
Sunday Tele readers, NRL stars share tributes to their mums

When we asked you to write to us about your mum, the words poured in from across NSW and the NRL. Each letter a very personal tribute to a very special person in your lives. Happy Mother’s Day!

Celebrate Mother's Day while in isolation

When we asked you to write to us about your mum, the words poured in from across NSW. Each letter a very personal tribute to a very special person in your lives. Happy Mother’s Day!

My best friend. My dearest endearment. The love of my life.

Hannah Cook 12, with her mum Penny. Picture: Tim Hunter.
Hannah Cook 12, with her mum Penny. Picture: Tim Hunter.

My Mother Penny Cook cannot be narrated nor is it a possibility to even begin to entail all her nurturing qualities.

She gifted me with life, love, necessities and the best gift of all, a truly amazing mum.

We may bicker, we could subtly do a dirty glance every once in a while however we will always be #MOTHER AND DAUGHTER GOALS 4 EVER no matter what the circumstances are.

She would always ask me this question, What is my job? I answered with, to feed the giraffes, however mum told me it was to take care of me.

I cannot thank such an empowering, beautiful, kind woman for raising me to be a person of justice and kindness in this seemingly cruel world. Think again what is a Mother’s job? To feed the giraffes? To give you McDonalds every weekend? Possibly a holiday every so often?

No! It’s to be  a person of wisdom and be your BFF forever.

I love you mum beyond  Jupiter, beyond Mars beyond the galaxy and my love is to no extent!

Love Hannah Cook, 12

To the greatest Mum I could have wished for,

Tia McCarthy with her mum Margaret Reid.
Tia McCarthy with her mum Margaret Reid.

Imagine having three teenage boys and then opening your home to an 18 year old girl to come and live with you so she can escape abuse and homelessness … that’s the story of my incredible Mum Margaret Reid.

Not long after moving in, the boys needed a sleeping bag for a Scouts trip.

Not only did they get a sleeping bag but one was purchased for me too.

I remember feeling confused, guilty even. did I need a sleeping bag?

The reply was ‘no, but what we do for one of our children we do for all four of you, just on account of how much we love you.’

As I write this today, it still brings happy tears to my eyes.

Thirty years later, having moved all around Australia, I still have that sleeping bag and will keep it till the day I die.

My Mum is my belief that there are good people in the world.

She is my motivation to be a good person & to achieve as much as I can.

To the greatest Mum I could have wished for, I love you & thank you!’

Tia McCarthy

Dear mum,

Mandy Wakefield with daughter Olivia. Picture: Tim Hunter.
Mandy Wakefield with daughter Olivia. Picture: Tim Hunter.

When I think of you, the word hero comes to mind.

Mum you are my hero. You are the most selfless person I have ever met.

You live for everyone else and do anything to make others happy.

You are stronger than you know and kinder than you need to be. You have taught me everything I know and every day I am grateful to have a person like you in my life.

You are my biggest fan and greatest confidant.

I don’t know where I would be without your support and love. The love you give to me is unconditional. A hug from you makes me feel like I am home.

Most of all l, I am forever grateful that I get to call you my mother and my best friend.

Love you mum.

From baby

Olivia Wakefield

Why I love My Mum,

Debbie Abela with her mum Lola O’Neill.
Debbie Abela with her mum Lola O’Neill.

Growing up in the 60s was tough as my Mum Lola O’Neill and Dad separated when I was about seven-years-old. So there was my Mum, brother Wayne and myself, we were the three musketeers.

We lived in a housing commission home at Ryde.

Mum worked hard to make sure that my brother and I never went without. My Mum got a job at Mastercraft which was a lolly factory which made Mint Patties, Golden Roughs, Lifesavers and many more.

My brother and I thought we were the luckiest kids on the block back then.

Later Mum got a job at Helena Rubinstein in the factory where they made the best cosmetics, skincare products and beautiful perfumes.

My brother and I worked along side our Mum in the school holidays, we all had so much fun being together.

My Mum was so beautiful when she was young and still is as she is now 81 years of age.

My Mum taught my brother and I how to respect each other, how to care, have compassion for people and how to love.

Mum is a fabulous cook she makes the best GG cookies as everyone knows them by as she is a fantastic mother, grandmother and great grandmother to many.

Mum never complains only if she has run out of champagne or wine.

I couldn’t have got through the last two years if it wasn’t for my Mum as I recently lost my husband of 45 years on Valentines Day to cancer.

Mum stayed by my side, cried with me, lifted my spirits and made me the strong woman that I am today.

Looking back on my life I guess my brother and I have been gifted with the best Mum in the world.

Happy Mother’s Day Mum you are not only my Mum but my best friend forever.

“All I am I owe to my Mother “– George Washington.

Deborah Abela, Bateau Bay

Our Mum,

Mum Shirley Kelly.
Mum Shirley Kelly.

Shirley Kelly has been a magnificent Mum, she is now 87 with Dementia.

Fortunately for my siblings Greg, Leonie, Wayne and myself we get snippets of her personality and memory every now and then which delights us all.

Mum was the centre of the household, she dedicated herself to us all, as I reminisce I’m grateful for your unconditional love, the way you’ve instilled family comes first, Roast dinners Sunday night’s for us all to catch up, while managing

Our family florist shop, a family of six, grocery shopping, driving us all to different sports ovals, volunteering for School tuckshop duties, and being a Parish committee member for as long as I can remember.

Our home was impeccable, You taught each of us learnt to ballroom dancing in our kitchen, you always a had meal and an open door to whoever we brought home, I feel blessed that you are our beautiful Mum you were the epitome of selflessness.


Happy Mothers day with all my love Cheryl xxx

Cheryl Briffa, NSW

To my beautiful Mum Maree,

Maree is mum to seven children and 19 grandchildren.
Maree is mum to seven children and 19 grandchildren.

They say patience is a virtue which means my Mum is a very virtuous woman because she has the patience of a saint. She has seven children and 19 grandkids and she somehow manages to share her time and love equally with everyone and always has a smile on her face.

My Mum is the most selfless and generous person I know.

Growing up, she made our house a home not only for us as a family but for all our friends and half the neighbourhood.

On any given afternoon or on the weekends in between all the sport we played to keep us out of trouble, we would have on average 20 kids at our house and Mum would always make sure she had enough food for everyone.

She loves feeding people and that’s her way of showing love.

My Mum has taught me love, kindness and generosity. She has taught me the value of having a good education and always said I could achieve anything if I put my mind to it and worked hard. She also taught me about community service, giving back to the community which she has done her whole life.

She has been an inspiration to me and to so many. She epitomises goodness and kindness and I hope to emulate these qualities as I continue on my journey as a mother.

I love you Mum, Love Kathleen Maree (Kash) xx

Dear Mum,

Val Tatnell with her children and grandchildren.
Val Tatnell with her children and grandchildren.

To be inspired, is to know you. Strong willed, witty, compassionate, brave, beautiful on the inside and out.

“Ohana” means Family and you are the backbone of ours.

You encourage us to follow our dreams and to believe in ourselves. You give us strength to fly but always know when to pull us back down to earth.

You give your love and time in abundance and your opinion unapologetically.

You are the epitome of a loving mother and inspire us to be the best parents we can be. To your grandkids, you prove that wonder women come in all shapes and sizes.

Age is no barrier as you tap your little feet across nursing home floors to make others smile. You have shown us that the greatest possession in life is love, laughter is timeless and moments together priceless. As individuals we are all so very different, yet you bring us together as one.

Our wish for you this Mother’s Day is to know how loved you are and how proud we are to be your family (a little loud, wacky and crazy at times but still yours).

Thanks for just being you, love all of us.

Gale Gleeson

(A letter to our 79 year old Mum, Val Tatnell. Sent in by Gale Gleeson)

My mum Julie Cullen, means the world to me,

Jay Allen with his mum Julie Cullen
Jay Allen with his mum Julie Cullen

When there is clouds in my path, or a problem I’m about to face or have faced, yep my mum puts everything back in its place.

Always reassuring and a great cook.

You my treasured mum are a beautiful amazing human and I love you, so, so, much.

Jay Allen, NSW

Long may she inspire her loving family.

Helen Hadlow’s much-loved mum.
Helen Hadlow’s much-loved mum.

My Mum is 89-years-young. She married her Prince Charming and went on to have six children.

I am the oldest girl, there were four and two boys. My dad was a very hard worker, he often had four Jobs on the hop as mum stayed home to rear her brood.

She has been our rock, resilient reliable and as protective as a mother lioness.

Her memory is better than mine and there is no one on this planet who would be more fastidious in the house than her.

She is the Royal Matriarch of our family and we thank her and pray for her continued good health daily. Long may she inspire her loving family.

Kind regards,

Helen Hadlow

Damien Cook – South Sydney Rabbitohs

Damian Cook with wife Courtney who will celebrate her first Mother’s Day this year.
Damian Cook with wife Courtney who will celebrate her first Mother’s Day this year.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mum!

Thanks for everything you’ve done for me and our family over the years.

I couldn’t be more proud of the work you’re doing at the moment, helping to fight this coronavirus in your work as a nurse on the frontline.

And to my beautiful wife Courtney, celebrating your first Mother’s Day with our little girl Willow, what a special day it will be for our little family.

I love you both very much and can’t wait to have us all back together for a belated Mother’s Day celebration, hopefully in the not-too-distant future.

You are my hero,

Sjane Shoebridge with her daughter Rana.
Sjane Shoebridge with her daughter Rana.

My mum is my best friend, she is a warrior who despite how frustrated she gets sometimes just keeps on keeping on.

She helped raise her siblings at a young age and went on to raise all us kids.

To come back after a stroke and have to learn to do things again has inspired me, she is someone who I will always look up too.

Thank you for raising me to be the person I am today, I would be lost without you.

You are my hero. Now is time to live YOUR life.

I love you mum. Rana xx

My Mum,

Sheila Antal’s mum.
Sheila Antal’s mum.

Mum, you have so many wonderful and Godly traits that I thought it about time to tell you about them.

Firstly, your patience and endurance as you have over the years put up with wild and insolent teenagers and stressed and, at times, hurting adult children.

And then there are your uncomplaining ways.

Well, I know how you must suffer with aches and pains but as I have NEVER heard you complain. Your example of patient suffering (at 88 there has got to be some aches and pains) is something I find almost impossible to emulate. I really don’t know how you do it.

You may not have lead a life that has led to fame or indeed fortune but you have certainly made your mark on at least three generations of your family and that is only to date. I’m sure as the years go on the traits I have mentioned and that we have learned from you, we will teach our kids and their kids and they in turn will teach their kids and those wonderful qualities of endurance, patience, not grumbling and kindness will continue on from generation to generation. What a heritage you have created Mum.

Sheila Antal

Dear mum,

Dina Karamagkalis.
Dina Karamagkalis.

I always knew I had a great mum growing up, but as a mother myself, I can now understand it on another level. You left your marriage so young with three small children, and nothing but your determination to give us a better life. I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been for you, doing It all on your own to keep us safe.

You have always put your kids first, even as adults with families of our own, to you, we still remain your babies that you have to protect.

Just know, you always been enough for us. We may not have grown up in lavish surroundings, but that never mattered, because it’s your love that has always kept us happy. Your lessons and examples have been instilled in us as parents that will be passed on to our children, thanks to the incredible woman you are.

Most of all though mum, I thank you and deeply appreciate the message you have so effortlessly shown to us and to your grandchildren time and time again, and that is, that a mothers loves is unconditional no matter what circumstance.

Happy Mothers day mum, I love you.

Sofia de Lautour

Corey Norman – St George Illawarra Dragons

Corey Norman pays special tribute to his mum Sandy, who raised him as a single mum. Picture: Dean Lewins
Corey Norman pays special tribute to his mum Sandy, who raised him as a single mum. Picture: Dean Lewins
A young Norman with his mum Sandy and cousin Summer.
A young Norman with his mum Sandy and cousin Summer.

“As a single parent, you did everything you could to raise me the right way as a kid and get me to wherever I needed to be when it came to playing rugby league. You’re a big part of my career and my life. You’re a very strong woman, very proud and very independent – they’re your best qualities. You didn’t ask for too much help when I was growing up, even when we probably needed it. You did everything for me to ensure we had food on the table and I had clothes on my back. It is hard not seeing you as much as I’d like to, knowing you’re still up in Queensland. I miss spending time with you.”

Thankyou for all you have done,

Laura Collins with her mum.
Laura Collins with her mum.

I wouldn’t say I ever had an overly close relationship with my mum Diane growing up.

But then, I became a mother myself and realised how much it takes to raise three children.

The juggling, the fights you have to umpire, the endless washing, the sporting commitments – the list goes on.

Over the past 10 or so years, I have had such a new appreciation for my mum. I am not a “lovey dovey” person. I don’t like hugs, kisses or anything to do with emotions. But I do love you mum, and my children love their mema.

You have helped us in so many ways I couldn’t list them all. Thankyou for all you have done, and all you continue to do.

Love, Laura Collins

Dear Mum,

Lisa Tolhurst, her sister Julie Stodolka, and their mum Margaret Nicholls.
Lisa Tolhurst, her sister Julie Stodolka, and their mum Margaret Nicholls.

This will be such a different Mother’s day. Last year was spent watching our beloved Roosters run around, and sadly lose (but we won the chocolates at year’s end!) we chatted, drank, ate, reminisced and had a lovely day.

What my memories of past Mothers days have in common is good food and laughter. Laughing till we cried, kids riding bikes, flying kites, running around and the glue was the mums: you, your mum (my Nan) your sisters (my aunts) siblings, cousins and spouses / partners all enjoying a lovely day together. It was also an opportunity to celebrate Nan’s May birthday as a family.

This year it will hopefully be a lovely warm autumn’s day as it usually is on mother’s day and I will take the time to appreciate what I have learnt from you.

And that is that I am fine just as I am, that crying and laughing are very powerful healing tools, that food and family brings people together. I have learnt that there is no rule book and that mum’s do the best they can. I have learnt that motherhood is a 24/7 role and I have learnt from you, that to be a mum, now I am one myself, is that it is often a thankless task but that it is the most important job in the world.

You have always been there for my milestones: graduations, weddings and funerals, births, christenings, birthday celebrations and for the real tough ones too. And that has been your main gift to me as a mum, always being there.

I have seen how much you love being a nan, now you are one, how rewarding that role is. I want you to know how important you are to your grandchildren: the hugs, kisses and unconditional love you give them is priceless.

Love you mum and look forward to many more Mother’s Days together.



Wade Graham – Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks

NRL Wade Graham pays tribute to his mum as well as his fiancee. Picture: Joel Carrett.
NRL Wade Graham pays tribute to his mum as well as his fiancee. Picture: Joel Carrett.

I want to wish my mother a very happy Mother’s Day.

While I can’t be there because of the protocols, I’ll be calling in via Zoom, I’ll see you soon and I hope the grandchildren are spoiling you.

And to my beautiful fiancé Kerry Anne, mother of our two children, happy mother’s day. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a nice present and a cooked breakfast in bed.

Happy Mother’s Day Mum,

Ariana-Kea Leach with her mum.
Ariana-Kea Leach with her mum.

Fantastic job! We all turned out perfectly! Thank you for loving us and sacrificing so much to help us become the best that we can be. We owe it all to you!

Lots of love,

Ana xox

My friend, my rock,

Pamela Cochrane.
Pamela Cochrane.

My Mum, Pamela Cochrane, my friend, my rock, my inspiration and my strength!

Mum was one of four raised by her parents in the Blue Mountains and Western Suburbs before settling in the Eastern Suburbs once married.

Her Mum, Winifred, was a nurse, and her Dad Charles, an air force veteran then Qantas engineer, lived simple hardworking lives.

Mum raised five of us alone from when I was 11 years old, she lost my sister as a still born and miscarried after her yet I never saw her falter.

My Mum has the most incredible ability to “soldier on” through adversity and fear, suffering and illness with a positivity few could ever muster.

She is a powerhouse and a “pocket rocket” who will trek two hour walking trails with us at age 73, whip up a brilliant meal with whatever she can find and harbours gratitude every day for the simple pleasures in life.

Mum has dedicated her life from the tender age of 20 to us, she worked for many years to provide for us and is a devoted Carer for my youngest brother who cannot work.

She’s a very proud Nanna to four grandchildren too.

Mum is an animal lover, a crossword wizard and enjoys an ice cream or snickers once in a while. I love her to the core depths of my heart. She is the best Mum and to me a shining example of how to be a wonderful human being!

Ailswith Barrueto

Dear Mum,

Adam and Jeorgia Reeves’s mum.
Adam and Jeorgia Reeves’s mum.

In our early years, you made sure we knew we were loved.

You worked hard and gave us the best upbringing we could have. Through this you taught us that we were valued and to appreciate everything around us.

As we grew, your love for us continued to grow. You quickly forgave us for our errors in judgment and in turn showed us how to do the same for others.

Now have our own families, the lessons of love, nurture, self respect and reliance you have instilled in us will be passed on.

We can only hope that our children will have reflections of our past lessons and your wisdom for the future.

We love you so much and thank you.

Adam and Jeorgia

James Tedesco – Sydney Roosters

James Tedesco with his mother Rosemary after winning the Dally M Player of the Year award during the 2019 Dally M Awards. Picture: Dan Himbrechts
James Tedesco with his mother Rosemary after winning the Dally M Player of the Year award during the 2019 Dally M Awards. Picture: Dan Himbrechts

Mum, I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me over the years, and for what you continue to do. Happy Mother’s Day to you, and also to my Nonna Carmela, I love you both very much.

To my Mum Leonie Perryman,

Leanne Currey with her mum Leonie.
Leanne Currey with her mum Leonie.

Every year on Mother’s Day I wish you well and thank you for all you have ever done for me. But this year, Mother’s Day feels very different for me.

It wasn’t until I became a Mum last year that I truly began to realise just what it means to be a Mother. I never realised the sacrifice, the constant and soul consuming worry, the loneliness and the pure exhaustion. But also the maternal-all-embracing love, the happiness and the pride of being a mother.

Thank you for the constant effort that comes with raising another human. Thank you for the caring and loving household you created. Thank you for childhood memories full of laughter and adventure. And thank you for taking every opportunity to show how proud you are of both your daughters.

Thank you for teaching me to be a Mother like you. To love, protect, guide and cherish my little boy. Thank you for being there on the good days and the lonely days.

Thank you for passing on the most important lesson in life – love.

Your daughter, Leanne Currey, Port Macquarie, xoxo

To my dearest mum,

Megan Page with her mum Sandy.
Megan Page with her mum Sandy.

It feels as though you spend your early years wanting to be so independent and cutting away the strings that hold you close to your parents, then responsibility hits and you seem to have your mum on speed dial.

It was not until my son was born did I truly understand the love you have for your children and how very precious our mums are to all of us.

Mum, my best friend, my confidant, my go to person when times are tough as they are great. I wish I could give you the world in return for giving me life and so much love.

I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day, you are and always will be my constant inspiration.

Love always, your only daughter

Megan xx

We love her Forever & Always

Tess Johnson.
Tess Johnson.

My mum Tess Johnson is one in a million, 85 years young. Was married late, raised my brother and me.

My dad (R.I.P.) was an alcoholic/gambler, so mum went without for us.

She has had ulcerated colitis for over 30 years her broke her hip on day my Dad died,

four years ago and missed my son’s wedding.

Helped me raise my son as I was a single mother.

She lives with my brother who is 55 and is now her carer.

He also suffers from Asthma and Diabetes, my mum has been there for him too.

I work five days a week and have three fur kids (2 x Border Collies and Foxy X) cares for them with my brother, whom she loves beyond words.

We love her Forever & Always

Our Mum Tess Johnson


Carol Daniel and David Johnson

My mum Margaret is amazing

Alisha Adam with her mum Margaret.
Alisha Adam with her mum Margaret.

She would do anything for not just me and my kids but anyone. Words really don’t do justice to describe how amazing, caring, funny, thoughtful and compassionate she is.

She is one of a kind and I count my blessings every day she is my Mum.

Thank you for always being the best Mum and Nana, I love you to bits. And her cooking is AMAZING!

xx Alisha

Dear Mum,

Brigitte Williams with daughter Irene Pickard.
Brigitte Williams with daughter Irene Pickard.

At 20, you left your war torn home in Latvia thinking it would be just for a few months.

Your mother stayed to look after the family’s property and wealth.

However, returning was not an option. Being vulnerable, frightened and feeling unsafe, you made your way through European countries and eventually chose Australia.

Arriving as a migrant with just one suitcase, you had married and soon discovered that he was a violent alcoholic.

Fearing for your two daughters, we escaped the domestic violence and assumed aliases as we went into hiding far away.

You worked so hard, such long hours and we vowed to stayed together forever, just us three. We didn’t have much food or luxurious but we were safe and we were happy. You supported me and never failed to encourage my dream of a career. You saw me settle with a loyal husband and raise a family.

You taught me work ethics and modelled values and virtues which I adopted and like you, managed to buy a home.

Now you are 95-years-old and such a determined, gracious lady who has an incredible spirit but the body is not as willing.

Your daily routine of gardening is thwarted by arthritis.

Your acceptance of independent living is your only wish as you want to live in the house that you worked your whole life for and you want to die in your single bed.

I can understand the blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices you made to be in your current position and I so admire you for the strength, persistence and resilience. I am so proud you are my mother as I know I am who I am because of you.

I love you Mum. Happy Mother’s Day.


A strong determined woman

Jenny Barker on her wedding day in 1952.
Jenny Barker on her wedding day in 1952.

I once signed off on a late note to netball from my mother Moyà Dorothea Linkenbagh and thought that’s got me covered.

On arrival at netball I got “where on earth did you come up with that name”.

It’s my mum’s real name I replied. Yes a unique and very special name for an incredible woman.

A devoted daughter and no better sister has ever lived and then of course our family. My parents were truly in love and my brother and I were their world.

Mum was the best sponge maker in the whole district and at each and every cake stall for Narwee Primary School her cakes were first sold most before opening.

She was frightened no one and stood her ground no matter what or who to. She took the headmaster at Narwee to task for not spending the money the Mothers Club had raised.

Her really only vices was being a tiny bit vain and absolutely biased about her family and her footy team Balmain.

If you were Catholic too that helped enormously. I recall her looking at a portrait of her five grandchildren and her saying “all my grandchildren are good looking” and then ‘”they get that from me”.

A strong determined woman who was the backbone of our family and taught me the importance of community and care. Pictured here on her wedding day 1952

Jenny Barker

Iris Rose Kirkwood

Les with his late mum Iris Rose Kirkwood.
Les with his late mum Iris Rose Kirkwood.

No Mother’s Day to celebrate

No special hugs or chocolate hearts to give away

No special kiss

Our special songs I miss

In fact it’s just another ordinary day

I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

To my beautiful Mum in heaven (16-10-15)

Happy Mother’s Day

I miss you Mum

All my love, Les

Dear mum,

Georgia and Siena Kelly with their mum Carmen.
Georgia and Siena Kelly with their mum Carmen.

Thank you for caring for us and loving us to bits.

You make every day the best when you are around.

You are the best mum in the world and we will always be there for you. I can’t compare you to anyone else because you are an amazing person and mother to us.

Thank you for everything, and the long, warm hugs. You smell like fresh flowers. You take us to dancing, I would be lost without you.

You are the most perfect mum in the world.

I remember when you could pick me up and spin me around and now I do that to you.

Love you lots

Siena and Georgia xoxo

To our beautiful Mum,

Elaine Tidyman.
Elaine Tidyman.

You know we love you very much and this year more than ever we want you to have the most wonderful Mother’s Day!

Mum, losing our amazing Dad suddenly at home in December … the day before your 59th wedding anniversary – we know how shocked and sad you are and with hardly any time to grieve you have suffered your own two heart attacks in February and are still recovering.

Mum, we are so grateful that you are ours. We know family is your life and this has always been your way … we were both spoiled always having a stay-at-home mum who loved and cared about us so much and then our children have been blessed with the best ‘Nanna’ ever!

You are selfless, kind and the most caring person we know; you have always put your family first.

You are creative, and your love of styling your home and shopping for the latest fashion every day is what makes you very special. On Mother’s Day we want to let you know how much we all love you!

We think we are the luckiest family ever!

e hope this makes you smile,

Lots of love Michellea and Donna xx

Eternal love,

Mabel Irene Young.
Mabel Irene Young.

It was not until after you had died that I realised, after much reflection, that I had never acknowledged what a great Mum you had been.

As children, we just take for granted what our mothers do, regardless of the sacrifices that they have made, you were a strong no-nonsense Mum, who rarely showed how tough life could be,

You had a routine, so that the house seemed to clean itself, the food was always on the table, and at times worked till late sewing our school uniforms, and our “best” clothes.

You took us to Church, Sunday school, for beach picnics and picnics in the park, even walked us in the night to the GFS meetings.

You always seemed to know how to nurse us when we were sick.

I have so many competing memories, the layettes you made for my five babies, the clothes and presents you left on the bed for me when I visited from the country.

But you know Mum, I was not an easy child, I was wilful and strong minded, you managed me without raising your voice, or threatening me.

I knew when I had pushed the boundaries, and how I had let you down.

You had a fall when you came to visit us. and I looked after you for seven years, and that is when I should have said thank you, but I was too busy!

So, thank you Mabel Irene, you were an artist, too busy with your family to paint, maybe you can paint in heaven.

Eternal love


Love you Mum,

Stella Conway with daughter Maxine.
Stella Conway with daughter Maxine.

My first memories of you was as a little girl I’m two-years-old, getting dressed in my favourite black and white checked dress and I loved that you played the Banjo and loved your singing.

Life has moved at such a fast pace that I find myself at your age, I see you in the mirror, I recognise the hurts and triumphs of our lives and I love those moments of just being you and me.

Over the years I’ve lent on you in times of need, sort your comfort and wisdom in times of confusion and heartache. I have tried to support and love you as much as I can.

I am your first born, even though we don’t spend every day together, you and I have shared times in our lives that only we can reminisce, remember, laugh at and embrace.

I remember those very early days when you were a new mum yourself and I was your little girl.

A connection between us can never be broken, we are always together as mother and daughter that is OUR special relationship that only you and I share.

Love you Mum, Happy Mother’s Day Maxine x

Dear Mum,

Belinda and her mum.
Belinda and her mum.

One of your many life lessons is to “have a go” so although I’m not as wonderful with words, I want you to know.

How lucky I am not to just rely on google when you have a mum so wise and inspirational!

Virginia Catherine Matthews thank you for the thoughtful ways you have made life special and solid for our family.

You bring the Glam to Gran and your caring nature makes you a much loved and inspirational volunteer at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

When Dad passed away (your adored husband of 40 years) and Nan just months apart, the strength and grace you displayed during this heartbreaking time will live with me always.

But most of all you have shown me the true meaning of LOVE in everything you


Mum you are simply the best & I’ll will always “have a go” because you said so.

Love Belinda

Kerryn Champion with her mum.
Kerryn Champion with her mum.

During COVID-19 and the unprecedented times we are all experiencing, Mother’s Day 2020 amplifies the gratitude I have for my Mum for teaching me the core values of what is truly important.

My Mum centres her life around the family and her friends and always shows unconditional love through acts of kindness, empathy, non judgment, constant communication and her genuine desire to make everyone feel special.

It’s during these times that I appreciate even more the qualities she has instilled in me because without them, life as we know it today would be much harder.

My Mum takes so much pride in her house and garden and so when we have all been forced back into our homes during COVID-19 Mum has a safe haven that makes her feel happy, comfortable, secure and entertained for hours spending time in her own piece of paradise; her garden.

I have striven to mirror and achieve all of this with my own family and friends and I feel privileged to have the greatest teacher of life.

Mum, I cannot wait to the day I can hug you again and we can all gather as a family to celebrate “life”.

Happy Mother’s Day 2020.

Originally published as Sunday Tele readers, NRL stars share tributes to their mums

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