
Western Adelaide urban heat mapping project revealed area’s hottest suburbs

AN urban heat mapping project has revealed the suburbs where ground heat is at its highest — and what to do about it.

Wright Rd at Walkley Heights. Source: File
Wright Rd at Walkley Heights. Source: File

MORE street trees should be planted across the western suburbs to reduce soaring ground temperatures, a report says.

The urban heat mapping project used a remote sensing aircraft across 110 western suburbs to identify “hot spots” where ground heat is at its highest.

The Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board — along with Charles Sturt, Port Adelaide Enfield and West Torrens councils — undertook the $60,000 report.

Walkley Heights in the northeastern reaches of Port Adelaide Enfield Council recorded the highest temperature of any council suburb, averaging almost 43C.

Ridleyton (40.97C) was the hottest suburb in the Charles Sturt district and Ashford (40.18C) the hottest in West Torrens.

Coolest areas were along the coast, as well as West Lakes, around the golf courses in Grange and Seaton, and Adelaide Airport.

Testing was done on February 9 this year when the temperature at the airport weather station reached 39.2C.

The report said more street trees along major roads would help shade and cool buildings. Lighter-coloured roofs and concrete would help too.

“Globally, extreme heat events have led to high rates of mortality and morbidity in cities, having a major impact on the health and wellbeing of the community,” the report said.

“Warming associated with urban development will be exacerbated in future years by temperature increases due to climate change.”

Results of the Western Adelaide Region Thermal Mapping Project. Source: Charles Sturt Council
Results of the Western Adelaide Region Thermal Mapping Project. Source: Charles Sturt Council

The report recommended a “green infrastructure” approach — in roofs, walls and open space.

Charles Sturt deputy mayor Robert Randall said the council needed a street tree policy which pushed intense planting.

“We also need to educate the community on the value of street trees,” Cr Randall said.

“Too many residents want street trees removed for what I term minor reasons like dropping leaves and bird litter, and few are replaced.”

Cr Randall was also concerned about rezoning that led to blocks being cleared and mature trees bulldozed.

West Torrens Mayor John Trainer said the findings had to be “balanced out with other social requirements”.

“It won’t come to fruition during my time as mayor but I hope that in the future people will be talking about the leafy western suburbs of West Torrens,” Mr Trainer said.

“There is great value in keeping the temperature down, even the benefits in saving money on using the airconditioner by using less electricity.

“But you can’t follow it religiously because artificial turf radiates more heat into the air than actual grass but there may be reasons you have to have the artificial turf anyway.”

Port Adelaide Enfield mayor Gary Johanson said his council should be asking its local Aboriginal elders how to cool the district.

“Part of the problem with the heat and the flooding is we don’t have the soakage areas like the dirt roads, which would have in the past soaked up the large rainfall and the heat,” Mr Johanson said.

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