at youth boot camps where kids will be taught responsibility, worth and valuable life skills.

Address anti-social behaviour in public housing

Under Labor there are endless chances for those who continue to do the wrong thing in public housing. It is leaving our neighbourhoods to deal with more crime, more disturbances and impacting our local housing values. Our approach to public housing will introduce a three strikes policy, which will enforce accountability and provide relief to residents who have been putting up with ongoing disturbances. We have many vulnerable, good people waiting for public housing, yet Labor’s inaction on those doing the wrong thing is stopping these people accessing the opportunity for a safe home.

Backing our local businesses

As a local Councillor I have always supported growing our local economy. When Darwin City Council lowered the local procurement component for local businesses I stood firmly against it. We need to not only back our hard working businesses but provide them an environment where they can thrive. Under a CLP government we will lower payroll tax, making our tax regime the most competitive in Australia. This enables small businesses to hire more employees, expand their operations, and pass on the savings to customers.

Justine Glover (Independent)

Independent candidate for Karama Justine Glover. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for Karama Justine Glover. Picture: Supplied.

Community safety

Community safety is the top concern of the Karama electorate. Successive governments have failed our community by not listening. Over the past five years, Labor has slashed funds for community service providers like Anglicare and Catholic Care. This has led to spiralling levels of criminal behaviour that disrupts the harmony of our neighbourhoods. We need to address the root causes of youth crime and family violence with early intervention. This means properly funding community services and expanding Indigenous-led diversion programs.

Social housing

Social Housing isn’t working for anyone in my electorate. Noisy and disruptive visitors have invaded many social houses in Karama and Malak. Good social tenants and their neighbours deserve better than feeling threatened and under siege in their homes. Despite years of complaints, locals have seen no action from the government. The four-year waiting list for urgent social housing is unacceptable. Partners and children are unable to escape domestic violence perpetrators as they have nowhere to go. We must get smarter about managing and investing in social housing for community harmony.

Representation and political integrity

Integrity has been steadily eroded to the point voters no longer trust their government. Electors do not feel their representatives are accessible, listen to or respect their views. Parties dictate how MLAs vote, regardless of community wishes. This is leading many Australians towards community independent candidates who consult with and listen to their constituents, and then vote in parliament accordingly. These independents bring much-needed scrutiny to public spending and big business lobbyist influences. With no party to answer to, I will maintain an open office and include my community in the issues that matter most to them.

Ngaree Ah Kit (Labor)

Labor candidate for Karama Ngaree Ah Kit. Picture Glenn Campbell
Labor candidate for Karama Ngaree Ah Kit. Picture Glenn Campbell

I’ll always fight for Karama and make sure that common sense measures are put in place to improve community safety. I was central to setting up the private security services that compliment proactive policing at shopping centres. Despite an independent report recommending private security services be scrapped, I fought hard to ensure they stayed and we continued to invest in them. We need more things to keep our community safe, not less. That’s why I’m backing Eva Lawler and her common sense plan to lower crime and reduce community safety. Our record investment in the NT Police Force – an extra $570m over five years – will deliver an extra 200 sworn officers, around 70 more support staff to ensure police stay on the frontline, 26 new vehicles and a dedicated $125m police infrastructure fund.

I delivered funding for Malak Community Market. After a three-year hiatus, the Malak Community Market was re-established in June 2024. To ensure the markets could return, I secured $150,000 in funding over four years to support the operational expenses and security provision for the Malak Markets.

If re-elected, I will deliver a Sound Shell and Stage at Holzerland Park, Malak. To activate and convert Holzerland Park into a multipurpose community activity space, that will enable the park to become the future home of the Malak Community Market.

The creation of a sound shell and stage (similar to Mindil Beach Park) would enable entertainment with large sounds to project towards the Malak Oval and away from nearby homes. It would provide an elevated stage for entertainment and encourage more local activities in this park.

I’ll also deliver semipermanent half basketball court at the Karama shopping centre carpark working with Made Concepts. Karama currently does not have a publicly accessible basketball court. The only basketball courts are located within school grounds, which are not readily accessible without seeking school permission.


The division of Nightcliff is situated in the northern part of Darwin and includes the suburbs of Nightcliff, Rapid Creek and part of Coconut Grove.

Natasha Fyles (Labor)

Labor candidate for Nightcliff Natasha Fyles. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman
Labor candidate for Nightcliff Natasha Fyles. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman

I am a long time Nightcliff local that is an active member of the community. I grew up in Darwin and enjoy our unique lifestyle – whether it is running along the foreshore on a Saturday morning, dropping a line in the harbour or getting away camping with my family.

As an educator and mother, I am excited to deliver Labor’s plan to double the preschool hours. This investment in our children will not only help families save an estimated $5000 per year but also gives our kids greater access to early education opportunities.

I will continue to advocate for great healthcare options for all Territorians and I believe strongly in supporting our hardworking health care professions and frontline staff.

I’m absolutely passionate about protecting the environment, tackling climate change, and investing in renewables. I am committed to practical strategies including greater access to roof top solar and battery technology.

In doing so, I believe it is important for essential services to stay in public hands. I have seen what happens when we let public assets be sold into private ownership such as Territory Insurance Office. Under the last CLP government we also saw Darwin Port sold. We know that when the CLP get into power they have a history of privatisation – I will fight to keep public assets for the people of the Territory.

I am proud to support the initiatives that will see a NT Labor government take on the challenge of reducing Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence rates in the Territory. The Labor team was the first to commit to the proposed $180m as requested by the sector.

I know that reducing crime is a top priority. As the local member, I advocated for the new upgraded Nightcliff Police Station, additional CCTV and school based constables all of which have been delivered.

Helen Secretary (CLP)

CLP candidate for Nightcliff Helen Secretary. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Nightcliff Helen Secretary. Picture: Supplied.

As a senior Larrakia elder mother and grandmother I have every reason to fight for a better Territory. I know the way to do this for my people and all Territorians is through economic and social prosperity. I am a strong supporter of self determination and giving Aboriginal people a strong say in our futures.

I put my hand up to fight for the people of Nightcliff because I am a proud local and I want to be part of the solution, making the Territory safe and the place of opportunity.

I am not afraid to call out Labor for their failures and my focus will be on making sure youths and their parents are held accountable, that Darwin continues to grow and that kids are going to school. My kids were taught right from wrong, to make good choices and use every opportunity. We need to work together to bring that back.

We need a CLP representative here in Nightcliff because only the CLP is about empowering Territorians, breaking the cycle of crime and working with kids to achieve their dreams and take responsibility for their future.

Kat McNamara (NT Greens)

Greens candidate for Nightcliff Kat McNamara. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Greens candidate for Nightcliff Kat McNamara. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

Crime and community safety

We have the highest rates of domestic, family and sexual violence in the country. We cannot talk about youth crime without talking about DFSV – kids need to be safe in their homes. Frontline services have been underfunded by CLP and Labor for decades and women and children are turned away from shelters daily. The Greens will properly fund these crucial services to help people escape from violence. We will build 24/7 drop-in centres for youth, staffed by qualified youth workers. We will support evidence-based programs proven to reduce reoffending rates, like early intervention, bail support and post-release programs.


The Territory’s special for its fishing, camping and hiking, clean air and drinking water. These are all under threat from Labor’s plan to frack, dredge and clear our landscape.

We will ban fracking and fix our biodiversity laws. We’ll redirect the $1.5bn federal Middle Arm subsidy to kickstart our transition to renewables with a proper big battery and get our existing solar farms online; build micro-grids for remote communities; train our local workforce for renewables skills; install solar and airconditioning in all public houses, provide solar grants for low-income houses and 0 per cent interest loans for homeowners.

Integrity in politics

If there’s one thing that unites voters across the political divide, it’s their distrust of politicians. Voters can see the influence of big business in our politics and they are not happy about it. Companies who stand to make a profit from policy decisions shouldn’t be able to influence our politicians. We will help bring integrity back into our parliament by banning political donations from fossil fuel companies, gambling companies and the liquor and tobacco industry. We’ll create a lobbyist register and public diaries for our politicians so we know who is influencing them.

Mililma May (Independent)

Independent candidate for Nightcliff Mililma May. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for Nightcliff Mililma May. Picture: Supplied.

Safe and secure community

To ensure we make Nightcliff safe, secure and thriving community we must: Focus on evidence-based approaches to justice; Adopt “smart on crime” approaches that address underlying causes of offending by investing in prevention, diversion and rehabilitation; Establish and fund a Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Peak Body.

Cost of living

Ensure high-quality, affordable and accessible childcare services, housing and healthcare services; Address the higher cost of food in the NT and remote NT communities; Implement Recharging the Territory recommendations and Original Power programs to install solar grids – reducing power bills for all Territorians.

Action on climate

Ban fracking and gas hubs on health grounds; Implement environmental protection laws for the NT; Ensure free, prior and informed consent is required and given by traditional owners; Ensure clean drinking water for all across the NT; Implement recommendations from Recharging the Territory report.

Integrity in politics

Establish a code of behaviour for all parliamentary representatives; Establish clear pathways for community views to be heard through parliamentary committee processes; Implement lobbyist register so people can see who is trying to influence government decisions; Make Ministers’ diaries public; Make political donations transparent.

George Mamouzellos (Independent)

Independent candidate for Nightcliff George Mamouzellos. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for Nightcliff George Mamouzellos. Picture: Supplied.

Mr Mamouzellos did not respond to requests for comment.


Jinson Charls (CLP)

CLP candidate for Sanderson Jinson Charls. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Sanderson Jinson Charls. Picture: Supplied.


In the last eight years under Labor crime in the northern suburbs has gotten worse and worse, we can’t wait any longer to restore safety. The CLP team’s plan will take immediate action to strengthen the laws, so serious violent offenders aren’t put back on our streets, and police have the powers they need to do their job. Problem housing will be dealt with under a three strikes policy, bringing much needed accountability to those doing the wrong thing and relief to neighbours suffering from sleepless nights. We will also work with Indigenous mentors to deliver bootcamps, where kids going down the wrong path will be taught a better way forward in a safe and structured environment.

Support for families

When I moved here from India, I came so I could provide a better opportunity for my family. This is the same story for many multicultural families. The CLP has a plan to better support all Territorians so they can get ahead. The CLP team will lower energy bills by doubling the solar feed-in tariff in peak times. We’re also supporting families with more medicines available at pharmacies saving the costs and time of going to a GP. A CLP government would also make meningococcal B vaccine free all infants under the age of two, and adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, not only saving cost but saving lives.

Better healthcare

As a registered nurse, healthcare is very important to me. I have seen the decline in our healthcare system under Labor and it can’t continue. Having previously worked in the Mandatory Alcohol Rehabilitation, I saw the real positive outcomes the program delivered for those suffering from chronic addiction – despite this Labor scrapped it. The CLP team has the experience to turn this around, properly invest in our healthcare system and ensure we keep and attract the workforce we need.

Kate Worden (Labor)

Labor candidate for Sanderson Kate Worden. Photo by PEMA TAMANG PAKHRIN
Labor candidate for Sanderson Kate Worden. Photo by PEMA TAMANG PAKHRIN

My top priority has always been my constituents – ensuring Sanderson residents are represented and respected. For the last eight years, I made sure every day I worked to help constituents navigate government services whether it was local, Territory or federal governments. This will never change.

An important priority is tackling crime and community safety. If it was easy to solve it would have been fixed decades ago, slogans won’t fix it either – we need people engaged socially and economically for things to really change. If re-elected we will continue to address housing, education, we will broaden community corrections and continue to hold individuals accountable. We are delivering our $570m boost to the NT Police over the next five years – 200 additional sworn officers, 70 support staff, more resources, and a dedicated $125m infrastructure fund. These measures support the people that are supporting us on our front line.

Preparing our kids for a successful start in life and easing the cost of living for families are also priorities. Our Positive Preschool Plan will benefit families by doubling the amount of free preschool hours from 15 to 30 per week. This change will align with primary school hours, saving families approximately $5000 annually in childcare costs, get kids school-ready, and give particularly mums an earlier opportunity to engage with full time work.

If re-elected, I have committed to a $1m to formalising Dante Rd into the Marrara Sporting Complex. This will make the road safe and include footpaths connecting to the bus stop on McMillans Rd and improved lighting. A local issue that needs to be fixed. My commitment has always been to put Sanderson constituents first, I will continue to deliver on that.


Oly Carlson (CLP)

CLP candidate for Wanguri Oly Carlson. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Wanguri Oly Carlson. Picture: Supplied.

Lowering cost of living

The CLP team’s plan to lower cost of living starts with doubling the feed-in tariff in peak times to bring down energy bills and support a greener future. We’re supporting families with more medicines available at pharmacies saving the costs and time of going to a GP. A CLP Government would also make meningococcal B vaccine free all infants under the age of two, and adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. Our first homeowner grant is the best in Australia and will help young people get into their first home here, which is such an important step in encouraging future generations to stay in the Territory.

Community safety

Here in Wanguri, we never used to worry about installing high fences, security cameras or more locks. Now, when I doorknock, the change to our community is so visible. The stories I have heard speaking with our community are truly shocking, and a sign we have been let down by a bad Labor government. I’m not willing to stand by and let this continue, that’s why I am running as part of the CLP team. With our experienced team we will tackle crime, with stronger laws, proper support for our police, and a real investment in breaking the cycle of crime. We can’t wait any longer while our friends and family leave the Territory.


Having been schooled here and raised my own family here, I’m horrified at the decline in education standards and support for Territory kids. A good education means we give our kids every opportunity to succeed. Our schools need to get back to basics so we can lift our literacy and numeracy. We need to bring back accountability, working with parents to get kids back to school. Education is also a big part of our plan to break the cycle of crime.

Shlok Sharma (Labor)

Labor candidate for Wanguri Shlok Sharma. Picture: PEMA TAMANG Pakhrin
Labor candidate for Wanguri Shlok Sharma. Picture: PEMA TAMANG Pakhrin

I am humbled to be following in the footsteps of Nicole Manison as the Labor candidate for Wanguri at the upcoming election.

Like Nicole, I will always stand up and fight for the people of Leanyer, Muirhead and Wanguri. I’m very proud to be part of Eva Lawler’s team and to have secured a commitment for $4m to deliver a critical upgrade at Leanyer Primary School.

The upgrade will include a new fit-for-purpose out of school hours care facility, more preschool classrooms and a new student therapy space to access critical specialist services such as speech pathologists, occupational therapists and counsellors. This project will be the latest stage in the delivery of the Leanyer Primary School’s Master Plan. Leanyer Primary School is now one of Darwin’s largest primary schools – with around 600 students enrolled between preschool and Year 6 – and students and teachers deserve the best facilities to ensure our kids get the best results in the classroom.

Only Territory Labor has a plan to deliver more resources and support to ensure Territory kids get the best start in life and get the best education to start the career of their choice. The Lawler Labor government has delivered full funding for Territory public schools – the first time in history – by securing a $1.1bn joint funding boost with the Commonwealth government.

A re-elected Lawler Labor government will also double the amount of free preschool hours for four years olds – up from 15 hours to 30 hours – for 25 preschools across the Territory. This will not only save working parents at least $5000 a year but will provide the best educational outcomes for our kids. I’ll also work closely with Eva Lawler to deliver her common sense plan to lower crime through the record-breaking investment in NT Police – an extra $570m over five years.

Graeme Sawyer (Independent)

Independent candidate for Wanguri Graeme Sawyer. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for Wanguri Graeme Sawyer. Picture: Supplied.


Repeatedly, we hear nice sounding statements, but get the opposite in delivered outcomes. This is happening across all areas, from youth issues, to monitoring in the harbour and the Beetaloo, renewables and health. For example, the Chief Minister tells us we have “world best practice” monitoring when it’s not. Thousands of tonnes of cancer-causing chemicals being emitted, and no monitoring shows the lie. We need: federal ICAC to provide staff to the NT to support investigations; fix how our ICAC legislation, Ombudsman positions, FOI, whistleblower and related regulations work to protect us; Return scrutiny committees.

Strategies and youth crime

We need to shift the expenditure focus to before young people are interacting with the police. Significant reductions in crime have been achieved by implementing such strategies. We are wasting millions now on strategies that don’t work. We need new evidence-based supervision to ensure that anyone who does interact with the justice system is managed through to positive outcomes. Even our police commissioner admits that the police cannot solve the youth crime problems. It’s clear from the evidence the get tough on crime mentality is further alienating young people and leading to more crime not less – exactly what experts in the field expect from existing policies.

Affordability and economic growth

We have genuine competitive advantage in the renewables era. To build a prosperous economy it’s essential that renewables drive that process. We cannot adapt to the ravages of climate change or reduce living costs without cheap energy. It’s essential for our lifestyle, for our cost of production in terms of business and manufacturing. Coupled with economic risk, the environmental and climate damage caused by the gas makes the Middle Arm project is too risky. The fact we have thousands of tonnes of toxic material being emitted around the harbour is not acceptable. The impacts of climate change are accelerating alarmingly, with 2023 a wakeup call to everyone.

Andrew Coates (NT Greens)

Greens candidate for Wanguri Andrew Coates. Picture: Supplied.
Greens candidate for Wanguri Andrew Coates. Picture: Supplied.

Cost of living

I’m lucky to have rewarding and stable work in environmental research, but as a renter with a big HECS debt, I know the cost of living crisis is hitting all of us. The big supermarkets are making record profits and yet they’re still driving prices up. We’re pushing for price gouging to be illegal. Here at home, we will implement rent freezes so the 50 per cent of Territorians who rent can feel secure. We are lagging on the transition to renewables. We need Greens in parliament to ensure our community’s needs are put before corporate profits.

Community safety

Everyone needs to feel safe in their community, but the current approach to crime clearly isn’t working. Labor and the CLP want to keep throwing children into jail and closing vital rehab centres to build more prisons, but they’re sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to the underlying issues. The Greens are looking at what actually works to break the cycle of offending. We’re committing to urgent support for domestic and family violence services, providing affordable housing to tackle homelessness, and building safe spaces to get at-risk young people off the street.

The environment

As an environmental scientist, I know how important a healthy environment is for our livelihoods. We have internationally renowned nature on our doorstep that brings in hundreds of millions of dollars from tourism. Labor and the CLP are happy to put our favourite swimming holes, fishing spots and walking tracks in danger, just so big corporations can turn a profit. The Greens will put a stop to fracking that poses a huge threat to our health and waterways. We will listen to the demands of the community and protect Binybara Lee Point. And we will put an end to political parties accepting corporate donations.

Originally published as NT Election 2024: Guide to Casuarina, Karama, Nightcliff, Johnston, Sanderson and Wanguri

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