
Rodney David Clough denied home detention bail application

A toddler seriously burnt on his face and neck, allegedly at the hands of his uncle and mother, could have sustained them in seconds, a court has heard.

7NEWS Adelaide - Emma Jade Short released from Adelaide remand centre

The burns sustained by a two-year-old boy now at the centre of criminal neglect allegations could have happened in the blink of an eye, a court has heard.

The latest information about the injuries sustained by Little Jimmy, allegedly at the hands of his uncle, Rodney David Clough, and mum, Emma Jade Short, came amid an application for bail by Clough.

The application, to be released on home detention, was rejected by Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal.

Mark Williams, for Clough, appealed to the court stating serious burns received by Little Jimmy could have been sustained by water at a temperature of 77 degrees Celsius.

He told the court, at that temperature, it would have taken just two seconds for the serious scalding to Clough’s nephew’s neck and face to have occurred.

Criminal neglect accused Rodney David Clough. Picture: Facebook
Criminal neglect accused Rodney David Clough. Picture: Facebook

Mr Williams said the water had been tested at the Blair Athol Best Western Comfort Inn, where police say the allegations occurred.

Williams did not address the cause of a series of bruising to the little boy’s head, neck, lower back, thighs and genitalia.

Prosecution opposed the bail, and Chief Magistrate, Judge Hribal denied the application on grounds of the seriousness of the allegations.

Clough, 40, of no fixed address but known to have lived in the Paralowie area, first faced the Port Adelaide Magistrates Court on the charge in August – days after Little Jimmy was rushed to hospital with serious burns.

He made no application for bail at the time.

At his last court appearance, on unrelated matters, Andrew Williams, for Clough, intimated a bail application would soon be forthcoming.

As part of that appearance, Mr Williams aired most of Clough’s criminal history including that he spent 18-months behind bars a decade ago for causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

Mr Williams described how Clough had been homeless and “lived hand to mouth” from the age of 15.

He told the court Cough most recently was “kicked out of home” by his mother for an altercation between him and his brother, regarding Emma Jade Short.

Little Jimmy suffered horrific injuries. Picture: Facebook
Little Jimmy suffered horrific injuries. Picture: Facebook
Emma Short, mother of Jimmy, leaves Adelaide Magistrates Court. Photographer: Emma Brasier
Emma Short, mother of Jimmy, leaves Adelaide Magistrates Court. Photographer: Emma Brasier

Ms Short is co-accused of the criminal neglect, and is Clough’s sister-in-law. The pair were also in a relationship together.

During Ms Short’s first appearance in court on the charge, harrowing accusations were aired by a police prosecutor describing the lead-up to Little Jimmy being taken to a doctor’s surgery at Blair Athol with several injuries.

From the doctors, the court heard, Little Jimmy was taken to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital where he was examined forensically and found to have burns consistent with being submerged in boiling water, meth in his urine, and bruising to several parts of his body consistent with being pinched.

He was then in the intensive care and general hospital units for 10 days before eventually being discharged.

Ms Short has maintained, both to police in a recorded interview, and through her counsel, David Moen, she did not physically inflict Little Jimmy’s injuries.

She was granted bail days after police originally challenged it happening and when they withdrew the challenge at the 11th hour.

Late last month she fronted the Adelaide court where she was granted a bail variation allowing her to see her four children while under supervision.

That same bail agreement, according to court documents, prohibits her from making contact with Clough.

Clough will next face court in December.

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