
Springbank Rd traffic chaos fix as simple as a painted median strip? Residents embrace the idea

PAINTING a large median strip on a busy Adelaide road — and including spots for right hand turns — is being embraced as the answer to traffic chaos on the congested route.

RESIDENTS at a public meeting have overwhelmingly supported a plan to paint a median strip on Springbank Rd to improve traffic flow on the notoriously congested thoroughfare.

About 100 people attended a public meeting hosted by the Panorama Clapham Community Group last week to debate two plans being considered by Mitcham Council.

Most residents supported a $2 million option to paint a 2.7m wide median strip along the road, which would include six right-hand turning lanes, and parking bays built into the existing verge.

The residents say this would improve traffic flow through Panorama and Clapham and stop frustrated drivers rat-running through side streets.

Helen Werner, of Panorama, said after the meeting turning lanes would help residents access their homes, particularly during peak hour.

“I get abused when I try to turn right into my driveway … because traffic banks up behind me,” Ms Werner said.

“Sometimes I just go up the hill to help with the congestion (and find another way home).”

Brian Triplow, of Panorama, agreed: “There is a dedicated right turn at Eliza Place off Springbank Rd and that works extremely well.”

“With this, cars can pull into the central median and that would allow other cars to continue travelling along the main road.”

The other plan being considered would see two sets of traffic lights, at Eliza Place and Kent St, installed, and Springbank Rd made a clearway between 7am-10am and 3pm-7pm.

The lights would be about 600m from two existing sets at the Goodwood, Daws and Springbank roads intersection.

Panorama resident Bruce Muggleton said traffic lights would send drivers into residential streets.

“A person coming in and heading west, going over the top of the railway line, will look down and he’ll either see three red lights in front of him or a bank up of traffic,” Mr Muggleton said.

“He’ll just turn off and do the rat-run.”

A Springbank Rd business owner told the meeting traffic lights and a clearway during peak hour would hurt traders.

“Where would customers park when the road is a clearway … you’ll kill any business we have,” he said.

He said motorists would be left with no choice but to park in side streets.

Transport Department spokesman Andrew Excell said painted median strips had proven to reduce car accidents and traffic congestion.

Mitcham Mayor Glenn Spear told the meeting a decision needed to be made so the council did not lose funding for the upgrade.

The State Government committed $1.6 million to the project in its 2015/16 State Budget.

The council has until the end of the financial year to spend the money, and will foot the remainder of the upgrade’s cost.

Both plans will be released for community consultation in February or March and work is expected to begin before the end of the financial year.

The council has not allocated money for the project in its 2015/16 budget.

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