
How Australians’ income taxes compare with other countries

GIVING the government between one-third and half of every dollar you earn is nobody’s idea of a good time.

What you should be doing now to prepare for tax time

GIVING the government between one-third and half of each dollar you earn is nobody’s idea of a good time.

That’s what millions of Aussies do through their pay packet every week, and it looks like the Federal Government is going to grab a bigger slice. But would we really want the alternative?

Tax talk has been loud in Canberra as pollies clash over the Budget plan to increase the Medicare Levy by 0.5 per cent to 2.5 per cent a year, and opposition parties want high income earners to pay more.

We already live in one of the highest-taxed nations in the world. Our top tax rate — paid by people earning more than $180,000 a year — is 45 per cent, but then added to that is the 2 per cent Medicare Levy and the 2 per cent temporary deficit levy that ends in July, but not if Labor and other parties get their way.

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Many countries have lower top tax rates, and financial services giant KPMG says the global average is 33 per cent. It says New Zealand’s top income tax rate is 33 per cent, in the US it’s 39.6 per cent, India’s is 35 per cent, Hong Kong 15 per cent, Singapore 22 per cent and Russia 13 per cent.

Australia’s top income tax rate is higher than many countries, and the global average.
Australia’s top income tax rate is higher than many countries, and the global average.

Countries with similar or higher income tax rates than ours include Japan (56 per cent), Britain (45 per cent), Denmark (56 per cent), Germany (45 per cent), Austria (55 per cent) and The Netherlands (52 per cent).

However, many nations’ top tax rates kick in at much higher levels than Australia’s $180,000. In the US the threshold is $US233,000 for a single person and in Austria it’s one million euros.

The overall picture is that Australians pay plenty of income tax. For that we get to live in the greatest country in the world, with one of the best healthcare systems and most generous welfare systems on the planet.

That’s the price we pay, even though many of us don’t think the government is doing a great job of spending our money.

The government has a new tactic to make tax rises seem more bearable: don’t call them a tax. Its fresh move to raise the Medicare Levy to 2.5 per cent has been dressed up as funding the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but is really just another rise in the overall tax take.

The Medicare Levy started in the 1980s at 1 per cent, was 1.5 per cent by 1995, and rose to 2 per cent in 2014. The Budget’s plan lifts it to 2.5 per cent in mid-2019.

Tax rises are a symptom of a government whose hands are tied. It wasn’t allowed by the opposition parties to make sharp cuts to welfare payments, and it doesn’t seem to have the will to slash spending.

Its predicament is our predicament. If we want all our services and welfare payments to continue, we have to pay for them.

The alternative may be moving to a country with lower income taxes. According to KPMG, a few have top tax rates of just 15 per cent: Costa Rica, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Yemen. Any takers?


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