
Success and struggles as National Disability Insurance Scheme takes shape

THE National Disability Insurance Scheme might be having its teething problems, but approved plans continue emerge from the system for participants and their carers.

NDIS explained

THE National Disability Insurance Scheme might be having its teething problems, but approved plans continue emerge from the system for participants and their carers.

The NDI Agency reports that almost 120,000 Australians are benefiting from the scheme as it rolls out across the country.

New figures released for the NDIS until September 2017 show the number of people receiving support at has reached 119,501. This includes 112,785 people with an approved NDIS plan and 6716 children referred through the NDIS Early Childhood Early Intervention approach, available to children aged six years or under who have a disability or developmental delay.

NDIA chief executive officer Robert De Luca says the figures show the NDIS is making good progress as it rolls out nationally.

- NDIS Liveblog: AnglicareSA experts answer your questions at 12.30pm, Monday

The NDIA has also surveyed participants to check if the NDIS is supporting them to achieve their goals and increase their participation in the community.

The information is collected when participants enter the scheme and when their plans are reviewed. It shows that of the participants aged 25 years and older who entered the NDIS in the first quarter of 2016-17 and had their plan reviewed in the first quarter of 2017-18:

- 75 per cent indicated the NDIS had helped them with activities of daily living;

- 71 per cent indicated it had helped them with choice and control;

- 63 per cent indicated it had helped them with social, community and civic participation.

“These results demonstrate the NDIS is supporting Australians with disability to participate in the community, increase their independence and exercise greater choice and control,” De Luca says.


As the rollout proceeds, delays in appointing NDIS Local Area Co-ordinators in the 12 regions across South Australia have been causing problems for people with a disability and their carers.

The LACs are organisations that are supposed to link participants to the NDIS, to information and support in the community and paid work if they desire it. They are also supposed to ensure the community in that region is more welcoming and inclusive for people with disability.

In SA, only two regions had LACs – Feros Care in Northern Adelaide and Barossa, Light & Lower North – despite rollout dates on January 1 this year for five of those other regions.

The NDI Agency initially said it had tendered for the LAC positions but had found no “preferred applicants”.

A late resolution came in late January, when it was announced two new LACs had been chosen to begin working in the 10 remaining SA regions in March. Federal Social Services Minister Dan Tehan says $72 million will go to Baptcare and Mission Australia to fulfil the roles.

Baptcare will receive $25 million over three years to deliver services in the Eastern Adelaide, Western Adelaide and the Yorke-Mid North regions. Mission Australia will work across the state including in Adelaide Hills, Southern Adelaide, Limestone Coast, Eyre Western, Far North, Murray & Mallee and Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island regions in a $47.3 million deal.

“Baptcare and Mission Australia are two experienced and respected organisations that have existing community connections and infrastructure which will allow them to quickly scale up across SA,” Tehan says.

“Baptcare and Mission Australia will join existing supplier Feros Care to support an expected 32,300 people with disability in SA by 2020.”


Meanwhile, after board of the NDIA commissioned McKinsey and Company to undertake an independent pricing review in June last year, it has announced the report was completed in December.

The NDIA says the report is 100 pages long with 25 formal recommendations but it is not yet for public consumption. The board was first to consider the report at its scheduled meeting in January, with the intent of making it and the NDIA’s response public by “mid-March at the latest”.

McKinsey and Company was called in to look at issues including service providers saying existing prices for services are too low, preventing them from recovering costs, and participants saying they are unhappy that providers are overpricing supports.

In December, NDIA chairwoman Dr Helen Nugent said: “The NDIA recognises the critical importance of having a vibrant provider market that delivers participants with quality, timely supports.

“(The report) is an important piece of work which, along with the Participant and Provider Pathway reviews, are top priorities for the board and management in the New Year.”


Adelaide’s first playground designed to meet the needs of children with disabilities, is expected to be completed in May.

Marion Council is building the $680,000 playground at Hendrie St in Park Holme, with equipment such as a large tubular slide, carousel and water play pumps and troughs.

Building work started in November, with features such as toilets, a water play area, timber decking and seating installed last month.

Mayor Kris Hanna says the playground, called “Livvi’s Place”, will also feature a nature play creek, shelter, a fully accessible toilet and landscaping.

“The playground will allow children of all abilities to play side-by-side in a safe and fun environment,” Hanna says.

“Families of children with a disability genuinely need this playground. I expect it will be a popular attraction when it opens.”

The council pitched in $310,000, the State Government $260,000 and children’s charity Touched by Olivia Foundation gave $110,000 through sponsorships and in-kind donations.

This included $14,000 from Edwardstown Rotary Club.

The council decided in May to go ahead with the project, despite Touched by Olivia Foundation’s fundraising falling well short of its $400,000 target.

It decided to scale back the project, for now, and increase the equipment later if more funds became available.

Lindsay's NDIS Story


1. How do I apply for access to the NDIS?

You can apply to enter the NDIS six months prior to the scheme rolling out in your area. If you already receive supports from a state or territory government disability program, you will be contacted when it is time to transition to the NDIS.

If you don’t currently receive supports, you can visit an NDIA or partner office to begin the access request process.

If you are applying on behalf of a child under the age of six, you will be referred to an Early Childhood Partner. They will work with you to understand your child’s individual needs and circumstances.

They will also:

  • connect you and your child with the most appropriate supports in your area, such as community health centre, playgroups, etc;
  • provide some short-term early intervention where it has been identified as the most appropriate support;
  • help you to request NDIS access if your child requires longer-term early childhood intervention supports. If your child becomes an NDIS participant, the Early Childhood Partner will work with you to develop an NDIS plan.

If you are aged between seven and 65, you will most likely work with a Local Area Coordination (LAC) Partner to help you understand and access the NDIS. LACs can also help you fill out the Access Request Form.

See the completing your access request form page on the NDIS website for information about the paperwork and evidence you’ll need to provide when you apply for the NDIS.

2. Do you have to be under 65 to access the NDIS?

Yes. The NDIS Act has an age requirement that a person must be aged under 65 when they submit an access request.

If you access the scheme for the first time before you’re 65, you have the option of staying in the scheme beyond that point. You will discuss this situation as part of your regular plan review.

People who are aged 65 years and over generally receive support through the aged care system.

3. My child is receiving Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) funding – is this forever?

The NDIA has developed a nationally consistent approach to early childhood early intervention (ECEI), based on best practice, for children under the age of six. The ECEI approach will help all children with developmental delay or disability and their families achieve better long-term outcomes through support services in their local community, regardless of diagnosis.

The ECEI partners are suitably experienced and qualified organisations with strong local knowledge and understanding of the needs of children and their families to deliver the ECEI Services. The ECEI partners will be the first contact point for families. Understanding that every child is different, the ECEI partners will tailor the supports to the child and family’s individual needs and circumstances. ECEI partners will be established in line with the national NDIS rollout.

ECEI funding is for children from birth up to 6 years old. When your child reaches seven, they will be re-assessed to either move to the individualised funded plan (where a formal diagnosis is required) or transitioned to other government support services.

Your Early Childhood Partner will work with you to understand your child’s individual needs and circumstances. They will also help you to request NDIS access if your child requires longer-term supports. If your child becomes an NDIS participant, the Early Childhood Partner will work with you to develop an NDIS plan.

There is more information on Early Childhood Early Intervention on the ECEI page of the NDIS website

4. What is a Local Area Coordinator?

Local Area Coordinators (LACs) are organisations who have partnered with the NDIA to deliver the NDIS. LACs have three key roles:

  • To link you to the NDIS. For a majority of participants, LACs will work with you to develop your plan, help you implement and monitor how your plan is going and review your progress regularly.
  • To link you to information and support in the community and mainstream services such as health and education.
  • To work with their local community to make sure it is more welcoming and inclusive for people with disability.
John's NDIS Story

5. Who are the LACs in South Australia?

In South Australia, the NDIA has partnered with three LACs to deliver the NDIS locally. LACs support the implementation of the NDIS at a community level. These LACs are:

  • Baptcare – Eastern Adelaide, Western Adelaide and Yorke Mid North;
  • Mission Australia – Limestone Coast, Murray and Mallee, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island, Eyre & Western and Far North, and Southern Adelaide; and
  • Feros Care – Barossa, Light & Lower North, and Northern Adelaide.

Baptcare and Mission Australia will commence services next month. They are two experienced and respected organisations that have existing community connections and infrastructure which will allow them to quickly scale up across SA.

The number of people accessing supports is expected to grow from 17,000 to 32,300 people in South Australia. Almost 120,000 Australians, including 13,223 South Australians with disability, were accessing the NDIS, exercising choice and control in the delivery of their supports from more than 1300 disability service providers in South Australia, according to the most recent data from September 30, 2017.

6. How do I know which supports the NDIS will fund and how much funding I will get in my plan?

NDIS plans are tailored to each person’s individual needs so funding will vary, depending on the person’s support needs.

When you meet with an NDIS representative to develop your plan, you will be asked about your current situation, what supports you receive and how you manage everyday activities, like taking a shower or cooking your meals. This information helps to form the basis of your plan: working out your supports, how they are reasonable and necessary, how they link to your immediate needs and how the NDIS can help you to work towards achieving your goals, both now and for the future.

Once you complete the planning process, you will receive an individualised funding amount, which gives you choice and control over the supports you receive.

The ‘What help can I get?’ page of the NDIS’ website and the other resources in the left hand menu on that page will give you an idea of the kinds of things the NDIS will fund.

If you’re looking for further details, the Operational Guidelines includes information about things like assistive technology and home modifications.

7. Where can I find information about registering and becoming a provider?

The new Provider Toolkit includes step-by-step instructions on what you need to know to become a NDIS registered provider. There is a Provider Registration Checklist for providers to use to assist when going through the NDIS registration process, and you can also watch an introductory video about the toolkit.

8. Which services or supports can a provider deliver under the NDIS?

All supports and services delivered for NDIS participants should enable people with disability to have the same things in life as other people, like somewhere to live, a job, hobbies and the company of family and friends.

The funding model that underpins the NDIS is designed to be flexible and to allow service innovation. Importantly, the supports delivered will be chosen and paid for by the participant out of an individually allocated budget based on their own goals. The range of supports funded by the NDIS will expand over time as the NDIS market grows

Participants are funded through their individual plan to access services and supports that are considered “reasonable and necessary” to help achieve their desired outcomes. These supports generally fall into 15 categories aligned with their purpose, and each support category is made up of many supports and services.

The 15 categories include assistance with daily life, transport, consumables, assisting with social and community participation, assistive technology, home modifications, coordination of supports, improved living arrangements, increased social and community participation, finding and keeping a job, improved relationships, improved health and wellbeing, improved learning, improved life choices and improved daily living.

Find out more in the new Provider Toolkit online.

9. I’m a new provider – how do I connect with participants?

The Provider Finder tool, available in the myplace provider and participant portals, gives both providers and participants the ability to search for providers by name, location and service or professional group.

Provider lists are also published quarterly on the NDIS website and are available for anyone who does not use the myplace portal. People can search for providers by name, location and registration group. The information in these provider lists is also based on a provider’s “Profile” in the myplace portal, so it’s important that providers regularly update this information.

Participants can connect with providers through their Local Area Coordinators (LACs) or Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) partners.

You can find out where these partner organisations are located by going to the “locations” page on the NDIS website. Participants may choose to search for providers via other means, without using myplace, in much the same way as they may seek any other goods or services outside of the NDIS. This includes via the internet, word-of-mouth, advertising, social media and marketing, or via other brokers and markets which may emerge under the NDIS.

Section 4 of the new Provider Toolkit, “How do I connect with participants?”, contains all the information providers need to know to connect with NDIS participants.

10. What are quality and safeguards and how do these apply to providers?

Quality and safeguards ensure people with disability have access to high-quality supports and services. Safeguarding people with disability from abuse, harm and neglect is every disability service provider’s responsibility and must be an important part of everyday practice. Safeguards include natural safeguards like personal relationships and community connections, and formal safeguards like service standards, regulations and quality assurance systems for service providers and the people they employ.

Section 2.7 of the new Provider Toolkit, “Guide to Suitability”, assists providers in finding out more about what they need to do to ensure they are meeting quality and safeguards requirements.


- 112,785 The number of participants who have an approved plan.

- 12,991 of them are in South Australia.

- 22,151 participants received an approved NDIS plan in the quarter June to September 2017.

- 15,088 The average number of plans approved per quarter in 2016-17.

- 6716 children referred through ECEI.

- 84 per cent of participants surveyed in the quarter rated their experience either good or very good.

- 91 per cent The overall average satisfaction rating since the NDIS began.

- 10,507 service providers approved to deliver supports to NDIS participants.

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