

Jailed teen rapist approaches sunbaker during ‘beach outing’

A convicted teen rapist on a state government-approved outing to a public beach went “missing” for 15 minutes before he brazenly attempted to chat to a female sunbaker — raising concerns about more incidences of juveniles involved in attacks and assaults.

Inside juvenile justice

A convicted teenage rapist on a state government-approved outing to a beach brazenly attempted to chat to a female sunbaker before a supervisor stepped in.

The detainee was one of up to nine teenagers from Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre who were granted permission to go on a supervised excursion to a “secluded” Central Coast beach a few days before Christmas.

Two staff supervised the incident, with a juvenile justice officer alleging the detainee went “missing” for about 15 minutes before he was seen approaching the woman at the beach.

Detainees who are serving the final third of their sentences are eligible to go on a public outing, pending good behaviour.

A detainee from Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre approached a woman during a sanctioned beach outing. Picture: Tim Hunter
A detainee from Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre approached a woman during a sanctioned beach outing. Picture: Tim Hunter

Other outings have included camping trips, kayaking and a visit to a nearby aircraft museum.

The officer, who declined to be named, said the outings were conducted weekly with staff now scouting out locations for toilets and other facilities ahead of the trips.

“The public would be furious to see that detainees such as these were being let loose on outings to mingle with the community at the beach,” the staffer said.

“Can you imagine if he assaulted that young woman?

“Staff are desperate and frightened with the lack of management both locally and within the executive.”




About two weeks after the incident, six detainees allegedly sexually assaulted a fellow inmate at a detention centre pool with staff being made aware of the claims after the victim told a department psychologist.

Juvenile Justice NSW are investigating the alleged assault, with the detainees said to be involved being moved to a different unit.

It is understood the detainee who was the subject of the alleged assault has a developmental disorder.

The incidents come as staff tensions reach flashpoint, with no confidence motions being moved against the Juvenile Justice NSW leadership team of Steven Southgate and Melanie Hawyes over their alleged mismanagement of the centres.

Mr Southgate has since met with the staff with talks ongoing.

The Public Service Association has been lobbying the state government to set up a therapeutic unit for the most unruly of detainees to be taken out of the general detainee population.

How The Sunday Telegraph covered the story on November 2, 2018.
How The Sunday Telegraph covered the story on November 2, 2018.
How The Sunday Telegraph covered the story on December 23, 2018.
How The Sunday Telegraph covered the story on December 23, 2018.

The union also wants the government to provide an immediate interim solution to deal with the spate of violence underway.

“Staff are at their wits end at seeing the abuse of their fellow colleagues and other detainees (by inmates),” the spokesman said.

“There have been consultations about a unit for almost two years, but staff also want the department to deal with the violence here and now.

“We need an interim measure until it is sorted where these units should be and how they should be run.”

A Juvenile Justice NSW spokesman said the detainee on the beach excursion returned to the group after a youth officer supervising the outing intervened.

The spokesman said the outing was part of a program which prepared detainees to reintegrate back into the community as they approached the end of their sentences.

“At one point, a detainee left the water and began to walk toward a woman sitting on the beach,” the spokesman said.

“A youth officer immediately intervened and instructed the detainee to return to the group and detainee followed that instruction.”

As for the poolside assault, the department was investigating the incident.

A juvenile justice source said the victim and his mother had chosen not to press charges.

It is understood the victim is due to be released from custody in two weeks.

Originally published as Jailed teen rapist approaches sunbaker during ‘beach outing’

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