
Quidditch-style sport Hit Ball makes southern hemisphere debut in Seacliff, Adelaide

AN ITALIAN sport likened to Harry Potter's favourite game of Quidditch will make its southern hemisphere debut tomorrow.

AN ITALIAN sport likened to Harry Potter's favourite game of Quidditch will make its southern hemisphere debut tomorrow.

Developed in 1986 and popular in Italian schools, the first competitive match of the fast-paced game of Hit Ball - a blend of volleyball and squash played on an indoor court - will be on display at Seacliff Primary at 10am.

Hit Ball Australia managing director Alessandro Gavello said the game evolved from several traditional Italian ball sports dating back to the 16th century.

"Each team consists of five players, with goals at both ends of the court," Mr Gavello said.

"The entire body can be used to hit the ball, while only the upper limbs may be used in any attacking strike."

Hit Ball was a safe, non-contact sport able to be played by people of any skill level, with simple rules that could be learnt in minutes, Mr Gavello he said.

"It's a fun game, it keeps you moving and on your toes because the play is dictated by the bounce of the ball."

He said the walls and roof of the indoor court were used as part of the game, which meant the game had few interruptions.

He hoped tomorrow's match would attract new players to the sport to create an ongoing competition.

A free try out session will be held after the match, from 11am-noon.

Everyone aged 14 and above was welcome to attend, he said.

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