
Friend’s emotional tribute to Allison Baden-Clay

UPDATED: Allison Baden-Clay’s best friend choked back tears as she praised today’s High Court decision to reinstate Gerard Baden-Clay’s murder conviction, while also taking aim at sections of the legal fraternity and Gerard himself.

Family statement on Baden-Clay verdict

ALLISON Baden-Clay’s best friend Kerry-Anne Walker has slammed sections of the legal fraternity in an emotional speech outside court following the High Court’s decision to reinstate Gerard Baden-Clay’s murder conviction.


The High Court of Australia’s ruling in Canberra this morning to reinstate his murder conviction comes after it was downgraded to manslaughter by the Queensland Court of Appeal.

“Today’s decision in the High Court comes with both relief and elation,” Ms Walker said through tears outside the High Court in Canberra.

Don’t miss Thursday’s The Courier-Mail newspaper for David Murray’s analysis and an exclusive interview with Allison Baden-Clay’s friends and family.

Supporters of Allison Baden-Clay Nicole Morrison and Kerry-Anne Walker outside the High Court in Canberra today. Pic: Ray Strange.
Supporters of Allison Baden-Clay Nicole Morrison and Kerry-Anne Walker outside the High Court in Canberra today. Pic: Ray Strange.

“Despite many Queenslanders being labelled as ignorant when they protested the downgrade to manslaughter, the common sense of the original jury has prevailed and justice for Allison has finally been realised.

“The ignorance it seems lay elsewhere.”

Supported outside the court by another friend of Allison, Nicole Morrison, Ms Walker fought back tears as she continued with her statement.

“The law has acknowledged what we who were closest to her knew from that very morning Allison went missing. That is that she was murdered,” she said.

“Gerard Baden-Clay murdered his amazing wife Allison.”

She said the original trial displayed Gerard Baden-Clay’s intent and character.

“Today’s decision brings to an end Gerard’s attempts to smear Allison’s name.”

She went on to say Baden-Clay let Allison’s family “and the whole community worry and anguish about what had happened”.

She paid tribute to Allison, a woman who “loved being a wife and a mother”.

“She was indeed an amazing woman ... Her legacy will be her three girls.”

She went on to say that Allison’s daughters were “thriving in their busy lives” and would “go on to achieve great things”, saying they were a tribute to Allison’s parents, who have cared for them since Allison’s death.

Ms Walker and Ms Morrison embraced as she finished her statement.

A special tribute to Allison

Meanwhile Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has paid tribute to Allison Baden-Clay as the High Court today unanimously reinstated her husband’s murder conviction.

The Premier acknowledged the end of a “long, exhausting, and emotional process.”

“The sad reality is no court judgment or jail term will bring Allison back,” she said.

Ms Allison, Ms Palaszczuk said, was a bright, confident, and outstanding young dancer.

“I was fortunate also to meet her family last year. I could see the pain in their eyes, and that pain is shared in many parts of our community,” Ms Palaszczuk said.

“That pain emanated from the fact that their fight for justice was still ongoing and never-ending.”

“Today this fight is over, the case is closed. The High Court has said that justice will be served,” she said.

“As life goes on and it will, she will remain always in the lives of those that were privileged to know Allison.”


Today’s decision in the High Court comes with both relief and elation.

Despite many Queenslanders being labelled ignorant when they protested the downgrade to manslaughter, the common sense of the original jury has prevailed and justice for Allison has finally been realised.

The ignorance it seems lay elsewhere.

The law has acknowledged what we who were closest to her knew from that very morning Allison went missing. That is that she was murdered.

Gerard Baden-Clay murdered his amazing wife Allison.

The evidence in his original trial displayed his intent as well as his character.

Today’s decision brings to an end Gerard’s attempts to smear Allison’s name.

If some are in doubt as to his true nature his behaviour after Allison’s disappearance and during the trial must have removed this doubt.

Four and a half years ago three beautiful girls went to bed with a mother and the next morning they woke without one.

He let them and the whole community worry and anguish for days about what had happened.

In a fair and open trial and jury found that there was enough evidence to convict Gerard Baden-Clay of murder.

They felt there was motive and certainly intent.

Thankfully, today Australia’s High Court judges agreed with this decision and have reinstated the conviction of murder.

Allison loved being a wife and a mother and worked incredibly hard to do both to the best of her ability.

Even though it has been said many times before she was indeed an amazing woman.

Her legacy will be her three beautiful girls who, surrounded by their memories of Allison and the love and support of Allison’s devoted family, are thriving in their busy lives.

All who know them are confident they will go on to do great things.

I’m in awe everyday of how well Allison’s parents Geoff and Priscilla and her sister Vanessa deal with their day to day lives.

The girls are certainly a tribute to them.

I would like to thank and acknowledge the Department of Public Prosecution, the Queensland Police Service and all those who helped with the case.

Their tireless work and passion for the truth will never be forgotten and you should also be very pleased with today’s decision.

To all of Allison’s friends and family, the media, special guest speakers and members of the public who supported the Do It For Allison campaign last year after the initial downgrading of the charge to manslaughter we would like to say a huge thank you.

In particularly I would personally like to thank Bevan Slattery and Nicole Morrison who initiated the rally in response to the public outcry.

Lastly to all of Allison’s friends and family that have during this process been there every step of the way, and you know who you are, I thank you and have to tell you today that she would be so very proud.

Originally published as Friend’s emotional tribute to Allison Baden-Clay

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