
Join our pod and help save the Port River dolphins

SPEEDING boats are killing our Port River dolphins — the world’s only wild tailwalkers. Today we call on you to help Protect Our Dolphins (POD) and sign the petition calling for a blanket 10 knot speed limit throughout their sanctuary.

Protect our dolphins

THE Port River dolphins are under threat in their own sanctuary.

Speeding boats are one of the biggest dangers to these special locals — the world’s only wild tailwalkers and believed to the only wild dolphins living within city limits.

Today, the Westside Weekly launches the Protect Our Dolphins (POD) campaign in a bid to keep them safe in their own home.

With the support of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, we are starting a petition that calls on the State Government to introduce a blanket speed limit of 10 knots (18.5km/h) — throughout the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary in a bid to stop these tragedies.


At the moment, the limit ranges wildly from four knots to unlimited — a situation that has been described as “inappropriate” for a designated dolphin sanctuary.

Despite this season’s baby boom — the highest for the Port River dolphins in nearly a decade — only three out of seven calves have survived.

The others are suspected of being hit and killed by speeding boats.

An autopsy confirmed a two-week-old calf, Holly, was killed by a boat in January.

That same report by the South Australian museum found that 17 out of 35 dolphin fatalities in the past 13 years were caused by speeding boats.

Holly is the only deceased calf to be recovered so far this season to have her death confirmed as being the result of being hit by a boat.

However, other than pollution — which is likely to contribute to the high mortality rate in the Port River — boat strikes are by far the most probable cause of dolphin death.

A speedboat club operates within the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary at Garden Island.

Adelaide dolphin expert Dr Mike Bossley, who campaigned for the Port River to be declared a sanctuary back in 2002, said a single speed limit of 10 knots would greatly improve safety for the dolphins.

Dr Bossley, a marine biologist, has been observing and researching the resident bottlenoses for nearly 30 years.

He said a dolphin would have a much better chance of being able to get out of the way in time and avoid a collision with a boat travelling at 10 knots.

“The number of different speed limits within the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary is confusing to boaties and inappropriate for dolphin protection,” Dr Bossley said.

“In some areas, it is sensible to actually increase the speed limit for the convenience of boaties.

“In other areas, particularly where it’s shallow, it needs to be reduced.

“Ten knots throughout would reduce confusion and better protect dolphins.”

Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society volunteer Marianna Boorman — who is on the water observing the dolphins at least four days a week — agreed with Dr Bossley’s recommendation, saying better signage throughout the sanctuary was needed.

“The young calves are very vulnerable in their first few months and it is important we do as much as we can to protect them,” Ms Boorman said.

“We need better education and signage for people going out on the water.

“Boats and jet skis travelling at excessive speed, doing doughnuts and changing directions erratically should not be permitted in the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary.”

The sanctuary was declared in 2005 as a protected zone for the dolphins.

It extends 118 sq km and includes Garden Island, Barker Inlet, Outer Harbor and North Haven marinas and up north to Port Gawler.

POD is calling on the government to make the dolphins’ home a sanctuary by name and nature.

Join the POD campaign and help bring a safe speed limit.

Port River dolphins delight crowds with 'tail walking'


  • Sign our petition above
  • Stay at least 150m away from dolphins, particularly mothers and calves.
  • Stick to the speed limits (4 knots/ 7 knots) on the river and do not exceed 10 knots.
  • If dolphins approach, slow down and wait for them to pass.
  • Do not feed the dolphins.
  • Do not leave any fishing line or rubbish in the river.
  • Reel in fishing lines when dolphins are present to avoid them getting tangled.
  • Do not zigzag, do doughnuts or change direction erratically on a jetski or speedboat as dolphins cannot escape in time.
  • Avoid using plastic bags as these take years to break down and often end up in the river.
  • Join the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Action Group.
  • If you see an injured dolphin or someone speeding, contact the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary on 8273 9100.

Meet the Port River dolphins



Squeak is the latest addition to the Port River.

She was born to Mouse last month and is also affectionately called “Mini Mouse”.

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Group called for name suggestions – and Squeak was the winner.


Marina was born to Sophie this season.

She is often seen with her mother near Pelican Point and Outer Harbor.

She was named by Dr Mike Bossley’s research colleague in Switzerland.


Splash was recently born to Aidan. The pair is often found near Barker Inlet.

She was named by a student from North Haven Primary School as part of the school’s junior rangers program to help keep the dolphins safe.



Holly was born to Ripple in December 2017 but was hit by a boat and died weeks after birth.

She was Ripple’s second lost calf – she also lost a baby in 2015.


CK was a healthy baby born in the Port River last month. Conservationists are still searching for CK’s body to perform an autopsy.

Mum Oriana also lost her first calf at the age of six months back in 2012.


Ruby was one year old when she died. She seemed healthy until a month before her death, when she appeared sickly and thin alongside her mother, Sparkle.

Illness would have made her more vulnerable to a boat strike, although as her body has not been found an exact cause of death is yet to be determined.


The corpse of an unknown calf was discovered in the sanctuary earlier this year.

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