

Teenager charged over Assyrian bishop’s alleged stabbing in Sydney’s west

The teenager accused of stabbing Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel six times has been charged as the prominent leader delivered a surprise message to the 16-year-old.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel breaks silence from the hospital speaking after church stabbing

A teenager who allegedly stabbed Assyrian Christian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel during a livestreamed service at a church in Sydney has been charged.

The 16-year-old boy was charged with a terrorism offence on Thursday, following an investigation by the Joint Counter Terrorism Team Sydney.

Investigators attended a medical facility to interview the boy, before he was charged with committing a terrorist act under section 101.1 Criminal Code Act, an offence that carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

He has been refused bail and is expected to appear before a bedside court hearing on Friday.

Police will allege the teenager travelled up to an hour and a half in his quest to carry out the alleged terrorism offence.

It comes as Bishop Emmanuel spoke out for the first time on Thursday since the attack while delivering a sermon on Monday, saying he was doing well and that people should never “return evil with evil”.

The scene at the church where Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was allegedly stabbed at Christ the Good Church in Wakeley. Picture: Rohan Kelly
The scene at the church where Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was allegedly stabbed at Christ the Good Church in Wakeley. Picture: Rohan Kelly

In a video uploaded by Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church, Bishop Emmanuel spoke on Thursday from his hospital bed that he was doing well and that people should never “return evil with evil”.

“I’m doing fine, I’m recovering very quickly,” he said in the message shared to the Church’s social media.

“There’s no need to be worried or concerned. I need you to act Christlike, the Lord Jesus never taught us to fight, he never taught us to retaliate.

“He never said an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth – never return evil with evil, return it with good.”

Bishop Emmanuel also delivered a message to the 16-year-old alleged attacker.

“I say to him, you’re my son, I love you. And I will always pray for you,” he said.

“And whoever sent you to do this, I forgive them as well. In Jesus mighty name. I have nothing in my heart but love for everyone.

“Whether that person is a Christian or not, it’s totally beside the point. The Lord Jesus always taught us to love one another …

“And for this young man, I say to you, you’re my son, and you will always be my praise my the Lord Jesus.”

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was delivering mass at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church on Monday night, when he was attacked. Picture: Twitter
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was delivering mass at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church on Monday night, when he was attacked. Picture: Twitter

It comes as police have arrested and charged a teenager over the violent riot that occurred after a prominent bishop was stabbed at a Sydney church on Monday night.

Heavily armed police descended on a home on Powers Rd at Doonside about 5.40pm on Wednesday with a search warrant.

Footage of the arrest shows specialist tactical police with Strike Force Dribbs storming the home on Powers Rd at Doonside about 5.40pm on Wednesday with a search warrant.

19-year-old Dani Mansour was led outside and spoke with police before being arrested and taken to Blacktown Police Station, where he remained until late in the evening.

19-year-old Dani Mansour was led outside and spoke with police before his arrest. Picture: NSW Police
19-year-old Dani Mansour was led outside and spoke with police before his arrest. Picture: NSW Police

Mansour was charged with riot, affray and destroying or damaging property during public disorder.

He was refused bail and will appear at Blacktown Local Court on Thursday.

“At this stage, you are under arrest for affray,” a police officer told the man outside the house.

First arrest was made over Wakeley riot after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed.
First arrest was made over Wakeley riot after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed.

“You are under arrest for malicious damage of police vehicles. The commissioner of police told you we were coming. We are here. Turn around, you are under arrest.”

More arrests are expected to be made by Strike Force Dribs officers after numerous police were injured and more than 40 police cars damaged during the riot.


The stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was declared an act of terror with the Australian Federal Police investigating the incident.

A 16-year-old boy was arrested by police after the Assyrian bishop, Father Isaac Royel and two other men were allegedly stabbed during the service at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church while it was being live-streamed on Monday night.

The attack came just days after the knife massacre at Bondi Junction Westfield.

“At 1.35am. this morning, after consideration of all the material, I declared that it was a terrorist incident,” Police Commissioner Karen Webb said on Tuesday morning.

“Strike Force Petrina has been established to investigate that side of the events. Last night, and a referral has been made and agreed to by the Joint Counter Terrorism Investigation Team.

“We will work jointly with New South Wales Police, lead with AFP and other Commonwealth agencies in this investigation. Whilst police were responding to the incident at Wakeley with New South Wales Police Ambulance to provide.”

Comm Webb explained why the act was declared terror.

Pictured the 16 year old who stabbed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel at The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley. Picture Twitter
Pictured the 16 year old who stabbed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel at The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley. Picture Twitter
Forensic police collect evidence on Tuesday at the church. Picture: Getty Images
Forensic police collect evidence on Tuesday at the church. Picture: Getty Images

“We believe there are elements that are satisfied in terms of religious, motivated extremism and of course, the intimidation of the public through that person’s acts by attending that church whilst it was being live-streamed, intimidating not only the parishioners in attendance, but those parishioners who were watching online and subsequently those people that turned up to the church on the outside. And the subsequent riot that happened,” she said.

Ms Webb said the teenager is known to police, but has not been on any terror watch list.

People gathered outside Liverpool hospital on Monday night after Bishop Emmanuel was taken to hospital. Picture: TNV
People gathered outside Liverpool hospital on Monday night after Bishop Emmanuel was taken to hospital. Picture: TNV

She also confirmed at least one of the alleged attacker’s fingers was severed as he was taken down by parishioners. He remains in hospital under police guard.

In a statement by the parish secretary of Bishop Emmanuel, Father Daniel Kochou pleaded with people to “keep peace with one another”.

“The church denounces retaliation of any kind...our church also condones the behaviour of the non-compliant and asks the public to respect civil order whilst keeping the peace which has been sanctioned by the almighty God,” Fr Kochou said.

Father Isaac Royel was also injured in the attack.
Father Isaac Royel was also injured in the attack.
orensic Police are seen collecting evidence at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in the suburb of Wakeley. Picture: Getty Images
orensic Police are seen collecting evidence at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in the suburb of Wakeley. Picture: Getty Images

“We ask all church members, faithful followers both local and international, to be cautious of the material surrounding the event that is shared online.”

The people from the Christian Assyrian community come from Iraq.

In 2014, the church that Bishop Emmanuel founded broke away from the main Assyrian Church of The East, after the bishop was ex-communicated over theological differences.


Specialist police are searching a property in Western Sydney believed to be linked to the Wakeley church terror attack.

Multiple police officers and a sniffer dog have been forensically examining the home since about 7am on Tuesday morning.

The police officers – wearing black gloves, have been entering and exiting the front door of the property and searching through grass.

Earlier, police were given extraordinary powers to investigate the attack which would allow officers to have the power to stop and search people and vehicles, enter and search premises and vehicles, demand people disclose their identities, and cordon off target areas – all without a warrant.

The powers can last up to two weeks.

The powers were automatically triggered when Police Commissioner Karen Webb declared the alleged church stabbing as a “terrorist incident” at 1.35am on Tuesday.

The declaration was validated by Police Minister Yasmin Catley nine minutes later, at 1.44am, and communicated to Premier Chris Minns just before 2am.

Police also have the power to use “reasonably necessary” force to exercise their powers.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said there is “no place for violent extremism” in Australia in the aftermath of another shocking stabbing attack in Sydney’s southwest.

A joint counter-terrorism force has been established and Mr Albanese said he has received a formal briefing on the incident.

“There is no place for violence in our community. There is no place for violent extremism. We are a peaceful, loving nation. This is a time to unite not divide as a community and as a country,” he said.

Mr Albanese blasted supporters of the priest for taking “the law into their own hands.”

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said the matter was now being investigated by the joint counter-terrorism team.

The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, Director-General of Security of ASIO, Mike Burgess, and the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, Reece Kershaw hold a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman
The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, Director-General of Security of ASIO, Mike Burgess, and the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, Reece Kershaw hold a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman

“I can also confirm that this matter is now under the investigation by the… joint counterterrorism team, which includes the AFP, New South Wales Police and ASIO,” he said.

“Police will continue to investigate how this incident occurred and the individual involved. This attack will have a significant impact on the Australian community.”

Mr Albanese said he has spoken to NSW Premier Chris Minns about the latest incident.

“This is a time when police need to be allowed to do their job,” he said.

“Australians can have every faith in the professionalism of our agencies.”


The Maronite Bishop of Australia Antoine-Charbel Tarabay has joined other leaders in condemning the attack, while also urging people to refrain from retaliation.

“On behalf of the Maronite Eparchy of Australia, we unequivocally denounce violence in all its forms and express deep concern over the incidents that took place,” Bishop Tarabay said.

“We call on everyone to remain calm, refrain from resorting to violence or retaliatory behaviours and engaging in gossip and speculation.

“It is imperative that we continue to work together to foster peace and to actively strive to be peacemakers. May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ guide our actions as we navigate through these challenging times.”

Sydney is home to tens of thousands of Maronite Catholics, who predominantly originated from Lebanon.


The alleged attacker is said to have told a group of angry parishioners that if the bishop “didn’t swear at my Prophet I wouldn’t be here”.

Video shows the suspect sauntering up to the bishop who stood at the pulpit of Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church at about 7.10pm, then stabbing the church leader viciously around the head and neck.

Images circulating online show the alleged perpetrator grinning into a camera.

Cumberland City Council Councillor Steve Christou on Tuesday said the bishop is in a stable condition.

He also confirmed witness accounts that the bishop prayed for his attacker immediately after he was stabbed.

“That’s exactly true. And the reports that I’m hearing, as well. And it just shows the remarkable courage of a man and forgiveness he has within him to pray for his alleged attacker,” Mr Christou told Sunrise.

Call for people to ‘remain very peaceful’ following Western Sydney church stabbing

In a statement, the church also asked that people “pray for the perpetrator.”

“It is the Bishop’s and Father’s wishes that you also pray for the perpetrator.”

The CTGS Church also called for calm after last night’s riotous scenes.

“We also kindly ask anyone at the Church premises to leave in peace, as our Lord and Savviour, Jesus Christ, teaches us. Thank you.”


After the attack, a mob of hundreds exploded into a riot as angry parishioners and residents created unrest and riot police were called in to contain the violent crowds.

Outside the church, dozens of angry people could be heard chanting “an eye for an eye” and “bring him out” as riot police arrived.

A number of police officers were injured and police cars damaged during the unrest.

Crowds also gathered outside Liverpool Hospital after some of those injured at the church were taken there for treatment.

It is understood the hospital is in lockdown as a result.

Western Sydney MPs urged for people to remain calm.

The Australian political reporter Alexi Demetriadi told Sky News host Paul Murray: “To allow the police or different squads there to do their jobs, I know that all the elected MPs at the area are … trying to keep social harmony intact.”

Online rumours circulated that Christians were targeting mosques in retaliation but this was not confirmed by NSW Police.

In a press briefing NSW Police confirmed that the alleged attacker was known to police and was not a regular attendee of the church.

Addressing media, Acting Assistant Commissioner Andrew Holland said the youth had been apprehended by worshippers before being taken into police custody. He has not been formally identified.


Images circulating online show the hand of the alleged suspect with a finger cut off, as well as the suspect sitting in blood-stained jeans, with his hand bandaged.

Comm Holland said at a press briefing: “Police have initially spoken to the young person again, his injuries are quite severe in his hand,” he said, adding: “He’s fairly upset and very distraught.

“He’s asked to speak to his parents at this stage and we’re making arrangements with his parents to make contact with him.”

Comm Holland added: “Police are obviously making sure that that young person is safe and, obviously with the action of the parishioners and obviously the local community, there was concerns for his safety.

“Hence, the decision was made to detain him in the church until later in the night.

“The parishioners did a fantastic job subduing him after he stabbed the two clergy members,” he said.


Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was delivering mass at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church on Monday night, when the young man, dressed all in black, approached the altar before stabbing the church leader multiple times.

Churchgoers can be seen on the YouTube clip, which was being live-streamed, trying to stop the attack before the feed was cut off.

Vision has emerged of a prominent Christian leader appearing to be stabbed during a service at The Good Shepard Church in Sydney. Picture: Twitter
Vision has emerged of a prominent Christian leader appearing to be stabbed during a service at The Good Shepard Church in Sydney. Picture: Twitter

NSW police confirmed on social media at about 1am that they had concluded their operation in Wakeley but that it was too early to provide more information.

While Ambulance NSW has not yet provided any names, they confirmed they attended an incident at 7.15pm on Monday in Wakeley.

A prominent Christian leader has been stabbed during a service at The Good Shepard Church in Sydney. Picture: Twitter
A prominent Christian leader has been stabbed during a service at The Good Shepard Church in Sydney. Picture: Twitter

The Ambulance NSW spokesperson said four people were injured, including a man in his 50s who had multiple lacerations and was transported to Liverpool Hospital.

The other three men are still on the scene, being treated.

Concerned people outside Liverpool Hospital which is in lockdown after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed as he delivered mass at Christ The Good Shepherd Church. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jonathan Ng
Concerned people outside Liverpool Hospital which is in lockdown after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was stabbed as he delivered mass at Christ The Good Shepherd Church. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jonathan Ng

Another man in his 30s had multiple lacerations, while a man in his 20s had lacerations to his hand, and another man in his 60s had lacerations to his arm.

As news of the incident quickly spread online, thousands descended outside the church as police struggled to contain the scene.

Pandemonium has erupted in Sydneys west with an angry mob of 2,000 people surrounding a church and attacking police after a popular Christian leader was stabbed during a live streamed service. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Monique Harmer
Pandemonium has erupted in Sydneys west with an angry mob of 2,000 people surrounding a church and attacking police after a popular Christian leader was stabbed during a live streamed service. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Monique Harmer


Footage circulating shows an angry mob smashing the windows of police cars and yelling as they tried to storm the church to get to the man who is now under arrest and taken by police to an undisclosed location.

“He’s a f**king dog,” one man could be heard to yell in one video.

Angry crowds gathering outside the Assyrian Aramaic Church in Western Sydney following the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. Picture: Supplied
Angry crowds gathering outside the Assyrian Aramaic Church in Western Sydney following the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. Picture: Supplied

The Australian National Imams council and the Australian Muslim community issued a statement condemning the attack.

“These attacks are horrifying and have no place in Australia,” read the statement.
“We urge the community to stay calm and work together towards the safety and the security of all Australians.”

A damaged police car is seen after a mob was pushed back by police outside the Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Sydney's western suburb of Wakeley after several people were stabbed. Picture: AFP
A damaged police car is seen after a mob was pushed back by police outside the Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Sydney's western suburb of Wakeley after several people were stabbed. Picture: AFP


Popular on TikTok and Facebook, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel gained prominence during the Covid pandemic after slamming Sydney’s lockdown as “mass slavery” and claimed vaccines are futile because living “normally” will boost immunity.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. Picture: Facebook.
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. Picture: Facebook.

“Are we humans? Because we are being treated like animals,” Bishop Emmanuel said in a sermon at the time in 2021.

“They are encouraging people to go and take vaccine and stay at home. They have had enough.”

The bishop has since gained a large following both on social media, and specially TikTok, and across the country for his sermons.

On a Facebook group alone, he has nearly 290,000 followers.

Bishop Emmanuel is not officially with the Orthodox or Catholic community and founded his own church.

Originally published as Teenager charged over Assyrian bishop’s alleged stabbing in Sydney’s west

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