
Half the drivers who tested positive to drugs in a recent blitz had children in their car

Six drivers have tested positive to drugs near school zones in a statewide blitz. Half of those had children in their car, police say.

Half of drivers who tested positive to drugs during a statewide school zone drug testing blitz on Monday had children in their car, police say.

Police across South Australia conducted more than 1000 drug and alcohol tests in the vicinity of school drop off and pick up zones on Monday during a state wide crack down, Operation Stop Drink Drive.

The operation conducted 136 drug screening tests, recording six positive results.

Three of those drivers had one or more children in their vehicle.

Four out of the six drug drivers where in Adelaide’s north.

The operation conducted 934 blood alcohol tests, with one 40-year-old Salisbury East man returning a positive reading of 0.07, slightly over the legal limit of 0.05.

Superintendent Bob Gray, officer in charge of the Traffic Service Branch, said the behaviour of motorists during the operation was reprehensible.

“There is no excuse for this blatant disregard for road rules,” Superintendent Gray said.

“These drivers are not only not putting their own life in danger but that of their passengers and all road users.

“To risk the lives of children as a result of their poor choices is reprehensible.”

Police warn drivers to wait 24 hours to drive after taking drugs, as it is an offence to drive with any drugs in your system.

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