
Victorian MP’s hate-filled texts unleash abuse on Labor mates

Labor has been blasted by Prime Minister Scott Morrison after explosive texts sent by federal MP Anthony Byrne were revealed. The abusive messages described a female colleague as a “ratf---er’’, discussed the possible “decapitation” of an ALP colleague, and wished for Daniel Andrews’ “political death”.

Former Vic Premier ‘shocked’ to hear of branch stacking scandal

A Victorian federal MP has been exposed describing a female colleague as a “ratf---er’’, discussing branch-stacking and wishing for Daniel Andrews’ “political death”.

Vile rants from Holt MP Anthony Byrne have been leaked in an extraordinary escalation of the Labor infighting which has erupted over the branch-stacking scandal.

In a series of brutal texts, Mr Byrne savages Bill Shorten as a disloyal and ungrateful private schoolboy.

The backbencher also describes a former ALP powerbroker as a “crooked, corrupt f---’’ and discusses the “decapitation” of another figure in the party.

In clear references to branch-stacking, he threatens to “dynamite’’ Left-faction attempts to recruit Afghans and asks Mr Somyurek to meet an “Indian kid’’ who he says “clearly can recruit’’.

The text mes­sages, seen by The Australian, were sent by Mr Byrne to his former ally Mr Somyurek over a two-year period.

Labor MP Anthony Byrne.
Labor MP Anthony Byrne.

Victorian powerbroker Mr Somyurek was sacked by Premier Andrews from the State Cabinet on Monday, after he was caught on cameras — planted in Mr Byrne’s Cranbourne West office — discussing branch-stacking and making derogatory comments about Minister for Women Gabrielle Williams.

Mr Byrne’s explosive text messages now threaten to engulf the federal party in the scandal, dragging leader Anthony Albanese into the political brawling.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has blasted Mr Albanese for leading a party “in absolute chaos and disarray”.

Speaking on Sydney radio this morning, he said Mr Byrne himself had described the events in the Victorian branch of the Labor Party as “corruption”.

“Branch-stacking, we’ve known about that in the Labor Party for years, but more seriously, this has gone to corruption — that’s what Anthony Byrne has called it,” Mr Morrison said.

“The Labor Party is absolutely at war. We’re fighting for jobs - they’re fighting each other.”1

But Mr Albanese is standing by Mr Byrne keeping his job on the powerful intelligence committee, despite describing his comments as “completely unacceptable and inappropriate”.

He told reporters this morning he had counselled his MP about the comments.

“Yesterday afternoon, I spoke with Anthony Byrne. I checked on his welfare. Anthony Byrne is someone who has been under pressure and it was appropriate that I check on his welfare,” Mr Albanese said.

“I also discussed and sought an assurance from him that he had advice, which he has, that he has acted legally at all times.”

“He also assured me that he was offering full cooperation with IBAC and the police inquiries. And I took that assurance.”

“I note the comments that are published today from Mr Byrne. These comments are completely unacceptable and inappropriate. And I’ve counselled Mr Byrne about his language and the inappropriateness of those comments.”

It comes as senior government minister Greg Hunt this morning said it was up to Mr Albanese to decide if Mr Byrne should remain the deputy chair of the powerful parliamentary intelligence committee.

“Mr Albanese will have to make a decision about his team and what standards he believes are acceptable,” he told Sky News.


In one text, Mr Byrne even accuses his federal colleagues of lacking the “judgment, understanding and intelligence’’ of Mr Somyurek.

Backbencher Mr Byrne, who is deputy chair of the federal intelligence committee, uses graphic language to express his hatred of political enemies, including former Left powerbroker Alan Griffin.

“I want Griffin destroyed. I want his head cut off and then I am going to piss on his corpse,’’ he writes.

Mr Byrne was already under pressure as his electorate office was used to covertly record Mr Somyurek in the unprecedented internal hit which led to his dismissal from the Victorian Cabinet and prompted federal intervention in the Victorian branch of the party and a corruption probe.

Adem Somyurek.
Adem Somyurek.
The texted savaged Bill Shorten as an ungrateful private schoolboy.
The texted savaged Bill Shorten as an ungrateful private schoolboy.
Former Federal Labor Senator Sam Dastyari was called a “corrupt f---.”
Former Federal Labor Senator Sam Dastyari was called a “corrupt f---.”

Mr Byrne’s backroom dealings are laid bare in the messages. In one instance, he outlines how he is actively looking to engage a party recruiter because of his ethnicity.

Mr Byrne, concerned about left-wing recruitment of migrant voters from Afghanistan, plots to confront that country’s ambassador to help shore up his vote in Holt.

“Left are playing around Afghans. I am about to dynamite that ­tonight with Afghan ambassador,’’ he writes.

The messages also uncover how Mr Byrne disparaged or attacked colleagues, including his former leader Mr Shorten, former NSW senator Sam Dastyari, Mr Griffin, Victorian minister Martin Pakula and Right-faction powerbroker Stephen Conroy.

A female Labor operative is attacked as a “ratf---er’’ and a ­female federal MP as a “drunk’’, who was “dribbling shit” while flying with him and Mr Shorten.

On the Victorian Premier, Mr Andrews, he says: “I hope this (the treatment of a Victorian minister) signs his death warrant politically.’’

The texts wished “political death” for Daniel Andrews
The texts wished “political death” for Daniel Andrews

The texts also show in fine detail how Mr Byrne was working closely with Mr Somyurek for years, relying heavily on his advice, organisational skills and political protection.

Mr Somyurek, who was sacked as a minister and ejected from the ALP this week over alleged branch-stacking and sexist and homophobic language, is stunned that the campaign to oust him came from Mr Byrne’s office.

He said last night: “When I was reading the texts I burst out crying. Not in anger but over the friendship and the battles we fought. We were like brothers. I don’t have any anger toward Anthony, I am angry at those who have exploited him.’’

Mr Byrne, meanwhile, accused Mr Somyurek of cherry picking the texts.

“Somyurek has selectively released a hand-picked selection of my text messages to him sent over two years just hours after I made a public statement that I had contacted authorities and would assist with their corruption investigations into him,’’ he said. “That speaks for itself”.

In the texts, Mr Byrne is gushing in his support for Mr Somyurek, even confiding on November 1, 2018, in Mr Somyurek that if he were re-elected he would then exit parliament.

Bryne said he wanted Alan Griffin’s “head cut off”.
Bryne said he wanted Alan Griffin’s “head cut off”.
The texts said Martin Pakula “needs to be driven out of parliament.”
The texts said Martin Pakula “needs to be driven out of parliament.”

In another text he threatens a female Labor operative. “If she (Labor operative) mucks you up I will make sure she guest stars in the next four corners (sic) hatchet job on China. Which I will be on. Watch her, she’s a ratf---er.’’

Mr Byrne threatens to behead two people — Mr Griffin and an adviser to Mr Shorten.

Mr Somyurek’s supporters are mystified why Mr Byrne turned against him in the bugging hit.

Mr Albanese has admitted watching the 60 Minutes program which aired the recordings, but said he “wasn’t aware of Mr Byrne’s office involvement until much later on”, despite the covert footage showing pictures of Holt electorate maps and campaign material.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said the bugging was of “some serious concern”.

“At a federal level there are very strict rules around the use and authorised use of surveillance devices which essentially restrict that use to law enforcement agencies,” Mr Porter told parliament. “Everyone in this parliament would agree the idea that a non-law enforcement device would appear to have been installed in the office of any member of this parliament is the matter of some serious concern.”

— The Australian





Originally published as Victorian MP’s hate-filled texts unleash abuse on Labor mates

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