
Two Wells swells at four times the state average

South Australians are flocking to this regional town at an incredibly high rate, with its population and infrastructure expanding rapidly. Here’s why. 

SA Government's 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide

A regional SA town is among the fastest growing in the state with increased jobs, population growth and new community infrastructure contributing to residents sticking around and families settling in.

Investment in Two Wells community infrastructure has seen the establishment of R-12 school Xavier College, a wastewater treatment plant and the connection of the township to gas for the first time.

Haydn Routley and his wife Pauline experienced the economic surge first-hand with their number of employed staff expanding by 24 since 2010.

Population growth in the area during the previous 12 years has seen their business flourish.

“We used to serve up to 40 customers each day which has grown to more than 600 customers daily. We sell 3000 coffees and 5000 pies and pasties each week,” Mr Routley said.

“Business has been good to us, to the credit of the town.”

Haydn and Pauline Routley happy with their slice of the pie. Picture: Russell Millard
Haydn and Pauline Routley happy with their slice of the pie. Picture: Russell Millard

Families living in Two Wells are now more likely to own a home and are earning higher than the Greater Adelaide average as population increases by 27 per cent over the past five years.

The boom in population and spending had seen a flow-on effect for SA widely with

about $95m created over the past five years, with planned future projects estimated to create an additional $219m in spending for the state.

Median household income in Two Wells increased by 40 per cent over the past five years to an average weekly income of $1906, in comparison with Greater Adelaide which was averaging $1746.

Partners Jessica and Rohan Bond bought a 1200sq m property in the Eden development in Two Wells, nearly tripling the current median lot size of 450sq m for their metropolitan counterparts.

Two Wells resident Jessica Bond has been enjoying living among other young families. Picture: Russell Millard
Two Wells resident Jessica Bond has been enjoying living among other young families. Picture: Russell Millard

“We moved to Eden for the lifestyle and land size,” Jessica said.

“Our home is on 1200sq m. Having a larger block has allowed us to add luxury finishes that wouldn’t be possible elsewhere such as a pool, walk-in pantry and storage.

“My brother-in-law and his family have also moved to Two Wells. We have family roast dinners together every fortnight and share the school run between us.”

The residents positive outlook is supported by Hickinbotham’s managing director Michael Hickinbotham; his company has worked in conjunction with the state government to plan the expansion of Two Wells.

“This investment has created thousands of jobs and exciting new economic opportunities for families who live and work in Two Wells and the region,” Mr Hickbotham said.

The collaborative project intends to spend $1.2b on the developments at Two Wells and is designed to house more than 3000 families when completed.

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