
Hundreds of Wynn Vale residents oppose green space sale for supermarket giant Kaufland

A WAVE of community angst is gathering momentum over a northeast Adelaide council’s potential sell-off of 3.4 hectares of green space to supermarket giant Kaufland.

Kaufland - Weihnachten Tour advert

A WAVE of community angst is gathering momentum over Tea Tree Gully Council’s potential sale of 3.4 hectares of Wynn Vale green space, with nearly 250 people signing a petition opposing the idea.

Wynn Vale environmental science student Tanya Williams, 21, has launched an online petition objecting to the “unnecessary” transaction, with German retail giant Kaufland offering $13.8 million to the council for a majority of Richardson Reserve.

The petition has been signed by nearly 250 people, with comments ranging from “disgusting”, “environmental vandalism” to “don’t sell off our public spaces”.

A regular user of the reserve to walk her dog, run laps and hold picnics, Ms Williams said the land was “critical” open space.

“Without sounding too rude, it’s just disgusting to put up a supermarket next to a school,” she said. “The community has spoken, they say they don’t want it.

Young environmental science student Tanya Williams and Tea Tree Gully councillor Paul Barbaro have launched an online petition calling on the council not to sell Richardson Reserve to German retailer Kaufland. Picture: AAP/Morgan Sette.
Young environmental science student Tanya Williams and Tea Tree Gully councillor Paul Barbaro have launched an online petition calling on the council not to sell Richardson Reserve to German retailer Kaufland. Picture: AAP/Morgan Sette.

“For once don’t do something for monetary gain,” she said.

“All for money, it’s a shame the council is even considering the proposal.”

She said with the The Grove shopping centre a minute’s drive away, a new supermarket was “unnecessary”.

Another resident, Jeff Miles, told The NorthEastern Weekly two Foodland stores and two Woolworths in the local area was more than enough for local consumers.

“It would be really sad to see this space be sold off to another international supermarket,” he said.

“Where will out kids play when this green space is sold off? I am all for new competition and the state going forward, but not there.”

Mayor Kevin Knight said he suggested other sites to Kaufland at a February meeting but their final offer was too good to reject outright.

“(It is) an offer well in excess of a private and independent evaluation conducted by council,” he said.

“There are many arguments and counter arguments for and against this proposal and I hope that debate rises above the simplistic ‘open space’ versus development.”

An independent valuation for all of Richardson Reserve commissioned by Tea Tree Gully Council values the land at $8.9 million if used for retail/commercial.

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