
Constable Bradley Moyle on trial over excessive force allegations

A Mount Gambier police officer and Afghanistan Army veteran is facing trial for allegedly assaulting a woman during her arrest.

Australia's Court System

A lover’s spat between an intoxicated Mount Gambier woman and her boyfriend turned violent during her arrest, after her hysterical and emotional antics resulted in her being allegedly assaulted by a police officer, a court has heard.

During the arrest of 21-year-old Kiara Beck on a night out, constable Bradley Moyle, 36, felt it was necessary to allegedly punch the petite woman in the face twice, labelling the blows “distraction strikes”.

Constable Moyle, an army veteran who had been deployed to Afghanistan, is facing trial for three counts of aggravated assault. He has pleaded not guilty.

Taking to the stand in his own defence, constable Moyle said he first came across the alleged victim, Ms Beck, in the parking lot of the Commercial Hotel on August 22, 2021.

Ms Beck, who was 20 at the time, had been ejected from the venue at around 11.20pm after allegedly getting into an “altercation” with her partner Tyson Ratcliffe, the court heard.

According to Ms Beck’s Facebook profile, the pair are still in a relationship.

Kiara Beck was ejected from the Commercial Hotel after allegedly getting into an “altercation” with her partner Tyson Ratcliffe. Picture: Supplied
Kiara Beck was ejected from the Commercial Hotel after allegedly getting into an “altercation” with her partner Tyson Ratcliffe. Picture: Supplied

Body cam footage of police officers was played in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court, showing Ms Beck being forcibly taken to the ground after she tried to kick the approaching officers.

As Ms Beck wailed on the ground, Constable Moyle can be heard heavily repairmanding the woman’s hysterics, as he attempts to get her to calm down.

“Do not kick police — do not kick police — we’re here to help — do you want to get locked up for assaulting police — then calm down,” Constable Moyle said.

Constable Moyle said Ms Beck was acting erratic and belligerent, telling the court he believed she was intoxicated with alcohol and potentially illicit substances.

Ms Beck was taken to the Mount Gambier Hospital by an ambulance, but soon left and by 1.50am Constable Moyle was called to assist police after bouncers refused to allow Ms Beck into a second pub, the Mac’s Hotel.

Still wearing her hospital admission bracelet, Ms Beck continued to argue with police as she searched for her missing boyfriend and phone, the court heard.

Kiara Beck was allegedly assaulted by SAPOL officer Constable Bradley Moyle. Picture: Supplied
Kiara Beck was allegedly assaulted by SAPOL officer Constable Bradley Moyle. Picture: Supplied

Police body cam footage highlighted constable Moyle’s frustration as the woman repeatedly asked officers to enter the hotel to find both, the court heard.

Constable Moyle can be heard saying “that’s not our job”, “what is wrong with you” and “you’re an idiot, a deadset idiot”.

Though Ms Beck had allegedly committed a number of offences, such as interfering with a motor vehicle and disorderly conduct, Constable Moyle said police were hoping to avoid an arrest.

Given the resourcing disparity between metropolitan and country police stations, constable Moyle said officers tried to avoid arresting people — as it would take officers off the street, the court heard.

Another officer attempted to coax Ms Beck into a taxi, telling her to go home.

Ms Beck repeatedly refused, instead threatening the taxi driver by calling him a “c***”, the court heard.

Constable Bradley Moyle leaving the Mount Gambier Magistrate, Courthouse where he is facing trial for using excessive force during, the arrest of a heavily intoxicated 20yo Mount Gambier woman. Picture: Arj, Ganesan
Constable Bradley Moyle leaving the Mount Gambier Magistrate, Courthouse where he is facing trial for using excessive force during, the arrest of a heavily intoxicated 20yo Mount Gambier woman. Picture: Arj, Ganesan

Constable Moyle told the court he had shoved Ms Beck into the taxi in the hope she would realise police were serious about potentially charging her with disorderly behaviour.

After receiving a shove to the chest, Ms Beck began swearing and started kicking her legs, which constable Moyle said was the point he decided to arrest her, the court heard.

Ms Beck allegedly grabbed constable Moyle’s collar — preventing her from placing her on her stomach to arrest her, the court heard.

Constable Moyle then punched Ms Beck in the face twice, citing the blows as a police-approved “distraction strike”.

A police spokesman confirmed constable Moyle was suspended with pay from June 24, 2022 and this remained the case.

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