Seven scams making tax time tougher
A surge in scams in 2022 threatens to easily eclipse victims’ losses last year, and your tax return is a key target for criminals.
A surge in scams in 2022 threatens to easily eclipse victims’ losses last year, and your tax return is a key target for criminals.
Parents and grandparents can make a huge difference to a child’s future balance sheet, and also their financial brain. Here’s how.
Sliding stockmarkets may fall further, but some analysts say there are bargains emerging. Here’s how to begin investing.
Parents who use gifts, loans or other financial measures to help children buy homes are being urged to double-check the deal.
Women face many challenges when it comes to managing their money. This is what you need to do in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s to make sure you are in good shape financially.
Travelling overseas can quickly turn into a financial nightmare. Here’s what you need to know to avoid any headaches.
Nothing can tear a relationship apart more than money issues, say David and Libby Koch. Here are the top ten rules to help you build your union on strong financial foundations.
Brenton Moore is one of many business owners who have been preyed upon by scammers. As more than $60m has been lost to hackers in Australia, this is how he beat them.
Big business spends billions of dollars on fraud protection, but small business owners and the self-employed can’t. Now, experts explain how to avoid them.
Thousands of dollars are spent raising young children — with the first year often the most expensive. However, the cost to parents can be trimmed with some careful planning.
The cost of petrol is one of the biggest burdens for households especially when prices climb. So how do you find the cheapest petrol closest to you?
If you haven’t checked your super fund or life insurance lately, you could be in for a nasty surprise from July 1 when new rules mean millions of policies will be automatically shut down.
As June 30 approaches, it’s time to examine your super and the tax-saving strategies available, depending on how much you earn.
Australians are continuing to get done over by scammers. And there’s one cruel method that still catches many people out.
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