
Highton dancer Miller Phillips fits homeschool into full-time dancing

Miller spends 35 hours each week practising ballet. It doesn’t leave much room for school. Now, she’s moved school online and can catch up - even when she’s in England.

More parents are choosing online school, and for Miller Phillips with her 35+ hours of ballet practise every week - she doesn't think she has any other option. Picture: Alan Barber
More parents are choosing online school, and for Miller Phillips with her 35+ hours of ballet practise every week - she doesn't think she has any other option. Picture: Alan Barber

A few weeks ago, Miller Phillips logged in to online school for the first time.

At just 14, Miller has always gone to school in person - but as a dedicated ballet dancer dreaming of one day working for New York City Ballet, she spends more than 35 hours each week dancing.

The routine, she said, didn’t leave much time for school, and starting year 9 just wasn’t an option.

Miller said she started ballet before school, at just three years old.

She went to Highton Primary, and then Kardinia International College for years 7 and 8.

“Schooling got too much,” she said.

“I would come back from dance at 9:30pm most nights and still have to do schoolwork.

“Kardinia was a great school but it was hard to catch up because obviously not many people were in this situation.”

Miller studies ballet at Geelong Ballet Centre, and this year started school online with the Australian Christian College (ACC) network, the nation’s largest non-government Distance Education provider.

Miller Phillips dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. And with her 35+ hours of ballet practise every week - she doesn't have time for school. Picture: Alan Barber
Miller Phillips dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. And with her 35+ hours of ballet practise every week - she doesn't have time for school. Picture: Alan Barber

This year in March the network launched its new virtual campus in Victoria, Australian Christian College Victoria Online (ACCVO), allowing students to ‘log on’ to virtual classes, including many at their own pace.

It works for her, she said, because on top of the nearly full-time dance commitments, she also travels regularly for ballet.

“ACC lets me to keep going with school while I’m overseas, which is pretty cool, despite the different time zones,” she said.

“So I can start out today with my lessons so when I come back, I’m not behind.”

Next week, Miller is heading to England for her final auditions at Elmhurst Ballet School.

Miller also went to France last year for a Paris Opera Ballet summer intensive, and is headed to New York over the Australian Winter.

“Hopefully when I’m an adult, I want to be in New York dancing with the American Ballet Theatre or New York City Ballet.”

“And I’m actually going to New York this year for summer school at School of American Ballet.

“I got a 50% scholarship.”

Highton dancer Miller Phillips fits homeschool into full-time dancing

Miller said it was still tricky making friends over Zoom at online school, but without it her ballet dream wouldn’t be feasible.

Miller is just one of the increasing number of Geelong students moving their studies online, as more families turn to homeschooling.

In Victoria, at 30 June 2024, there were 11,240 students in 7,716 households registered for home schooling, a significant increased from 10,481 students from 6,998 households the year prior.

ACCVO Principal Caleb Peterson said their new online school provided parents and students with flexibility and a top-notch education.

“Whether you’re living remote, your student is following a passion outside the classroom or for any other reason, our Distance Education curriculum offers qualified teacher support and is the “best of both worlds” for Victorians blending live sessions with self-paced lessons,” he said.

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Originally published as Highton dancer Miller Phillips fits homeschool into full-time dancing

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