

Activist reposts rallying cry for violence on Australia Day urging Australians to burn national flag

An anti-Israel activist who circulated the details of hundreds of Jews across the internet and has now echoed a rallying cry for violence on Australia Day urging Australians to burn the national flag.

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An anti-Israel activist who was part of a group that circulated the details of hundreds of Jews across the internet, has echoed a rallying cry for violence on Australia Day, urging Australians to burn the national flag and “f**k up memorials to colonisation”.

Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg, one of many revealed last February to be among a group of prolific sharers of details of more than 600 Jewish creatives from a leaked private WhatsApp chat, has reposted a series of calls to boycott Australia Day.

“It’s ok to resist a colonial force by any means necessary,” one of the posts said.

“Have as much fun as you can.”

Branding the January 26 Australia Day celebrations “Invasion Day” she reposted on her Instagram: “It’s just over two weeks until invasion day. Go and play snatch the flag. Burn them all.

“Someone go set fire to Cooks Cottage. Go and destroy monuments to colonisation. All of them. Chop down their European trees. Set fire to their heritage sites. Behead their statues and topple them at their base.

“F**k up their dumb war memorials which glorify western imperialism while refusing to acknowledge the frontier wars. Universities, suburbs, streets, shops etc named after genocidal colonisers? F**k them up too!”

Anti-Israel activist Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg supports having Australians “f**k up their dumb war memorial"on January 26.
Anti-Israel activist Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg supports having Australians “f**k up their dumb war memorial"on January 26.

In another message she reposted on Saturday on her Instagram account she reposted a story which said: “Topping statues and burning monuments of genocidal colonisers is an absolute basic bare minimum, it is essentially just a bit of fun. Go out this silly season and have as much fun as you can… And don’t forget charge your grinder batteries and have as much as you can.”

The Australian Jewish Association condemned the posts.

“This is a reminder that those who target the Jewish community and Israel also hate Australia,” said AJA CEO Robert Gregory.

Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg, who is alleged to have leaked the names of Jewish people and businesses from a private WhatsApp group, has reposted messages to burn the national flag on “invasion day.”
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg, who is alleged to have leaked the names of Jewish people and businesses from a private WhatsApp group, has reposted messages to burn the national flag on “invasion day.”

“We must all defend Western civilisation against those who seek to destroy it.

“The attack on the War Memorial is particularly disgraceful and disrespects the memory of those who died for our freedom.

“Under the Albanese Government, extremists of all kinds have been empowered and social cohesion has been destroyed.”

In November Ms Tuet-Rosenberg’s company Hue: Colour the Conversation, an anti-racism advisory business she co-owns and co-founded, was dropped from facilitating a training event advertised by North Sydney Council after The Daily Telegraph alerted the council of her involvement.

Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg has promoted the sale off offensive anti-Israel slogans on T-shirts. Picture: Instagram
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg has promoted the sale off offensive anti-Israel slogans on T-shirts. Picture: Instagram

It came after Executive Council of Australian Jewry had denounced the involvement of the anti-racism firm “a sick joke” and had called for it to be dropped from the event.

The Mayor of North Sydney Zoë Baker later announced the morning workshop would no longer run after discussions with CEOs of North Sydney Council, which was promoting the event.

The workshop was to focus on shared language and understanding racism, help equip attendees with skills to tackle racism and deliver “meaningful” anti-racism work, and discuss the impacts of racism on First Nations people and people of colour.

Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg is the co-founder of racial and social justice organisation Hue. Picture: LinkedIn
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg is the co-founder of racial and social justice organisation Hue. Picture: LinkedIn

“I advise that the event has been cancelled,” the Mayor of North Sydney Council, Zoe Baker said in an email to a resident.

“I have asked Council’s CEO to review grant assessment procedures to ensure that this does not happen again and that any procurement includes due diligence on any provider.”

“Finally, I apologise for the distress and hurt that this has caused.”

Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg (R), pictured with Anti-Israel activist Zee Mazloum (L) was involved in a campaign that leaked personal details of 600 Jewish creatives that sparked a series of death threats. Picture: Instagram
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg (R), pictured with Anti-Israel activist Zee Mazloum (L) was involved in a campaign that leaked personal details of 600 Jewish creatives that sparked a series of death threats. Picture: Instagram

Ms Tuet-Rosenberg was involved in a campaign against Jewish creatives releasing personal details of more than 600 naming people sparking a wave of anti-Semitic harassment and death threats which saw shops daubed with the words “No Jews”.

It’s not suggested she personally engaged in harassment or threatening behaviour.

Ms Tuet-Rosenberg has been contacted for comment.

When asked why she was encouraging people to burn flags, Ms Tuet-Rosenberg said: “Cause all colonies should burn to the ground.”

Originally published as Activist reposts rallying cry for violence on Australia Day urging Australians to burn national flag

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